6: Trusting You

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Manik's pov

"Manik you remember you asked me about my father?" Here comes the truth I knew she will tell me the truth

"Yeah, so?"

"I don't have anything connected to him with me"

"Why?" She looked at me

"Because I never felt like to keep his belongings with with me"

"You never liked him?"

"I don't know! I mean I never felt like he is my father. After my mom he never saw me he was always busy with his works and his girlfriend that he never saw me he forgotten he has a daughter to take care off. I was Hand overed to nanny in the age of 3 years only and till I turned 15 she was the only one taking care of me. I felt like I lost my father as well along with my mother"

"You never complained to him?"

"I did once and he said he is working hard for my future! For my fucking future. Alas I was never able to make him understand that I don't need this richness and all I needed his love which he never given me. He had time to spend with that Bitch but not me. And when he died I didn't cried bot for once till today as it wasn't shocking for me. He died leaving all these duties on me with just 20 years of my age I didn't knew how to handle business because there was no one to teach me then with time I understood but still I don't miss him. I miss my mom Whom I have never seen in reality but my dad no! I craved for love but he ignored. He wanted me to become what he wants But I did the opposite I became the most selfish and badass. I start using drugs smoking and then sex everything I did just to disgrace him but before he could find out he passed away" She said

"So that was the reason of you being so badass?" I asked and she nodded

"I left smoking and drugs but sex was like a addiction I wasn't able to stop myself and I am still not able to" she said looking at the sky

"You are brave, I mean you had your dad but still you were alone to fight with yourself and the loneliness I know how it feels and I must say you are a brave girl" I said and she smiled

"You know I never shared this secret with anyone" she said holding my face

"But you shared with me?"

"Its because I trust you" she said

He words shook by whole body for a second. I don't know what happened to me but something happened. I stood up leaving towards my car but she held my hand

"Manik! What happened?"

"Nothing I just remembered I have an urgent work to do" saying so I opened the door of car but she again stopped me

"Have I said something wrong?" She asked again holding my face

"I don't know Nandini but this is not feeling right"

"What Manik?"

"Listen Nandini don't even think of Falling for me... I have a girlfriend!" I lied

I don't know what just happened to me But I was not in my senses

"Are you serious?" She chuckled

"I am not lying!"

"You stupid you think I will ever fall for you? Never! I told you I don't believe in love and I will never believe love is fake and just a waste of feelings nothing else" she said

"Then why you trust me?"

"Because somewhere I know you will not share my things with anyone" She said and I sighed "Anyways good luck with your life!" She said and left

Fuck you Manik Malhotra just Go and Bang your fucking head somewhere. Like What, What you even thought before lying? Your plan was to trap her in your love but you, you pushed her away, you dumbass!


Days passed and guess what she is ignoring me from that day she is keeping distance and its all about work and work now I am really a stupid!

"Manik!" She called and I left towards her table

"Yes Nandini!" I said and she looked at me

"How many times I have to repeat? Its Mam!" She said

I forgot to tell we are back on mam thing!

"I am sorry mam!"

"I need a black filter coffee" she said and I left

I was preparing the coffee when I got a call from Cabir

"Yes bro!"

"Dude I have A very good news to share with you"

"What it is?"

"I just got to know that your mom is recovering" As soon as he said I lost my balance

"Say you are kidding?"

"No dude I am not as soon as doctor told me I called you she is recovering"

"I can't believe this after fucking 13 years she is coming back to the life I just can't believe"

"Even I can't Manik But I am glad"

"Thank you so much Cabir I can't express what I am feeling right now"


Coming back to the room I placed the cup in front of her adjusting my spectacles

"Why so happy?" she asked

"Why are you asking? None of your concern"

"Don't forget you are standing in my office"

"But Its my personal thing and I don't want to share?"

"Ok then go and do your work"

I sat on my place continuously starring her I have to make another plan now! She has to fall in love with me

"What? Is there anything on my face?"


"Then why are you starring me?"

"You are looking hot" I said

"Thanks but focus on your work I need the file ready by evening" she said and I smirked

I went near her taking off my glasses I lean down


"I need to know about last year's record of losses the company had" I said huskily almost on her face

"I don't have them plastered on my face go and check in archive room" she said without any expressions

Before I could do anything she got a call, she picked up

"Hello... Hello? Is anyone there? Hello? Dad?"

I was shocked to listen her words!

Alina ❤

Her Personal Assistant 18+✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя