Chapter 11

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Tw: None I don't think.

*Tubbo's pov*

We walked down the sidewalk, it was around evening, so around 6pm. It was nice to actually get out of that fucking place, so it was nice to feel the evening breeze, the smell of freshly cut grass that still lingered from earlier in the day, to watch as the sun set, it was perfect.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I sighed, almost prefect- I glaced at my kidnapper and it felt like I couldn't look away, the sun reflected just right on them, it showed many features on them perfectly.

"Y-yeah" I muttered, looking away, a blush forming on my cheeks, god these feeling just..... won't go away... but do I want them to? Of course I do, stupid emotions.

I could here them chuckle.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, Tubs, it's fine if you're enjoying being out and looking at the sun" He said, I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Whatever" I muttered. "Are we almost there?" I continued, impatient to get to this place, my stomach also agreed as it rumbled in hunger.

"Yes, yes we're almost there, Tubs" He replied, you could hear the chuckle in his voice (Just realized the song "Not another song about love" fits perfectly with this book.... not because it came on when writing and I realized that-)

We only walked for a couple more minutes before we arrived at the restaurant, and oh.... It's a fancy restaurant... That kinda makes sense, since Ranboo literally made me wear this nice ass outfit.

"A fancy restaurant?" I questioned.

"Yeah? Is there a problem with that?" He asked, tightening his hold around my arm, that I kinda forgot they had, and I winced.

"N-nope! It's all good, just curious" I replied quickly, and he loosened his grip.

"Perfect! lets go in shall we?" They asked, trying to sound like a gentlemen, which kinda worked I guess.

"Yes, yes we shall" I giggled, finding it a little amusing watching him be fancy. They smiled, which I also smiled too.

He didn't say anything in reply, just gently walking me inside and waited at the host desk.

"Hello! Do you have a reservation with us this evening?" The hostess asked with a smile.

"Yes we do, for two, it's under Alanis" Ranboo replied. The hostess looked through her reservation log.

"Markus Alamis?"

"Yep that's me"

"Perfect! follow me then you two!" She said, grabbing two menus and leading us to a booth, setting down the menus.

"Alright, your waiter will be with you shortly" She said sweetly.

"Thank you" I said kindly, sitting down, along with Ranboo, as the hostess walked away.

"Why did you even choose a fancy restaurant?" I asked, shifting a little.

They shrug. "Why not, plus after what you've been though, I thought you deserved it" He said, looking at me with a small smile.

"Hello, im -----, I'll be your waiter this evening, can I get you something to drink?" The waiter asked, pulling out a note pad.

"I'll just have a water please" I replied softly, glancing at the waiter.

"Of course sir, and for you?" He asked, writing down what I said and turing towards Ranboo.

"I'll take your red wine please" They asked.

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