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- "my love, are you ready? My parents are waiting for us for Christmas dinner at 7pm".

- "don't they live like the house next door?"

- "yes, but it can look good, arriving early, a little"

- "It's 18:40, I have time "

- "yes, but..." Carina walked out of the bathroom, Maya's eyes glued to her staring at her

- "What? Too dressed up? You don't like it? "

- "ah no, on the contrary, you, you are breathtaking"

Carina had opted for a burgundy pantsuit with a slightly long jacket with nothing underneath, just a neckline going to the middle of her chest, but nothing visible. Her hair was all pulled to one side of her head from above.

She looked at Maya: "You too are breathtaking".

- "me? This old thing? Pfff stop"

- "Don't contradict me, will you? You are breathtaking".

In fact they were both. Maya had a navy blue dress stripped in the back, which highlighted her perfect curves.

So they went to Maya's parents' house for Christmas Eve. Mason was on a video call for part of the meal. For him it was already December 25th, but it didn't matter.

- "So Carina, how are the classes going? " Katherine asked.

-"I've never been so focused. It's the only time of the day when I don't think about... About your beautiful daughter" she said, looking at her. She had hesitated to be honest, she didn't want to cast a pall.

The blonde's father spoke up before anyone else could speak: "Carina, Maya, I, I want to ask your forgiveness for this situation. I know that if I had been taken away from my Kathy after our meeting, I could have gone back and forth to find her. I know this is not an easy situation. But I see the love you have for each other. We'll take whatever trips are necessary to make it work. Whether you want to go to Italy or you Carina if you want to come."

They had tears in their eyes. Her father, who at first had not accepted their relationship, was 100% team Marina. She got up and went to take her father in her arms: "thank you dad, I love you, I love you both" she said taking her mother's hand in hers.

- "What about me? "Mason asked through the tablet.

-"Of course I love you, silly. And before you ask I love you too Carina DeLuca" she said before sitting down again.

The meal passed at a crazy speed. The two girls had a light heart to see each other. Even if it was only for a short time they did not want to spoil it by being sad and bitter. During the whole meal they held hands. They were touching. While they were eating their Christmas dinner, Mason was at breakfast, having an 11:30 time difference between Afghanistan and Arizona.

Unfortunately at some point, Mason had to leave to join his squadron.

The evening went on, they talked around the fireplace, a cup of chocolate in their hands.

- "Carina, at your house, do you open presents on the 24th or 25th?" Lane asked

- "we have a tradition, we open one on the 24th and the others on the 25th". Answered Carina

- "Perfect we'll do that then!"

- "you don't have to!" Said she embarrassed.

- "and you didn't have to spend Christmas away from your parents"

-"But you are ... My second family?! " She was embarrassed to say that, maybe they didn't feel the same way about her.

-"Of course, my darling," Katherine said, taking her in her arms, moved.

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