"Yeah, I get that," he says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Although, I would like to go visit James," I say and his head whips round.

"Who's James?" He says quickly.

"What the fuck, um he's just a man I know," I say, looking at him confused.

"A man?" Harry says, sarcasm dripping through his voice.

"What is wrong with you," I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"Thought you wernt seeing anyone," he says as he looks ahead of him. A small smile plays on my lips and I try to hide it from him.

"Styles, the man's like ninety," I say with a laugh, his face relaxes into a small smile.


"You cared," I say, jumping to my feet and pointing at him.

"No I didn't," he rolls his eyes, swimming back and forth.

"You so did," I say laughing. Harry Styles cared about the fact I might be dating someone, and for some reason that didn't make me smug, or make me feel like I had something against him, it made me happy.

The slightest fact, that he cared who I was dating made my whole mood change, and my face, not let go of the smile it has on it.


"Table for 6 please," Louis says as we walk into a pub restaurant. "At the back please," he adds.

We get taken up to a table at the back and sit down. They hand us menus and we thank them. We all order our food and sit, talking and laughing. We all eat quickly before going back through the back door and into the venue. We see Paul and our stylist Lou, sitting waiting for us.

"Ok, Lou, you do the boys first, and then Jayden," Paul says as he gestures to the boys. I get my phone out and sit, answering a few messages from Jamie asking her everything is. She doesn't answer. I sigh and message James, telling him my first show is tonight, he answers back pretty quick saying how proud he is.

"Jayden, your up," she says and I realise it's just me in the room, all the boys are in the room behind all laughing. "There getting changed," she says, realising what I'm looking at.

"Oh ok," I say with a laugh. I sit in the seat and she straightens my hair again, before applying some minimum make up.

"Is that ok?" She asks and I smile, I was glad I wasn't being changed for this, I didn't like wearing millions of make up, and I never really suited dresses.

"Perfect," I smile, she walks away and brings back an outfit.

"Go get changed in there," she nods to the room the boys are in. "I know it sucks, but at some point your gonna be living with them in a bus, your gonna have to get used to it," she says with a shrug, I groan and walk up to the door.

I knock before opening the door and slipping in. Everyone's eyes snap to me and I take in what is happening. All the boys are walking around in only underwear, as they play some sort of chasing game.

"What the fuck is happening," I mutter. My eyes trail over to Harry, before trailing down his stomach towards his torso, he has slight abs, my eyes snap away as I realise what's happening.

"Get out" Harry says as he grabs his black skinny jeans, attempting to pull them on.

"I've to get changed in here as well," I say, all the boys shrug and start putting there trousers or jeans on. I can feel someone's eyes on me as I walk towards the corner of the room, I glance to my side and see Harry is now moving considerably slower than when he first put his jeans on. I roll my eyes and put my outfit on a chair in front of me. I face my back to the boys, sure that most of them wouldnt want to look anyway. The problem was the scars, I had a good few slashes on my back that had scarred and a lot more of my front.

I slide my top off and leave me in only my sports bra,  I hold up the top I have to wear and realise I wouldn't have needed a bra anyway, I put the top down and slide my sports bra over my head, careful not to mess up my hair or make up. I move quickly after that, trying to to draw attention to the marks over my skin.

I can still feel someone's eyes staring into me, I can hear all the boys talking together, everyone's voice easy to make out. Everyone but one. Harry's. Harry is silent, making me believe he is the one watching.

I grab the black top and slide it on, there were straps over my shoulder, with two more on each side that met us with it, forming a triangle. Golden buttons were at the top of the triangle. The material met in the middle of the top, with only a gold button holding to, the bottom had loads of strips of back material none of them touching.

I then pulled my joggers off, leaving me in my black underwear, I reached for the trousers and pulled them on. The tight black material hugging my thighs nicely. I turn round and notice Harry's eyes watching me intently, while the other boys messed about. He was still fidgeting with his white tshirt, meaning he hadn't done anything the whole time I was changing.

His eyes snapped from my gaze towards his hands. I look down at his torso again, his stomach muscles prominent. I suddenly realised what I was doing and my eyes snapped away quickly. I turned away and put my head in my hands stressed.

What am I doing? I am staring at Harry Styles stomach like he's some god, I hate the man. And I'm about to go on stage soon, in front of thousands of people. What am I thinking. I cant do that. Why am I here? I shouldn't be here. I don't belong on a stage with the boys, they are amazing singer, they can sing properly, I work at a pub. That's were I belong.

What am I doing? I need to cover these marks.

I take a deep breath and turn, walking towards the door. I walk past the boys quickly, making them go silent as they watch me concerned. I close the door behind me, Paul looks at me confused and Lou turns round at my presence.

"Did I ruin my hair or make up?" I ask quickly, struggling to breath. "I need some foundation and a blender please," I say quickly as she hands me it, I grab it and turn to leave quickly.

"No, it's perfect still, are you ok?" Loud asks me and I nod.

"The outfits amazing," I say, concentrating on my breath. "How long do we have until the stage," I continue; my hands shaking slightly.

"Half an hour maybe?" Paul says looking at his watch.

"I'm going to get some air, I'll just be there," I point towards the back door me and the boys came in through. I don't wait for an answer as I speed away, trying to slow my breaths.

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