Chapter 13: 7-11

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Kliff awoken from his sleeping bag to yet again another rose. He stared at it. Well he knew that it wasn't gonna stop, and it didn't. But he kinda had a feeling for who it might be, but just thinking about this whole charade sends a shiver of RAGE in his body. It just makes him cringe that the the thought of some over dramatic dumbass keeps doing this without ever confronting him.
He wishes everyone would just fuck off.

The gang was doing training outside their tents when Kliff walked out, he saw the demon king from over yonder perk up-like he had been waiting for Kliff to wake up.
"AHHhhH wAnnA trAiN mAgE tO mAgE mY gOOd siR?" Said the king as he bowed.
"Erm..." Kliff took notice of how weird and nervous Luthier looked. Ha, is he finally realizing who's the better one here?
That's fucking right
He's probably so scared
He smirked, "Heh sure."

Despite that, Luthier stared off. Like he did at the salty spittoon. "Eh...again?"
Kliff slightly punched luthier who didn't budge. He waited for something....anything? Kliff eventually sighed and awkwardly walked away from Luthier.

He went off to his groovy gang. The home bois, the dirt budds.
"Mornin' Kliffy!" Chirped Alm. He had a map of Regalia on the table beside the eggo waffles he microwaved.
"Planning something?" Kliff asked
"Oh haha nah. Actually, i found something rlly funnnyyyy!"
Alm got something underneath the map that look to be some pictures.

"Loookieeeee." He showed them off to Kliff, who cringed when he realized what it was. "Haha look at ussss we were so tiiiinnnyyyy hee hee."
Alm giggled like a preschooler.

There were pictures of all of them, play-fighting, at the beach that was a trip away from the village, and at Alm's house doing all sorts of things.

Like when they all spent the night at Alm's and everyone slept before his warm fireplace (well Alm and Celica stayed up together obviously.)
But that sleepover/hangout, they all had a "fake birthday party" as Alm had described it.

He planned it at school with them cause Alm just LOVES birthday parties and considers his own his favorite holiday.
Kliff thought it was fucking retarded and tried to tell Alm: "YOU CANT HAVE A BIRTHDAY PARTY WHEN ITS NOT UR BIRTHDAY!!!"
But Alm didn't care, cause "Kliff talks smart people talk, and I can't understand that!"

When they stopped playing hide and seek, Alm's grandpa came out with this enormous white cake with six bright candles, three on each side.

Everyone was at the table, and it was already dark and cold outside, as Alm's grandpa explained to all of them:
"This isn't a fake birthday party for ol'Alm here, it's all of your birthdays today. There's one candle for each of ya."

Ever since then, they said that since they all got an extra birthday, they're all a little bit older than anyone else in the world.
Just them and no one else.
They all grew up at the same time together.
And that photo sat there, of everyone wearing those tight and uncomfortable party hats blowing their candles all together.

It's true that Kliff did think it was cute, and he did cherish those memories.
But he wanted to move away from that, for some reason, he just wanted to do something else.
The war is a good distraction, it's a good way to feel like someone else, someone else whose not a poor village kid.
Yet whenever Kliff realizes he's just as embarrassed of his class as everyone else may be, he pretends he doesn't notice it at all.

"Why'd you still have these Alm?"
"Whhaaat???? Cause it's you guys obviously!"

Alm compiled the photos up and stored them in this small pouch on his waist.
"See? They're right here by my side!"

"Yeah but what if it falls off?"
"That won't happen! I super-glued, stabled, sewed, and nailed it to my belt."
Kliff frowned in what the fuck-ness and look down at Alm's belt, and it was indeed a fine mess.
It's at times like this Kliff questions what the eff Celica saw in Alm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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