silent treatment

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After school

"What's good peng ting!" Armani plopped next to me on the couch.

After school everyone decided to come to my house just to chill.

Everyone including Michael, Zakai, Armani, Chan and Liz, but Jordan wasn't here because he had to sort something out with his mum.

I felt so bad after he told us what he's been through with his mum and i made sure i let him know that i was always here to talk if he needed to. He was gonna come around later though.

"Hey Armani. How you feeling?" I smiled and side hugged him.

"Mans feeling good still. But i wanted to talk to you, init."

"About what?"

"What's your friend Liz saying?" He then started staring at Liz.

"LOOOL." I laughed loudly and everyone started looking at me.

"Do you like her?!" I whisper yelled.

"Bro, chillll. You gonna help a nigga out or nah?" He sighed.

"Of course! I'll speak to her about it." I grinned.

"Come onnnn." He smirked and spudded me.

I literally love hooking my friends up. Not my two besties gonna start dealing.

"Yo, let's play a game." Michael said while on his phone.

"What game?" I asked intrigued.

"21 dares."

"Ooooo" Everyone said and looked at each other.

"Alright let's do it." Kai said while he grinned and winked at me.

I don't know why he's looking at me please... what's he thinking?

"I'll go first." Michael smiled.

"No do you think you're smart Michael? I'll go first." I smiled sarcastically and he kissed his teeth.

"1,2" I started.

"3,4,5" Said Armani.

"6,7,8" Said Chan.

"9,10" Said Liz.

"11,12,13." Zakai said.

"14" Michael said.

"15" I said.

"16" Armani said.

"17" Chan said.

"18" Liz said.

"19" Said Zakai while smirking.

I started to clock what they were doing.

"20" Michael started smirking.

"21." I said and everyone started laughing.

"Fuck you lot." I laughed.

"Aight i dare you to whine on Kai." Armani tried to hide his smirk.

"Chai! You freaky fuck." I hit his shoulder.

"Come on girl you got this." Chan and Liz said tryna make me feel more comfortable.

"Errr not infront of me. Call me when you lot are done." Michael got up and left the living room causing everyone to snigger.

Liz got the laptop on the table.

"What song?"

"Erm," I thought about it.

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