time goes fast

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2 years later...

Dami Mathews

I woke up to the blasting sound of my alarm and groaned in annoyance.

"I fucking hate my life." I sat up and started at the floor for about 5 minutes waiting for my brain to activate.

I got up, had my shower and started getting dressed.

I wore a cream turtle neck paired with a black fitted blazer and a tight black bodycon skirt with black tights, wearing my black loafers.

My hair was down, wavy and a bit puffy in a side parting.

I grabbed my hand bag and made my way downstairs, not even greeting my brother because i couldn't be asked.

"Morning dad." I entered the kitchen and gave my dad a hug and smile.

"Good morning princess. How are you?" He smiled and gave me a hug back.

"I'm okay." I sighed.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, i'm good, dad." I forced a small smile on my face.

"I know you're not being honest with me but i'll leave you alone. But be good in school! I'm serious no arguing with teachers." He pointed his fork at me indicating he was being serious.

"Yes dad. I willll" I started leaving the kitchen.

"You're not eating anything?" He asked

"Oh, no i'm not hungry. I'll eat later at school."

"Okay. Bye my princess. Tell your brother to not be late. I'm not dropping him o."

"Okay i will."

"Michael hurry up, man!" I yelled from downstairs. I don't even care if he didn't hear me, that's his own.


"Yo Miss, you got backkk." I heard some yr10 boys laugh and make sly comments as i walked past.

I subconsciously pulled down my skirt and continued going towards the library for my free period. The fact these likkle boys have the chest to say that to me is absurd.

"Hey Liz." I gave Liz a hug as i sat next to her on the table.

"Hey bae. You okay?"

I nodded my head yes.

"You?" I asked back.

"Ehh, pushing through. I'm stressed bro."

"Felt, man."

"You spoken to Zakai?" Liz asked while opening her pencil case.

"Don't think i ever will." I shrugged and started writing in my book.

"Okay. I'm here for you." She gave me a small smile which i reciprocated.


After studying, it was now lunch and i listened to music through my airpods, burying myself in my thoughts like usual, until i was interrupted by Michael.

"Yo, Dami."

"Hi Michael."

"You good yeah?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Why does everyone keep asking me that?

"Aight. I'm going shops to buy lunch do u wanna come?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

I was bored in the first place and i was a bit hungry as i didn't have breakfast.

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