52. Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall (Part 1 Last Chapter)

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Erwin kept looking down.

At Royal Capital, a special dinner was held for the members of the Survey Corps.

"This is a special night for you all, but try not to let the whole city know, alright?" Harold said, looking at the scouts. "Act like soldiers and don't let things get out of hand!"

Connie and Sasha were staring at the meat loaf on their table.

"Huh? Meat?" Connie said in disbelief. "What? This is really meat?"

Sasha grabbed her head. "Am I dreaming?"

"Tomorrow we go to retake Wall Maria!" Harold said, holding a cup. He brought his cup upward. "So eat up!"

Everyone started cheering and started fighting for food.

"Wait!" An scout called out, panicking. "Calm down! We can all have an equal amount!"

"Hey! That big piece counts as two!" Another man yelled, looking over at his friend.

"The hell it does!" His friend yelled back.

"But you're terrible in the field! You're useless, so gimme your piece!" Another scout yelled.

"What was that?" The first scout called out.

Sasha was biting into a whole meat piece with a crazed look while Connie was holding her neck.

"Don't you start pulling that shit, potato girl!" Jean yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

"Stop it, Sasha!" Connie said, on the verge of tears. "I don't want to have to kill you!

Jean grabbed and pulled away the meat piece from Sasha's mouth. "Like hell we're letting you eat the whole thing!"

Suddenly, Sasha bit Jean's palm, trying to eat. Jean dropped the piece on the floor.

"You're biting mol Those are my fingers!" Jean cried out.

"Sasha! That's Jean you're chewing on! Have you lost your mind!?" Connie yelled.

"Do the Survey Corps not usually get to eat meat?" Marlo asked after taking a bit. "Poor souls-"

Sasha interrupted him by throwing a punch at his face causing his nose to bleed.

"Connie, would you knock Sasha out already?" Mikasa asked, looking over at them.

"I am trying." Connie replied, still squeezing her neck. "She should be out already, but she's still moving!"

"Well, I guess only a titan can stop her at this point." Faye said after taking a bite.

"Hey, I think someone's gonna get hurt." Dirk said, looking over his shoulder, still chewing.

All other squad members except Levi were eating beside him.

"Whose brilliant idea was it to serve meat?" Klaus asked, chewing. "At least we've learned the consequences of blowing two months food budget in one night.

Eren finished tying up Sasha to a poll.

"That should do it." Eren said, standing up.

"She finally tired herself out." Connie said, putting his hands on his hips. "Can you believe she's the same person..." Eren looked at him. "Who once offered to share meat with the rest of us?"

"Huh? When was that?" Eren asked, turning to Sasha.

Connie looked at him. "Four months ago, when we were servicing the cannons."

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