Severus Snape.

"You know what Miss Haimi,......" his words coming put in puffs of warm air ".....there is no such thing as luck or fortune.....nothing....." he was so close that his nose nuzzled her temple and she could feel her cheeks getting warmer. He continued "......The only thing that matters is the work that you do and you get paid for accordingly."

Snape got on his elbows to revel in the reaction of the girl. To say that she was surprised would be an understatement; the girl looked shocked. Her chest was heaving and her face had turned a delicious shade of red with tiny droplets of sweat that shone on her forehead. Her kohl lined eyes were wide open and the pupils seemed like an impression of his soul- pitch black. He removed his hand from her mouth and secretly noticed how soft her lips were against it. The girl wanted to say something.

Svadhina closed her eyes for a moment in relief that it was only Snape and in right condition. Now she needed to give him a much needed reply.

He saw her squinting her eyes at him and then abruptly, he felt her limbs strongly wrap around his waist and he was flipped on his back. In a blink of his eye, he was lying where Svadhina was only seconds ago. She kept him firmly straddled.

"Accio wand."


She pointed her wand at his face. He indeed was Snape and it was his turn to be shocked.

"SNAPE. What the heck???"

"You're not to use that word with me, Haimi."

"Oh shut up !" " And don't you tell me how to behave...... especially now...Do you have any idea how worried I was ?" She said in a distressed tone.

"What are you on ....." he asked rather softly much to his surprise but was stopped midway.

"STOP!! Lights were out, no sign, no message, everything was so eerily quiet. I was convinced you were taken away by the death eaters and all this time, you've been hiding? ......Well......I believe you probably dislike or even hate everyone else but why did you have to get me like this ?"

No one.... absolutely no person (leaving his father) has been in his life who chided him the way this girl was doing right now. She reminded him of a black-haired version of Molly Weasley. She gracefully swung her leg and stood to free him. She had her hands folded infront of her chest, brows furrowed waiting for his answer like a missus of some man.

He got up and stood straight, towering her. He patted her hands down.

"Don't do that. You look like an annoying acquaintance of mine." He paused to look at her for a moment or should he say a break for he was going to drill her with his lectures for being a disrespectful minx.

"Now ... Haimi, you wouldn't have to go through such pain, should you knew better before you spoke 'better luck next time professor.' " he was glaring daggers at the young woman before him.

Svadhina frowned a more in surprise

"You did all this to teach me a lesson sorts of ?" she asked slowly.

He just snorted in reply

"Well you've succeeded because I was hella scared."

"And now, you'll stay here in my place for two days straight, brewing potions all day and night."

"I was under the impression that you've already acted upon teaching me a lesson." she retorted.

"Yes...." he stepped closer to her " but this is for straddling your professor between your legs." he explained by looking down at her jeans fitted legs.

Svadhina threw her hands up exasperated and stepped back saying..

"Well if you would have thought that someone has hurried upstairs worrying about you and not having trapped me in your bed, like some kidnapper. And anyways, thank Merlin for not being hit. I swear you wouldn't want that sir." she glowered at him.

He started to tower her again, remembering how this had changed her stance in a similar encounter of theirs a month ago.

"Is that a threat, woman ?"

"A...ha..." she moved her head sideways "...Just making you cognizant of it."

"That makes it a week of potion brewing." He replied menacingly.

Svadhina shook her head casually as if she was not affected by his words at all.

"It's fine by me sir. I've come prepared." With that she scuttled down the stairs to his living room. She picked up the bags of ingredients and started to make her way down to the lab. Upon seeing Snape standing at the halt of the stairs, she retreated a few steps back to meet his eyes and said.

"You're petty punishments will not work here Professor. I'm not and will not be like a regular Hogwarts student, quivering under you. You must really hate me but believe me the sentiments are mutual." she waited for some response from him but he had decided to look at her intently and listen to her (Picture in the attachment).

"What's in a week? I'm here prepared to stay three years by your presence."

She huffed and with that left him standing alone in the room. Snape might no be frightened but he was definitely sure that the girl had kept herself to become dangerous. He realised she was mysteriously lethal.

Once in the lab, Svadhina kept the bags and dropped herself on a stool. She pressed her fingers on her thumping head in an attempt to sooth herself. This was not the first time he had pricked a nerve of hers to which she didn't usually pay a heed for she would have her way as well. But today was entirely different; not a regular snapping of each other. What if he had been really in trouble ? He was already walking in fire. Afterall she had read about the horrors of the death eaters in the first war.

She was not annoyed.....she was mad with what he'd done. The last she felt this way was the day she got her wand from the Ollivanders.

Looking at herself in the glass shelf, she saw a few streaks of lightning flowing from the scalp towards the length. She knew this was a danger sign and had to calm herself straightaway. She opened her braid and massaged the scalp of her head until she felt normal.

As soon as she felt a little better, she pulled her hair up in a bun and started to sort the numerous ingredients in the bag.

Svadhina knew that only the subtle process of brewing potions would calm her nerves.

Updated lovelies and lads....
Please and read and do tell how you think about this.....

Until next time......✌️

To Love is to Die (Severus Snape×OC Indian)Where stories live. Discover now