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Nandini's pov

Its been A year and 3 months to us staying away from each other. Yeah and trust me that was the best decision I ever took not because we are staying away from each other but because I because an independent girl. I am working in a textile company from 6 months.

And about Manik, da... I mean his father declared him the CEO and told everyone about their relationship. I am glad Manik forgave him

Last night I got a call from Cabir he asked me to come back I don't know from where he got my number but he did and he promised me he won't tell Manik until I ask him to and I know I can trust him.

"What are you thinking babes?" I turned around listening Mukti's voice

"Nothing just about my life"

"Not again, Why you always think about it rather than doing? Nandini you should call him now you are independent now you did what you wanted now what? I think its enough"

"I am thinking the same but I don't know why my heart... I am scared I don't know why I feel like he has moved on"

"Seriously? If he did so than why Cabir called you last night?"

She is right!

Mukti is my co-worker as well as best friend. We randomly met at a coffee shop and now we know each and everything about each other.

She had a breakup 2 years ago but she is still not over from it. She don't pretend but I know it still affect her. That person still affect her. He was Harshad, I saw his picture on her phone they both looked quite cute with each other but he was a jerk.

"Yeah I am still confuse and scared"

"That's you habit there is nothing new to hear. Well I came here to tell you that I am going on a party tonight with Zubin and you are coming as well"

"No way I am not as I have an important project to work on I have to show this project till next week"

"Oh please Nandini don't start all over again This project and all is not gonna give you any profit because one day you will leave this job and work in NM"

NM Is my... Manik's company and you know what from all these years I thought its the short form of Niresh Murtiy but actually its N for Niresh and Nyonika and M For Manik

"Maybe I won't"

"You wanna bet?"


"See I know"

"Ok fine I will go but one condition"

"Huh and here comes up you condition again. Ok I promise I won't force you to drink fine?"


"Yeah now you do your project and I am going for some shopping"


She left While I nodded my head in disbelief.

I am glad I met her. The emptiness of not having a friend is now fulfilled!


We entered the pub everyone was enjoying in their own way, some were dancing, some were drinking while some were gossiping around.

"Trust me you are gonna love it" She said in my ear

"Let's see"

I sat on the bar asking for a lemonade

"Hey beautiful lady what about a dance?"

"Not now"

"Now or never"

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