Nervous excitement

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Hello anyone that happens to read this what I have here is my first written MHA fanfic. My  main objective's with story writing is to have a fun time and broaden my writing abilities as well as giving readers a good read ( I could come up with something a tad more profound but you get the point). The Y/n in this story is based off of an old(really to this day) favorite DC character 🥁 drumroll ................. BLUEEEEEE BEEEETTTTLLLEEI !!! (Imagine an uproar of audience applause)..... Yeah that's pretty much the gist of what I wanted to say soooo look forward to it!( if you want)
Also if haven't stopped progress on my other stories (if anyone is wondering) I've just been trying to get this and another story up and running ok have a great morning/midday/evening/night .

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