15: A Side I never Seen!

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Nandini's pov

As soon as I entered the house I saw Cabir standing there talking with the guard about something. I looked around to see no one

"Cabir... Manik where is he?" I asked

"After coming back from crematory ground he directly went to Nyo mom's room and he is still there. I just don't know how to handle him I am sorry I called you but I wasn't getting any other way"

"I am glad you called me Cabir, thankyou. I just come!"

I left towards the room. Opening the door I saw him sitting on floor near bed while his back was touching the bed. He was holding a photo frame in his hands

I went near him taking a deep breathe fighting with my own emotions I finally got a courage to speak

"Manik!" I called out his name and he looked at me

He given me the weak smile looking back at the photo

"You here?" He asked I sat in front of him

"Manik I..."

"Please don't be sorry I am tired of listening this words from everyone" He said

I tilt up his face to see the tears in his eyes. He was genuinely crying.

"Manik you have to be strong I... I know its not easy for you but..."

"But... Why can't I get a little happiness why? What sin I have done to bear so much like what is my fault to be left alone by everyone everytime? I know I am a boy A man so what? Why can't I cry? Why can't I show my emotions? I lost my mom...my mom so what do you all expect me to do? Laugh ok let me... Hahahahaha, is it ok?" It was like he was talking to himself

"Manik you wanna cry? Then cry I won't stop you... I promise. Wether you cry one hour or 10 I am here sitting besides you to hold you and listen to you" I said sitting besides him

He looked at me for a few seconds before taking me in a bone crushing hug and the next moment he was crying.

"Why she left so soon? Wasn't I taking good care of her? I was trying my best to give her everything needed but still she chose to leave me why? Why this always happens to me, Nandini? First my dad left us then my unborn sister what was her fault to get the punishment then..." He stopped

His girlfriend?

"Then you" I broken the hug looking at him his eyes were watery while his voice was huskier. "I know It was all my fault but the thing is you left and now my mom! I don't want any revenge anymore Nandini fuck this world I wanna die. I want to go to my family!" He said getting up

"Manik calm down" I said stopping him by holding his hand

"No I don't want to calm. I have had enough Nandini I just don't fucking care about anyone anymore" He said

"Not even about me?" I asked

He looked at me. I went close to him wiping the tears from his cheeks. I kissed his forehead. He hugged me tightly hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"Help me Nandini, Please Help me. I want peace, I want a simple life without any tensions and worries. I want to forget everything happened to me till now please help me" he said

"I am always there for you Manik and I will help you, we will fight this together and we will win"


Its night time he is sleeping hugging my tummy tightly while I am caressing his hairs. He is just like me... Alone!

Like the way I have no one he is also alone. Maybe he has Cabir but still the family is family. I kissed his forehead again

"I promise Manik I will always remain by your side. I will never leave you till my last breath"

I came out of the room to see Cabir laying on the couch starring the ceiling.

"He slept!" I said while he sat up

"Come sit" I sat near him while he stood up "I just come!" He said and left towards the kitchen

He came back after of a while with a plate in his hands

"I thought you must be hungry so I... Anyways have it" he said

I start eating while he sat besides me again.

"How this happened Cabir? She was getting well day by day so what happened suddenly?"

"She... Please don't tell Manik that I already knew, please"

"I won't"

"She was a cancer patient. She didn't wanted to tell Manik about this because she knew he will force her for the treatment and she didn't wanted to"

"But why?"

"She wanted to die, she said she is tired of living like this, Hospitalized! When we came home I said her to tell Manik as now you can have a treatment but she denied and..." He said

"What if Manik gets to know this? He will hate her" I said

"I know that is the reason we lied to him that it was an heart attack. Please don't ever split it out Nandini I don't want him to hate her mother"

"I won't Cabir don't worry you can trust me"

"I know I can"

I concentrate on my food as soon as I finished he again gain my attention

"Manik loves you" his words just registered in my mind


"He loves you I know he won't ever show but he do not from today not from yesterday but from the day he lost you, I know he has done a lot wrong with you but trust me he is not like that you can say his time is not going so good. But he really loves you I don't know about you but looking at you I can smell the same fragrance Nandini"

"I don't love him"

"Ok as you say but still I wanted to tell you about him. Maybe you will never forgive him for what he did but please for once try to understand him then you will get to know what he is actually, A pure kid whose father was being murdered. You know what when you will look inside him you will find the same 10 years old Manik there who is still trying to get his father back somehow" he said

I was going to say something but the voices inside the room stopped me. I ran inside to see him having a piece of mirror in his hand while he had already cut his arm

"Manik!" I shouted

"Fuck!" It was Cabir


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