17. Dear Will...

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Dear Will,

How are you? I hope you, el and the rest are doing great. My Dad is home, now for a while anyway so it's nice to have some company in the house that isn't Loki.

Funny you mention your painting because we're doing a huge project in art class too. We're meant to pick a place that means something to us and either draw or paint it. I'm painting the arcade and the movie store for, well obvious reasons.

Max still hasn't talked to me properly since the breakup, well the break up letter, other than if we are both talking to the others and even then it just bes few words.

i don't know what to do. i wish you were here. you were always great at the advice.

Mikes looking forward to see you. once again i'm so sorry i couldn't go, just my dads in town and he wants to spend some time together while he is here. i will go next time or maybe even yous could come here.

How's school going? Did you join a new party yet?

once again i'm sorry and hope you are doing great. Say hi to el and the others for me.


P.s. Happy early Birthday.

Hear we go! Season 4. Enjoy:)

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