Can someone get this off

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Y/n woke up, around four in the morning, his back didn't hurt anymore, he breathed a sigh of relief, stood in front of the mirror, lifted his shirt, and saw that the damn leech was still there.
The beetle was on its back, motionless, in the same position it had been in a few hours before. He tried again to take it off and felt as if someone was pulling on his spine, from the inside.

Desperate with fear, he went downstairs, trying to be as quiet as possible, Y/n went to find his mother's computer, which was left on the kitchen table. While the computer turned on, Y/n got up to get a glass of milk, to calm his nerves a bit.
I googled "Scrabble" and a list of all the beetles in the world came up, then I searched for "Poisonous Beetle" but nothing came up. He went back to his previous search and looked at all possible beetle pictures, he looked for the exact type of beetle on his back, but couldn't find it.

The thing attached to his back did not exist, it did not belong to any type of beetle in the world. While Y/n investigated the pain in his back, he heard footsteps in his parents' room, turned off the computer, and put it back where she had left it before his mother arrived.

-Y/n, what are you doing up so late in the morning? You scared me, I thought there was a thief-she said relieved
-I had a nightmare and I came to drink milk-Y/n said making up an excuse on the spot.
-Are you nervous, is something wrong? Don't tell me you dreamed about the alien snake girl that terrifies you so much. If you want, I'll go up to your room and scare her, as I used to scare monsters like when you were little-said the mother smiling
"No thanks, I'll be fine," Y/n said, blushing with embarrassment.

-Okay, when you finish, clean your glass and go to bed. You have to go to school early tomorrow-Y/n's mother said, going back up the stairs.
-If tomorrow I wake up alive- Y/n said in his mind.
Tomorrow he would have school, but what if that beetle did something like that again? What is resting and will return to the attack at any time? He couldn't make up an excuse not to go to school, his mother would find out right away.
He had nothing but that bug on his back, and he couldn't say to his mother, "Hey Mom, I have a weird beetle stuck to my back" or "I passed out from this thing yesterday. Should I not go to school today? "

He decided that he would go to school like every day, and if the beetle stung him again, he would run to the bathroom, after all, he had no choice. Y/n drank all the milk, washed the glass as his mother had instructed him, left it where he had taken it, and went straight upstairs to his room, resigned that if the worst were to happen, there would be no way to heal...
He lifted his shirt again, he wanted to see it again, he touched it to see if it moved, but it was completely still, it almost looked like a beetle-shaped button sewn into the skin, it didn't breathe, it didn't move, it was completely still.

Deciding to leave him alone for the night, he went to bed, if only for a few hours, before the actual time he had to get up. Y/n was so nervous, about the idea that this bug could hurt him again at school, that he couldn't even think of the figure he would have made, if a teacher had seen him, pass out on the floor in the middle of class.
"If only I hadn't picked you up off the ground," Y/n said.

Y/n was the whole time thinking about what he could answer, in case someone noticed that thing. In the end, the alarm clock rang while he was still awake, when he got out of bed, he was still tired, he had barely slept.
He had no choice but to change, grab his backpack and go downstairs. His mother was making blueberry pancakes, he loved them, especially in the morning. Y/n sat at the table and ate pancakes while his mother had coffee and cookies.

"Oh my God, I'm late for work!" said the mother, looking at the clock. She got up from the table and grabbed her bag.
"Good morning, both of you!" Y/n's mom said in a hurry, grabbing the car keys and leaving the house.
Y/n finished eating and took the backpack, now it was his turn to go out, it was his turn to deal with this situation, to go out into the street, afraid of what people might think, of having a button on the back of his neck, maybe they think it's a piercing, but when that piercing shines blue Y/n again until he passes out, only fate will decide what will happen.

Y/n spent the whole day of classes, feeling that in addition to the small eyes that were staring at the back of his neck, Y/n felt how the small eye daggers were stabbing at him, they were the eyes of the other students, before the strange thing that he had on the back of his neck, that when recess came around, they rushed, like a tsunami, over Y/n, to ask him about that strange thing.

- What do you have on your neck farmer? Here among all, we think it's a tick-asked Colin sarcastically, the most unpleasant and scary girl in the whole class.
"It's a piercing," Y/n said, surprising the entire classroom, including the Spanish teacher at the time, who, fortunately, restrained himself from calling Y/n's parents, assuming that being 14 years old, they must have It was the parents who have allowed this barbarity.
"But what does that piercing on the back of your neck mean?" Colin asked even more confused.
-It means hard work, working until you pass out, for what you believe, for your family, for your life, because in the end, you work, study, and above all, to stay alive-said Y/n celebrating inside, having invented, One of the best excuses of your life.
"Well, let me tell you, it looks like you have a bug-shaped piercing on your upper back with its antenna going to your neck, the idea is good, but consider first, the place where you will put the piercing and the message it conveys," Colin said showing Y/n the piercing she has on her split tongue.

Fortunately, the students were very comfortable with Y/n's explanation, and the other half of the school day passed normally, without pressure, at times Y/n forgot the danger that it could represent for him, that this insect stung again, but fortunately, none of that happened.
Leaving class, Y/n was walking home, suddenly, he notices how a very particular car, a black Chevrolet, four doors, with a license plate from a very distant state, was following Colin, suspiciously, Y/n, as he was two blocks behind her sensing something odd, was going to occur.

"Hey kid, could you tell me where the mall is?" said the man who was driving the Chevrolet, but there was more than a single man, Y/n sensed this because the closer he got to Colin, the more people were in the mysterious car.
-This is a small and nearly desolate town, there are no shopping centers here- Colin said confused, but that was the answer they were looking for, and the exact moment to ask it since behind Colin, there was a dead end.

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