12. The Bite.

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"He said he was building something. that it was all for me" eleven explained what happened when she was in billy's mind

"what does that mean? Building something?" Syd asks

"Is he talking about the flayed?" max asked

"he must be." nancy answered

"So he's building an army just like we thought." Lucas was pacing

"Yeah but he's not building this army to spread." mike said

"he's building it to stop eleven." will finished

"Last year, el closed the gate on him. i have a feeling that really pissed him off."

"like royally" lucas added

"And the mind flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him." mike continued

"So if she's gone... he wins and ends the world or whatever" Sydney said

"He also said... he was gonna kill all of you." el said looking around

"Well that's nice" max muttered

nancy got up and walked over to the window. "Do you guys hear that?"

Sydney constraited, there was so faint banging.

"it's just the fireworks" jonathan reassured her

"Billy" Nancy turned around. "when he told you this, it was,here, in this room?"

El nodded. the bangs got louder, will reached to the back of his neck. "He knows we're here"

Jonathan ran to the door and the rest followed. they stood of the drive and looked through the trees. a monster more than 5 times the size of the one in the hospital.

"Shit" Sydney yelled


Nancy and Jonathan went to the shed to get any tool that would help them fight this thing as the teenagers put furniture against windows and doors.

Jonathan threw a baseball bat at syd, "try not to take anyones head off with that"

"Haha." syd laughed sarcastily getting flashback to when she almost took mike's head off last hear while using steve's infamous bat.

they all gathered rounf the middle of the room, weapons out, ready to fight. The dishes and lamps started shaking with the movement of the monster. Sydney brushed against Max's hand for one last time just in case anything happened to either of them.

"It's close" will said, leaves and branches rustling outside. some of the cups hanging up on the wall, fell and smash cauing everyone to jump.

"where'd it go?" max asked when there was a lack of movement. there was silence.

Suddenly a huge shriek blasted through syd's ear and a claw came smashing through the wall causing everyone to run to the sides.

It reached for eleven but Jonathan sunk his axe into the arm just barely cutting the skin. the arm flew around and pushed jonathan up against a wall, his axe flying to the ground. jonathan backed up into a corner as the monster closed in on him.

Nancy fired her shotgun at it, causing it to diverts it's attention onto her instead on jonathan. once again the bullets barely did any damage to the monster as it forced nancy back into a wall.

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