Chapter 1: Who tf does this albino fruck think he is???

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Fernand thought he was the frucking best. He was hawt, he was a cool rich guy, and he killed weak idiots. He always believed he was the smartest of the smart, even at times when he really was not. He was part of the 'Deliverance' and was pretty dang proud of it. I mean, serving your country deems a honor and a cool chat with the ladies. Him and Sir Clive sure thot so. Clive was the leader of the Deliverance—
to save Zofia from Regalia and do all that cool shiz. They didn't get far though, and honestly didn't do much either. Fernand wanted to fricking kill, and asked dumbass Clive—or his nickname, Mr.Can't land a hit—one day what's up.
He walked in on Clive and Python and Forestyhyyytty that were observing a map.
"Oh, are we finally strategizing an ambush of some kind?" He asked.
"Ah! Fernand!" Cheered Clive, he patted Fernand's shoulder and brought him closer to the table.
"Well, yes, it is an ambush actually." Clive nodded.
Fernand's eyes lighted up, "I-is that so? Then I should get my sword-ah-are we heading into Regalia?"
Clive stopped and looked away with a awkward smile. He didn't say anything.
Neither did the other two, but they all had the same weird smile.
"Ahaha, well actually.." Clive stuttered,
and Fernand's smile quickly morphed into the deepest frown.
"We were planning on raiding something else."
Fernand blinked, "Raiding?? That's completely different from an ambush.."
Clive smiled, "Yes well..erm, Fernand, do you keep up with what's in nowadays?"
Fernand quirked his eyebrows,
"What question is that?? What does that pertain to??"
"What we're gonna do." Python said.
Fernand glanced back and forth at all of them. His hope of conquest fading into the abyss, and any hope that he had in these idiots.
"What in the world is...that?" He said, with a bit of fear in his voice.
Clive smiled again, and slowly muttered,
"We' RedRobins?"
Fernand stood there, glaring at them all.
He was taking in their stupid faces for whenever he REKTS them. He didn't say a word. Fernand turned away from them and walked out to the hall.
"Hey Fernand!" Cried out Clive. Fernand scowled at his voice. Why tf was he even hoping Clive was doing something proficient for once? He could be so pathetic at times. Why he's better off at Regalia of all places than with these bimbos.
"Fernand, Fernand." Clive cleared his voice to reason with him.
"Now it may seem like we aren't doing much, but we are little by little."
"And how are we doing that with raiding a fucking RedRobins?"
"Wellll...what if I told ya it was a RedRobins by Regalia?"
Fernand was so done with Clive's frucking answers. This was the leader of the Deliverance? Not only can his once cool friend miss five times in a row but he also doesn't even do the misson he says he will?
"Yes, and maybe I'll go on by myself to take back Zofia. I really think I can do that."
"You can't take on Regalia all on your own Fernand!" Laughed Clive.
"Look, I know you really wanna get out there already. But...I don't think we're all ready yet."
That's just called Procrastination.
"I think we're just fine." Fernand turned to look at Clive.
"Maybe it's our leader that isn't ready yet." He walked on to end the conversation at that but Clive pressed forward.
"We all need to gain more experience to take on an empire Fernand."
Fernand stopped. Possibly wondering all the ways he can roast his no hit wonder friend.
"Maybe you're ready for it. But we're all in this together. And it's just the four of us. So stick with us till Zofia is ours, please?" Clive begged.

Fernand thought about it.
He thought about how easy it is to stay and how easy it was to leave. He knew it would be stubborn to not serve his country just because three idiots can't do anything, so he sighed.
"Will you leave me alone for a bit if I do?"
"Yeah sure."
Fernand stepped back through the door, and Clive jumped with glee.
"Ha! Knew you had a soft side!"
"Shut—" Fernand instead shut himself up before he cursed tf out of Clive. He just ran to his fricken room before Clive said anything and slammed the door.
He punched his fist down at the table, and cursed beneath his breath. Why did he stay? He really could've just walked out and gone back to his life of luxury. He didn't care about 'gaining experience' and for sure didn't care about raiding restaurants. So why did he stayed? He looked up and glanced out the window, and remembered why he stayed. Because Zofia was the place his family once reside, and no way in heck was he gonna let someone take that away. Him and his budds were gonna claim it back, restore it, nurture their home back to its glory. Save it. As like how they would save the day back then. He's just hoping that someday...just someday...Clive would stop making big dumb decisions. Like i dunno raiding a McDonalds to steal all the happy meal toys. That doesn't sound so Deliverance-y. They could take back their home with elegance. And be praised for centuries.
"That'll definitely happen..."
He whispered to himself, as he layed in bed and looked up at nowhere.
"It will..."

He ruined my career-Fernand x Kliff fanfic *really dumb*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя