Chapter 8: Kliff vs. The Demon King

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His bag was literally filled with roses, and Kliff had no idea why this person liked him in the first place. He didn't really know how to feel about it, he decided to ignore it like it wasn't a thing at all. This is a war they're in, he had no time for love. He tried to forget all about it, as the bois walked through some small towns.

"Omgeeeeee, a chick-fil-a!!!!" Squealed Alm, he just ran over to the restaurant without permission.
"Ah...i guess we're eating chicken for lunch." Clive said.
"Yay! Chicken!" All the ram kiddos squealed too—well except good ol kliffy boi. But Grey already got a hold of his arm and pulled him into the chicken burger fiesta that he couldn't run in time.
"Okay okay! Lets get 3 whole giant meals for all of us!!" Alm nodded at everyone.
"Aaaaand I'll get a lil sugar cookie for myself uwu."
Alm got their number card and turn around to the dining area to find a seat, but all of em were full.
"Oh golly! Where are we gunna sit? :00"
Everyone scanned around for some seats, and Kliff spotted one in the way back corner. A large table that could fit all of them, but was only seating one guy—who you couldn't make out cause the light above him was out.
"There's a big one back there." He pointed, and Alm kinda frowned.
"Yeah, it IS the biggest table so..."
Alm hesitantly walked over to the table with his tray and the others followed. Alm went over to the guy with a shadow on his face. He twindled his fingers,
"Erm...Sir, are these seats...taken??"
The guy sat there with his arms crossed all CoOl, then he lit up a fire with his finger that caught everyone's attention. They could see his face now. He had literal fire hair, a red long cloak, an edgy haircut, and a "i don't care bish" face.

"The names' LuCiFer." He said, the fire still burning. "Yes, i am HIM, the one and only," he got up on his chair and raised out his arms. "THE DEMON KING!" He yelled with passion. He was quiet, and everyone else just looked at him. Alm peeked back at the other customers, and it seems they're accustomed to this guy, like its normal.
"Erm, uhm.." Alm smiled, but was obviously weirded out.
Kliff sighed, "Is that really your name?" He was already done with this guy's bullshizz. "Because on your name tag it says Luthier."
Luthier got his name tag, RiPPed it from his cloak, and YeeTed it out the door right when someone opened it.
"NoT nO mOaR."
Kliff glared up at this wannabe edgelord with wtf energy and just went back and hid behind Tobin.
"THe GrEaT kIng nEEds YouR hElp mY lAds."
Alm made :000 face, and leaned in.
"What is it that you neeeed???"
He whispered, and Luthier whispered back.
"I, thE KinG, wiLL nEed tHe EsCoRt oF tHe GrEaT bOyS oF dEliVeRy tO thE grEaT nOrTh tO AiD mY dEvIliSh pRincEss sIster."
Everyone kinda perked up from their chicken burgers. Oh, another lady in distress that needs saving?
"What happened to the princess?? :0"
"ShE bEcAmE a PuPpEt tO tHe eVil TatarraH SauCe AnD gIvEs hIm all HeR oThErWorDlY pOwErS. WE mUsT SavE mY siSter, The pRinCess, fOr I knOw yOu arE aLong thE SamE paTh aS thE kiNg!!!"

Alm clenched his fist with determination,
"Don't worry great king! We will save this poor woman in distress! The princess!"
"AnD i ShAll REpAy yOu wiTh my HeLp in YouR bAtTlEs!"
The two shook hands.
"Wow." Said Tobin as he munched his crispy chicken, "That's probably the fastest I've seen Alm make friends with someone."

After their lunch break, they all ventured out with their new ally. He stuck out from everyone else, since he literally looked like a tall walking fireball. Alm walked right by him, and struggled with what he should talk about.

"Ah, so Luthi—LUcifer" Alm said,
"YeS SiR AlM?"
"Ha lol, im not a noble dude."
"In My eYeS yOu Are, eScoRtiNg a KiNg👑
AnD sUch!"
Alm gulped nervously, "You're a mage, right?"
Luthier nodded, "iNdEed I am, a "Mage" aS yOu mOrtAls CalL iT. But It iS mErEly my PoWerS tAkiNg fOrm oF thE rEaLiTy oF tHis WorLd."
Alm stared at Luthier as they walked, a little bit concerned.
"Riiight...well, we have another mage too! He actually was the only mage for a while, maybe you two can be mage buddies!"
Alm waved over to Kliff.
"Do YoU wIsH fOr Me tO pUrSuE hiS fRieNdShiP??"
Luthier squealed
"Sure, why not?"
Luthier nodded, and made way to Kliff. Who was already annoyed about who was approaching him.

"YoUr nAme aNd oCcUpAtIon mY gOod Sir."
"Wtf." Kliff glared at Luthier—he wasn't gunna fall for his KING persona.
"Ahem. Luthier, you're not no DeMon kiNg, okay? And honestly, i don't care even IF you were."
"yOur NAME AND oCcUPaTioN mY GOoD Sir"
Kliff knew he was already getting on this guy's bad side, so he just let it out.
"Kliff, and I'm a...mage i guess."

Luthier posed elegantly and reaffirmed his voice like a true king.
"JuSt As I, gOod SiR. I wAs hOpiNg We cOulD bOnd in FriEndShiP oVer tHiS fActOr."
Kliff cringed, "Yeah...sure, but uh...just drop the whole king thing then dude. Maybe then i might uh...idk brighten up a bit."

"I cAnNot rElEAse mY thRonE aT a TimE lIkE tHis! My pEoPle nEEd mE!"
He fortnite danced then saluted.
"Do you mean the people back at the village or the underworld???"
Luthier got quiet like he didn't know either.
"My cOmraDes and DeMon sErvanTs i mEan,"

Some Regalian soldiers came outta nowhere and started nae-naeing on them all.
"Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" Said Alm.
"Aight everyone! Let's bust out our moves!" He pulled out his uno reverse card and a picture of Matt.
"There'll be two groups..." He announced to them the strategy plan.
"Me and the great bois—Lukas, Tobin, Ryuji, Faye, and...i gUeSS Clive.."
Clive jumped up in the air.

"Yaaayaaaaz!! I promise i won't miss this time!!"
"😒" Said Alm.
"Alright, the next group—Clair, Silque, and Forewtytyrr will be over there.."
He pointed to the nae-naers.
"Erm...that just leaves...Kliff, Lucifer, and Python.
The three tensed and looked at one another.

"AhHHHhh cool.." Said Python as he yawned. "Jus lettin ya know, i haven't slept at all, so ima miss a lot, nice workin with ya." And he went off in the direction Alm proposed.

Everyone knew Python was actually a lit archer, but he's just so damn lazy he never shows it.
Kliff sighed and glanced at Luthier.
"MaY We bE viCtOriOuS." He bowed.
Which is stupid like, you're suppose to bow afterwards.

The battle began, and the three were more afar from the group in some forests.
"Lol this sucks..." Python laughed.
Kliff glared at him.
"My aim that is—all these things in the way will suck my aiming. Oh well." He collapsed and fell asleep right there in the bush. "Bye."

Bruh okay.
Kliff decided to just abandon this frucktard and go off and rekt the enemy to just be done with. He went off into the direction, but stopped when he saw who was already beaten em up.

"AhhHhH, morTaLs ArE sO WeAK."
The guy Luthier beated up was on fire, but he was already dead so he was just burning. Kliff thought about how fast this kill must've been. Relatively, Luthier was present right by him when talking to Python, but it just the matter of maybe 20 seconds he already has a man down. Kliff was kinda impressed, sadly. He didn't like to admit it.

"You already got him??"
"AS yOU cAn See, i LitErAllY mAdE hiM LiT."
Kliff frowned, well yeah, i can do that too. He went over to another dude and try to rekt him, but the guy nae-naed too hard and dodged. Kliff cursed at the fact that he fricken missed some random dude that no one cares about like seriously this guy is not important. BUT THEN LUTHIER JUST WALKED ON IN AND ONE SHOTTED THIS DOOD AND 🔥 LIT HIM ON FIRE AND BAM WAS DOME WITHS ZTUSO QUAICKLT.

Kliff death stared him, He's fricken done with this wannabe cringe lord.
"That was my kill."
"ANd yOu unSuccEeDEd, I tOoK mY coUrAge aNd hElPeD yOu lIke sAiD fRiEnDs Do HMMm yES..."
Kliff realized that this guy is super densed and stupid and doesn't even realize that he kinda hates him. Friends? There can only be 1!!! mage!!!

"I'm the better mage here, Luthier." He gave him a small punch on the shoulder.
"Not your made up kingship or shitty skills will surpass me. I know I'm far better and more liked." He walked to where Alm was far away out of the woods.

Kliff smirked that Luthier didn't say anything. Hmm, probably thinks its true haha. He'll hopefully open up his true nature then—and maybe just maybe I can be friends with him. Though for now, we're rivals. RiVALs.

He ruined my career-Fernand x Kliff fanfic *really dumb*Where stories live. Discover now