I try on the same set but in red before a notification pops up onto my phone. I pick it up and my eyes widen in confusion as I see Atlas's reply.

Atlas: Hold on

All of a sudden Atlas's name pops up again, but this time he is FaceTiming me. My eyes widen at this before I quickly answer and put my finger to my mouth, making sure he stays quiet.

Me: What do you want?

I press send and I see Atlas's beautiful smile grace his lips.

Atlas: Set the phone down and show me.

I shake my head no at his ridiculousness while he nods his head yes.

After a minute or two I give up, and I sit my phone down, showcasing my entire body. I slowly walk back and his eyes widen as he sees the red.

I notice he's in his bedroom and he's laying down shirtless. He spins his finger around , telling me to turn around.

I do a slow spin and I hear him suck in a breath.

When it is just Atlas and I, he makes me feel sexy. At this moment, I feel that way and more.

As I turn back around, I show him the next color, black. He frantically nods his head yes and I place the phone face down so I can have some privacy.

A huff of disapproval sounds through the phone, making me laugh.

The black one is a bit different, it's a lace one piece that pushes my boobs up a bit and it also has a garter on it.

As I show Atlas , he points at that one and a message from him is sent to me.

Atlas: Buy that one right now.

I laugh before nodding my head and a knock sounds throughout the stall.

" If you're done showing him , I'm hungry and I desperately want some Japanese! "

My face turns a bit red as Isla says this and I let out a hushed laugh. Atlas is laughing as well and I say my goodbyes before hanging up and getting dressed.

Walking out of the stall, Isla looks at me.

" So which one did he like? "

I pick up the black one

" He has good taste "

I end up buying all three before Isla and I head towards the food court and pick up some take out.

" How'd you know? " I ask

" I heard you giggle like a little girl "

I playfully push her shoulder before we continue eating.

Heading to a party store, my phone vibrates and I tell Isla to see who it is.

" It's them. " she says

" One last chance Serena. Who is he to you? "

Fear grips my body as I think of harm coming to Atlas.

What do I do?

Do I push him away?

" No! Tell Elias and Atlas today or I will Serena! "

Did I say that out loud?

" Okay fine! I will but not with Griff and Jax around. They'll go absolutely ballistic and I already have to deal with Elias. "

The rest of the drive I begin to think of the different outcomes of telling Eli about this stalker. I'm not as worried about Atlas, considering he barely knows me and I don't think he'd care that much.

But Elias? He will go insane.

I park beside Jax's truck and we all get out before heading inside of the store. Atlas walks closely behind me as we all look for decorations.

I see some cowboy and cowgirl hats that glow and I get a few and place them in the cart. Atlas finds some balloons and it's decided that we will cover the ceilings with glow in the dark neon balloons.

I suddenly feel a hand pull the fabric of my skirt down and I see Atlas looking down at me with a glare.

" Short " he says

I let out a laugh , catching the attention of the guys. Elias looks at us confusedly as does Griffin.

" He was telling me about his chlamydia problem "

I hold back the laughter as Atlas's mouth drops open and all the guys start laughing.

As soon as they turn around and start walking I let out my laugh and Atlas looks at me amusedly.

" You thought that was funny? "

A devilish glint shines in his eyes and it makes me shut right up. I begin to walk away but Atlas grabs my waist before pulling me against him.

His hands grasp my thighs before he begins sliding them up , tantalizingly slow.

His head dips down and his breath fans my ear.

" I asked you a question. " he whispers.

His hands begin to disappear up my skirt , making me snap out of it.

" N..no " I stutter out.


He lets out a quiet chuckle before he taps my butt and walks away from me. I quickly gain my footing and I catch up to him before I find some glow paint.

I grab a few colors and Atlas takes them away from me, carrying them. We finally catch up to everyone before we finally find everything that we needed.

Eli and I split the bill even though I wanted to argue that I had it, but I kept my mouth shut.

Eli, Atlas, and I head home for the day and settle down on the couch to watch movies.


" PARTY DAY BITCHES " Elias screams throughout the house.

I open my eyes and wipe the sleep from them as I hear footsteps come towards my door.

Elias comes barreling in and tells me to "get my lazy ass up" and come help him decorate for tonight. After doing my business in the bathroom I head down to the kitchen and make egg, bacon, and cheese biscuits for all of us.

Atlas comes in with all of his shirtless glory and Elias is to busy scarfing down his biscuit to notice me blatantly checking Atlas out.

He gives me a smirk before he settles down beside me and begins to eat.

In total there will be around eighty people coming to the party tonight, not including our little friend group.

After breakfast, I begin the decorating which is definitely my favorite part. Elias and I have decorated for many different parties but glow in the dark is a first. I start by make a sign for the entrance that says " Entry Fee 1 Shot " and setting it onto a table in the foyer where shots will be.

Elias sets up streamers on the doors and right after that he begins to mess with the lighting for the night.

Atlas and I set up two tables, one for accessories and the other one for the snacks.

I add glow in the dark sunglasses, cups , bubbles, masks , bracelets , hats , all the good stuff.

I sit down on the couch with a 'huff' wiping off imaginary sweat. Eli and Atlas join me , Eli starts to fan himself like he's ran a mile and I laugh at him before I turn the AC on blast.

I look at the time and see that there's 2 more hours til the party. It'll take exactly that for Isla and I to get ready.

" I'm going to head upstairs and shower before Isla gets here. " I say getting up from the couch.

As I head upstairs I feel my phone vibrate and I see Atlas's name.

Atlas: Need any help?

Short Chap Today!

Kind of a filler chapter but what do we think?

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