Chapter 12: Don't underestimate

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Berkuoot told Fernado to get the fuck out to Daddy Desaix's castle place thing and Ferdad was like "Okay." He went down there and while lookin out the window like some ficken loser who stares out windows, he had a fringe of nostalgia and felt his homesick get a bit relieved. Over yonder some nobody soldier doods tol em "ay yo keep guard of tha prison e boi" and so Ferdad went over thar and

"What the frick..?"
Fernny caught sight of some bars and saw a gurl in it. It was frucking badass Mathilda what the fuck how she get in there???
"Omg Fernand is that u bruh?!"
"Uhhhh yee"
Fernny remembered Mathlida cuz of can't land a hit Clive. He would always fantasize about her as she would fantasize him. The two were basically inseparable since childhood. Heck inseparable since fetuses. They would always hang out together, them three and Clair too. Clive and Mathilda were so madly in love they engaged in the SaMe yEAR. Sucks for Fernado cuz he kinda had a small crush on badass Mathilda 4 a bit. She's just that badass.
"Ayyy it's been awhile, you're here to rescue me right??"
"Erm..." Well this is awkward. Yeah, duh he's not, but at the same time...would this be beneficial to them—-
BUT Ferny shook his head and said,
"Yeeeeaaah no, I'm uhh, with the, Regelians now."
Mathilda, instead of freaking out, got suspicious. "You don't sound that...justified of that."

Damn she could see right through me!
Mathilda is everything that Clive isn't,
Smarter, badass-er, and can actually hit.
Right now she's being big brain smart.

"Nah I really am Mathilda, I'm..."
Ferny stopped when he caught sight of a certain group walking up the hill to the castle. Oh yes it was, it was the delivery boys. He stopped short, he knew who was gonna be here in a few hours. Then he also realized WHY they were here when he glanced back at Mathilda.

His mind was all jumbled up in what to fricken do. On one side he has "Freeing Mathilda to make Alm'  Kliff's life easier and therefore being more Zofian for the love of his life," OR "Being obedient and not losing his fricken job and getting yelled at by LITERALLY EVERYONE."

Fernand sighed probably the deepest and moodiest sigh he ever sighed. He bent down and unlocked the lock on the cage. He looked up at Mathilda, "Please um, don't tell the others about this when they get here, like Clive. Just...tell them you broke out or something." He was gonna leave it at that when Mathilda said,
"Why are you on their side?"
That made Fernand stopped like in those dramatic anime scenes.

"Your home is with us, with Zofia."
He crossed his arms.
"You and Clive are like broskis, I sure know he misses you so much."
Ferny thot about can't land a hit Clive's sad puppy eyes.

"Sorry," then he walked off.

"Hahaha woooow that castle is almost as big as HIM himself!" Alm and the others laughed as they climbed up the steps. Desaix saw them climbing up and the rolls on his face crinkled up into a smile.

"Hah! Look at yer FrUcTard bAbEy shiThEaDs. Lol We're gonNa rEKt YOU UP."

Alm stopped in the middle of the stairs with a 😦 face, everyone else stopped and did the same thing too.
"'s POOPYHEADS. your profanity, keep it R13..." then he and everyone else continued climbing.

"WhAt the FUCK. DoEs it LOOk 👀 like I cAre?????" Said Desaix. He laughed like a comic book villain. "Yo Clive."

Clivey looked up at fat obese Desaix.
"Got ur gurl stuck in here AhAAhAHAHA LoL, we're gonna SHOOT HER UP. Watch.."
Desaix turned around about to snap away arrows until he realised that Clive's gurl was GONE. He stood there frozen and so did everyone else.


All the delivery boys smiled and just ganged up and K'Od Desaix.

He ruined my career-Fernand x Kliff fanfic *really dumb*Where stories live. Discover now