Grand Canyon

770 22 1

The alarm clock had sounded at 5 o'clock and the girls had slept not so much, having taken advantage of the late afternoon and evening to chat, watch movies and much more.

They had packed their bags for the night and then left for the shower, together. Too tired to do anything though. Then they had breakfast and went downstairs, their driver having contacted them.

They were going to make the trip in a Moab Easter Jeep Safari Staff Car, it was a Jeep convertible to enjoy the view. For the moment the top was on, it was 6 o'clock in the morning and even in Arizona, on December 26 the temperature was low. There was a blanket for the trip.

They were now on the road, they had passed by Sadona and its glowing landscape, they had stopped to take pictures of the rising sun on the red rocks of this magnificent picture. Then they continued the journey towards the grand canyon where they spent a good part of the day, taking pictures and visiting.

At 4pm they were at the hotel, they were tired from getting up so early. They decided to take a nap.

At 7:00 p.m. they asked their driver to take them two hours away to White Messa Arch on Navajo land to have a Native American meal, but also to see the starry night in the caves in the area. It was breathtaking. At 2 am they were back at the hotel for a well deserved night.

They wanted to make the most of their trip, so at 8 am they were already ready to leave. They wanted to go to the white sandy beach at Lake Havasu State Park, they didn't know yet if they could swim there. For the trip they asked the driver to go from Ash Fork on Route 66 to Kingman, stopping at the mythical Hackberry General Store.

Stopping several times to take pictures, they arrived at the lake at 1pm.
The view was breathtaking, they took some pictures. The temperature was good for the season, so they decided to swim for an hour. The water was as deep blue as Maya's eyes, it was beautiful.

At 4pm they were back on the road, passing by the Colorado River Indian Reservation, they asked the driver to stop and take some pictures and visit the area and at 6:30pm they were off the reservation and back to the base in Glendale.

At 9pm they finally arrived at the base, these two days had been incredible, they had really enjoyed this trip to the Grand Canyon and had taken the opportunity to visit as much as possible while enjoying themselves.

- "Tomorrow we're doing the spa" Carina says, literally falling onto the couch.

This made Maya laugh. But in the end she agreed she was also exhausted after these two days: "whatever you want Amore-mio".

-"I don't know why your father didn't want us to sleep at your place, with all the things they have planned for us, I'm too tired to make love."

- "Really?" asked Maya with her most charming smile as she reached between Carina's legs and leaned over her on the sofa.

- "Maybe not, dame un baccio"

Maya was very docile when it came to pleasing her girlfriend and she didn't hesitate to kiss her.

- "My legs are too sore to walk but carry me to the room".

- "Anything you want"


The next morning the two young women got up at 9:30. They started with a well-deserved hug, they were naked against each other, the best feeling in the world.

- "I'm staaaaarving" said Maya

- "I can make you French toast if you want?"

- "Hmmm totally!"

- "Give me my shirt please, you threw it away on your side yesterday"

- "Or can you stay naked?"

-" It's a possibility."

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