Irrelevant questions

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Diamond decided to go talk with Reed. He was all alone sitting down. Not typically alone but with his phone keeping him company. She went close to him and found out that he was playing this game called Free Fire. She could identify the game due to seeing her male friends playing it couple of times.

"Now we need to stick to each other for us to conquer. This is the last round" She had him say. Seems like he was talking to his team mates. Now she felt bad for wanting to distract him but she can't be alone. And by the way, she has important questions to ask and she needs the answers right away.

"Sorry to disturb you, please can I ask you some questions?" She started. She wasn't sorry at all. How could a grown ass man be playing games?. "Are your questions really important?" He asked her still focused on his game which was getting her pissed off. She didn't know if her questions were important but they were damn necessary to her so she replied according to what she felt. "Yes they are very important and needs answers straight away" She told him looking forward to getting the answers to her questions. "You can ask then and I'll those that I can" he obliged to her request.

"As an assassin, must I kill people?" She asked looking ever so innocent as if she did not just ask the most silly question ever. Reed paused in his game and looked at her like she was the most stupid person he has ever seen. This couldn't be the question she wanted to ask right? but she was looking so serious and expecting an answer from him which he decided to provide.

"No killing isn't the only work of an assassin most especially you, you can decide to be a baby producing machine for your victims" he also replied her with all seriousness. Gross. If he couldn't just give her a reasonable answer, then he could have just kept shut his trash. But she wasn't going to say this out loud so she wouldn't upset him.

"Okay, you shouldn't have answered it if you didn't want to" she said to show her disappointment which didn't get any reaction from Reed. "You ask stupid questions and get stupid answers dorrh. Diamond was confuse, she couldn't fathom how her question was stupid. She didn't want to kill but now she has to kill. "Next question,when do I start working and being sent on missions?" She asked the next question on her mind.

" Well, nobody can decide when you'll be sent on your first killing. You'll be first trained personally by all those robots you saw, then you have to fight all of them together and then some Novice would be sent after you and you have to fight them and bring at least three of them before you can be sent on your first killing" Reed tried to explain and summarize it as simple as possible to her. "Well, it'll take up to two months right?" Diamond asked again. She didn't want it to be so soon. If possible it should never take place. "Well, depending on how fast you are in adapting to this life and how fast you are in training" he said in a rush to go back to his game. Seeing that he was eager to go back to his game, she decided to leave him and ask Ivander the remaining questions on her mind. For now, she has to go and spend time with her brother again be'cause it seems like her training would become more hectic and she wouldn't have enough time again for her brother.

She decided to go and see her brother from there discuss with Miss Ruth a little bit before it is time for bed. She wore her boots and went out to the other side of the house making use of her eyes to search for Ivander and still found him with Vianna again. She thought they said he was the most quite person among them all but it didn't seem like it to her. He was always talking to Vianna. Maybe Vianna was the only person he talked to for long. That must be it, because she hasn't seen him stand long and discuss with someone else. But what were they always talking about. It wasn't her concern but she felt the need to know and she couldn't stoop so low to ask him.
He turned to her direction and their eyes met but she quickly turned her gaze like someone who has committed an atrocity.
She continued and headed to see her brother before it was bed time and she was in a haste because she has only half an hour to spend with him.

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