Chapter 10

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*Tommy's pov*

Tubbo has been gone for a week now, no sign or trace of him, it was like he just disappeared from the world.

I locked myself in my room, not leaving, unless necessary, I know my father is worried for me.

I haven't been eating, drinking, or sleeping. Im just so worried, the police haven't found anything to his disappearence.

I miss my best friend, where did he go, it's just so lonely, and it's so unlike him to just disappear out of the blue.

The police suggested that he must of ran away, but that was ruled out because, well I know my best friend, he had no reason to run away from home, so the next possiblity was that someone kidnapped him, which is the most likely thing that happened to him.

I sighed, staring off into space missing my best friend, a brother that I wish I had.

A soft knock filled the room.

"Can I come in Tom Tom?" I heard my father say softly. I groan, but I let out a quiet "yes" and he entered, came over to the bed and sat down.

"Come on bud, you have to get out of this room at some point" Dad said, rubbing my back in comfort.

"... Why, there's no point in going out" I muttered as I laid my chin on my knees.

My father just sighed. "I know you miss him Tom, but would you think Tubs would want you in here doing nothing?" He continued.

"....No, he wouldn't" I agreed.

"Come on then Toms, let's go out, me and you" My father smiled, making me smile.

"Sure, why not" I smiled, getting up.

"Great! But firt, shower, you stink young man" He said sternly, I blushed in embarrassment.

"Oooook" I dragged out, going out the door and going to the bathroom to shower.


*Later that day*

Me and dad were chatting as we left the restaurant we decided to go to, it was a nice refresher, just to talk to my dad without any issues.

I locked myself away that it felt weird when I actually went out, I've been skipping school since Toby disappeared, but I know he wouldn't want me hiding away in my room doing nothing, he probably wants me to do something, hopefully he's doing alright. Where ever he is.


*Tubbo's pov, earlier that day*

I pushed the food away from me, crossing my arms.

"Im not eating that, for all I know you poisoned it" I stated, looking away.

I could here the harsh sigh, the sound of the food being pushed back towards me.

"Just eat the food, I didn't poison it or anything" He said, as calmly as he could.

"No, im not fucking eating it" I shouted, pushing it away, making the food fall to the floor and making a mess.

He harshly grabbed my chin, making me look ay them, making me gasp as I stared into his gray eyes with fear.

"Listen hear you little brat, you're even lucky that im feeding you, I could of let you starve" He said through gritted teeth.

"Then let me starve! Im just nothing more then a parasite to you" I lashed back at them, glaring at them.

He chuckled. "Getting brave now? So brave your talking back?" He asked, rasing a brow as he got closer to me.

"Ugh, why do you even care, just kill me already" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

He leaned in closer, their hot breath on my neck, making me shiver.

"What's the fun in that? I like having my fun" They whispered in my ear, making a faint blush go across my cheeks. Ugh, no, I should not be falling for this psycho, just him being near me is making me uncomfortable... I hope.

"You're making me uncomfortable" I stated, just above a whisper, closing my eyes. Please just... go away.

He hummed and moved away, letting go of my chin.

"Fine, just because im nice" He said, starting to walk away, and going to their monitor, sitting onto his chair (It can be Ranboodash if you want)

I flopped back down onto the bed, sighing, going lost in thought.

I wonder how Tommy is? Probably worrying about me, no, I know he is, we're practically brothers and I just randomly disappeared, I mean yeah, I was by a thief and murderer.

I could feel the tears start to build up in my eyes, I miss my family, I want to go back, and just leave. When can everything just.... go back as it was.

"What now"


"You're crying and it's annoying" Ranboo said, I could hear the keyboard rapid clicks, so he's doing something, making more deals with people.

"Why d-do you c-care" I sniffed, turning onto my right side just to stare at the wall.

It was silent, so very silent just waiting for them to speak.

"I.... Im not sure" He said quietly, but it was loud enough for me to hear.

Why doesn't he know, was it to mess with my feelings or what? I just didn't reply, just hoping something would happen.

I heard a silent sigh and the chair rolling across the hard wood floors.

"How about this" He started, I could hear him get off his chair and walk over to me, feeling the dip of the bed as they sat down.

"If your good for the rest of the afternoon..." What was he planning? To kill me?

"I'll take you out.... To dinner... So you can like actually eat" He said, I blinked, did this dude seriously ask me to take me out to dinner. This was sure a trap to murder me.

"Did you just-"

"Yeah, yeah I did. Take the offer or leave it. Im not offering again."

Im probably gonna regret this but, since im starving might as well take the offer.

"Alright, I accept"

Either this will go smoothly or terribly, but since I was basically asked out by a murderer, what else can fucking happen.

1015 Words.

Hey look, im not dead!

sorry dor just not updating in awhile, I lost motivation and ideas, so if you can give me more, I will appreciate it.

Anyways, this was kinda bad since i've been working on this one chapter for like ever, so yeah.

Anyways I hope it was decent, sorry for spelling mistakes.

Have a nice day/night!

Love you, bye!💕

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