Chapter 2

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Tw: Death, murder, blood, drugs, drug dealing. Let me know if I missed anything-

*??? Pov* (later in the day)

The night sky loomed over me with a subtle moonlight that casted out just enough light for me to see.

I took in a deep breathe, and exhaled, it was still cold enough at night to see my own breath.

I checked to see if I had everything for this mission.

Knife? Check. Smoke bombs? Check. Phone? Check. Gun? Check. And the list continues. Luckily I had everything, letting me do another deep breath in relief, stupid paranoia.

I knew no one would pin this crime on me, I mean who would suspect me to do it, a small little robber to do such a big crime. I mean, no one has pined a murder on me, well not yet, since no one seemed to have found any bodies, or if they had, no evidence lead to me. Thank god.

I walked around the roof top I was on, some dude wanted to meet me here for some drugs, ugh, having to do peoples dirty work suck.

I heard the door creak open and I quickly put on my face mask, since I don't want people knowing my identity.

The dude proudly walked over to me, maybe a little to confident.

"Hey man, got me my stuff?" The man asked, moving his black hair out of his eyes.

"Yeah" I started to take it out and hand it to him, but I pulled it back before he can grab it.

"Pay up first man, im not doing this for free you know" I said, but the man just chuckled.

"Pfft, just give me the shit, im not paying you shit, I already paid to get it" He demanded, I tsked.

"Look here buddy, im not playing nice, give me the payment and I'll give it to you" I growled, hoping he would just listen.

"I already paid my guy, so just give it to me, bitch" Ooohoho, he really pushing me.

I quickly pulled out my hand gun and pointed it at his face.

A small click was heard, the trigger safety was off, the gun now ready to fire.

The man quickly put his hands up, his eyes going wide in fear.

"Woah man! Calm down, put the fucking gun down!" The man shouted, trying to look me in the eyes but just couldn't keep his eyes of fire arm in front of him.

I smirked and tossed the bagged substance in a random direction, and grabbed the mans shirt.

"Sorry man, no payment, no goodies"



Blood splattered onto my face, I let go of the body and it fell to the floor, lifeless. Well I did shot him at point-blank range, and in the face, so it would make since if it killed him almost instantly.

I just rolled my eyes and towered over him and shot him in the face couple more time, along with the chest, to make sure he was dead, blood scattered across my clothes, and the ground around us, blood pouring out of him.

I huffed, turned the trigger safety back on and put my gun back in it's holster. Now im annoyed, ruined a perfectly good outfit. I rolled my eyes stepping over him and adjusting my gloves, making my way to the bagged substance, im guessing it's cocaine, but I have no interest in finding out and just shoved it in my pocket.

Ugh, could of had a good day and not kill someone, but it's not like I don't like it, gives me a lot of stamina and dopamine, it oddly just makes me feel good, but not when it's for something like this, I also need to be paid for this stuff.

I have to get out of here, someone probably heard me, I mean, who wouldn't be worried if they heard that many gun shots.

I went over to the body, and crouched down, bringing my arm up and uncapped this little container of paint that was strapped to my arm, and I grabbed my paintbrush, quickly but also neatly writing my signature.

I quickly got up and started to go to the edge of the building, it was tall, that was sure, 5 stories at least, I looked down below to see a safe way to get down.

I spotted a metal staircase to my right ans went towards that and jumped down onto it, it was only a story below me, so it didn't hurt when I landed, and I quickly went down the staircase.

I reached the bottom, and when I did, I just felt almost pure anger in me.

"Stupid people! Just why?! Could have paid me like a normal fucking person!" I screamed, kicking and punching the metal garbage bin, it definitely hurt, and was gonna leave bruising later, but at this moment I didn't care.

I heavily breathed in and exhaled, putting a hand in my hair, I truly need to get out of here now.

And with that, I left, without being caught or being suspicious, luckily my outfit was dark enough to hide the blood so I didn't get any questions about it.

I only smiled at the though of how the world is gonna react to my lovely and beautiful work of art.

890 Words.

Boom! Chapter 2 done!

I hoped you all liked it, it was pretty cool to write.

But that is all, I hope you have a good night/day!

Love you, bye! 💕

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