Chapter 3

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*Tubbo's pov* (earlier that day, after school)

The sun was starting to go down as we walked from school and to Tommy's house.

Tommy was rambling about something, but I was just spacing out again. Confused on why I thought a simple robber should murder someone, not like I actually want it to happen or anything, it just confuses on why I would want someone to hurt another human being.

"Tubs? Are you even listening to me?" Tommy asks, nudging me in the shoulder, snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Yeah, im fine king, why what's up?" I asked, raising a brow looking at him.

"You've just been spacing out a lot today, are you sure your good?" He asked, worry laced in his voice, then before I can even speak, he gasped and grabbed my shoulder.

"Do you have a crush!?" 

"WHAT!? NO!? Where did you get that idea!?" I shouted, confused as fuck as how he even got that idea.

"Well, you've been spacing out, so I thought maybe you had a crush you were thinking of" Tommy simply explained casually.

"Oh my XD, you have a serious problem king" I said, rolling my eyes, now keeping my eyes on the sidewalk.

"Oh come on Tubs! Tell me what's on your mind!" Tommy asked, basically grabbing my shoulder and shaking me.

"Tommy, king, stop before I kick your ass" I said bluntly which made him frown and let go of me.

"You're no fun, bossman" Tommy huffed, crossing his arms.

"Oh stop whining you big baby, you don't have to know everything about me" I stated, rolling my eyes, but also chuckling.

"Whatever" Tommy mumbled, faintly hearing the playfulness in his voice, which made me chuckle again, which resulted in me and him laughing the rest of the way to his house.


I always liked Tommy's home, it was always so homely, not that my house was homely, it was just that Tommy's home was just so cozy, like you were in a little cabin.

I remember when me and Tommy first met, his adoptive father is super nice, one of the nicest people I have ever met, probably one of the best influences for Tommy, Im happy that Tommy has great father figure in his life.

"Dad! Im home! And Tubs is over!" Tommy shouted to his father.

"Tom Tom! how are you my little avian?" His father asked, giving him a giant hug, which Tommy happily returned with a smile and giggle.

"Im great dad!" Tommy said, breaking away from the hug.

"That's great to hear Tom Tom, ah, how are you Tubs?" Tommy's father asked, turning to me with a big smile.

"Im doing great Mr. TDM" I smile, giving him a hug to, which he also returned.

"That's amazing Tubs!" Mr. TDM said, the evident smile in his voice.

"Well, I'll be cooking dinner soon, so it'll be done around 5:30-6, are you staying Tubs?" Mr. TDM asked, breaking the hug.

"Yeah, im staying, thanks Mr. TDM" I replied, and Mr. TDM nodded and walked back to the kitchen with a small wave.

Me and Tommy went to his room, it was only a one story house, but I didn't really care.

Tommy's room also felt cozy, but it gave off Tommy vibes, that it was truly his room, everything he could ever want.

I sat on Tommy's bed, it was always so soft, which just made me want to cuddle up to it.

"So video games?" Tommy asked, peaking my interest.

"What where you thinking bossman?" I smirked, this was gonna be interesting.


"HAHA! I WON AGAIN!" I yelled, jumping up and down.

"Ugh, your to good at Mario Kart, you won every single time" Tommy huffed, crossing his arms and looking away from me.

"You just need to get better skills then king" I sassily said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Boys! Dinner!"

"Fuck ya! Dinner time!" Tommy shouted, rushing past me to the kitchen making my chuckle and follow after him, smelling the sweet scent of food.


I looked at my phone to see the time, the screen light practically blinded me when I turned it on, but I squinted and read the numbers on the screen.


I didn't get any sleep, just something about this night felt weird, off putting, but I couldn't place it, just a really odd feeling.

I shifted out of Tommy's bed and tipped toed to the kitchen, being quiet when I opened the door.

I opened a cabinet, grabbed a glass and filled it up with water, taking a sip of it.

I walked to the living room glass still in hand and sat down on the sofa, curled up in the corner, enjoying the quietness of the house, it was relaxing.

"I didn't think you'd be up yet?" I jumped and looked to the voice, only to see Tommy's father, which made me relax.

"Yeah, I just couldn't sleep" I said, turning my head to look at the glass in my hand.

"That's ok Tubs, but what's up? Why couldn't you sleep" Mr. TDM asked, sitting next to me on the sofa.

"That's the thing, I don't know, I just couldn't, just something felt... I don't know off?" I questioned myself.

"Hey, it's ok, maybe something in your instincts told you something is wrong, but I guess we'll never know" Mr. TDM chuckled, making me chuckle too.

The clock chimed, the same chime I memorized. Indicating it was now 7am, I didn't even realize I was sitting here for so long.

"Well im gonna make some breakfast, since it's Saturday, I'll let Tom sleep in, so if you like pick anything you like on the tv" Mr. TDM rambled on, I nodded and said a quick ok, which he smiled and walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, the news coming on first, probably my fave channel to see if anything interesting is happening.

I dropped the remote, mouth dropped open in shock.

A dead body was found early this morning, with only one thing indicating of who could have done something.

The one and only Ender, and now their work is all over the news.

"What. The. Absolute. Fuck"

1049 Words.

There chapter 3 is done, I hope you liked it, sorry that it was kinda all over the place.

But Idk what im doing.

Ok, that's all!

Have a good night/day!

Love you, bye! 💕

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