25. Fires at Night (II)

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

"Ah, Volo is talking about our search for Plates. These mysterious engravings may be the key to understanding the origin of the rifts... At least I hope so.", replies Akari.

"What do they say?"

"When the universe was created, its shards became this Plate.", pronounces Volo.

The merchant reaches into his bag and hands you a dented brown plate. Despite its state, the writing on it in the ancient language is still legible.

"That is an archeological treasure!", you cry out, impressed. You present it to Sneasel who sniffs it with curiosity. "And it's so old already!"

"Oooh, you're no amateur, I reckon!", Volo rejoices. "Another plate reads: the Original One is in all things..."

"The Original One is nowhere at all.", you finish his sentence.

"H-how did you know, (Name)?!", asks Adaman, shocked.

"This is actually an extract from religious scriptures... If I recall, this is one of the verses related to the birth of the Creator of the Universe."

Seeing everyone's baffled expression, you attempt to explain:

"Hum, I mean, I don't claim to be a theologian or an archeologist, but that just sounds like the kind of things you hear when you go to church, though I'm not practising..."

"What's a church?", wonders Adaman.

"It's a place of cult, where you pray to your God, or gods, even goddesses, depending on your religion. It's a little like the altar we have in our huts, here, at the Diamond Settlement, but larger and located in one single room for everyone to gather.", you struggle to make it clear to all of them. "Maybe it rings a bell to you, Akari and Ingo?"

"I can't say it does..."

"I haven't the faintest idea.", they reply, hesitant.

"So that Creator is actually the great Sinnoh, I presume?", resumes Adaman.

"I'm unsure, but it's likely an ancient denomination. In my world, we call the Creator Arceus. Though, not everyone believes in Him. Some assume He is a character of legends."

"Since ancient times, my clan and the Pearl clan believed Sinnoh to be Dialga or Palkia, calling one another heretics for worshipping a phoney God. All of us have been squandering our time by making stupid wars at each other, and all of that pain and suffering for what? All of us were wrong from the beginning."

"According to the texts, Dialga and Palkia were born from Arceus Himself. So technically, it isn't incorrect to say that both of them are God, or at least a part of Him.", you reassure Adaman.

"Two beings of time and space set free from the Original One... Another Plate says.", remembers Volo, placing a hand under his chin. "Excellent, (Name)! After all, with Akari's strength and your memory of the world on the other side of the rift, you may be able to asnwer that seemingly unsolvable riddle!"

That perspective makes him smile from ear to ear.

"Tell me, if you've previously sought Dialga and Palkia's assistance to close the rift, can't they do something about the smaller ones? And possibly re-open one for us to leave this place?", you suggest.

Akari shakes her head.

"I tried, but unfortunately, they don't seem to hear my calls and prayers. Neither are the three Legendary Pokémon of the lakes."

"In my opinion, that's because the Almighty Sinnoh still needs you here. Your time hasn't come yet.", speaks Adaman, who continues with a mocking tone, "Hey, what's with the long face? We're all happy to have you here, you know! To be honest, none of us are ready to let you go yet! I also hope that you'll miss us, even a little!"

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