Let's Give a Show

Start from the beginning

"Uhh EJ! Hi!" Her fake smile and uppitch voice was annoying me

"Ej. uhh"

"Bowen. B b been a minute"

It was awkward staring at the silence between the two of us. Can someone end it please

"Well, I'll see you two later and yeah. '' Ej leaves leaving me and NIni alone again

"I should go too, Jake is waiting for me. Nice seeing you RIck"

I fake a smile and nod as she walks away. I turn my head and was sighed of relief.

Fuck me


I'm honestly regretting coming to this party, I literally have my ex and my nemesis in the same room and they both are here making me miserable. Where's the alcohol when you need it? Ohh the drink stand, i better go for some before I end up having a broken heart left on the table

As I go over to the stand. I see him standing there. EJ caswell just standing there leaning on the edge of the table. I slowly pour the drink trying not to cause attention to myself.

"For someone who's trying to stay under the attention, you're doing a good job on making your presence clear. '' I turn as I see the senior chuckle to himself after making a side comment.

"Yeah, well I'm sorry I don't always want to be confronted by everyone at a cast party."

"Well , I see why everyone confronts you now. You either did something and just tried to feel like they weren't the problem. Sounds familiar."

I sigh

"Ej. I'm so Sorry about the way I ended things with you ok. I really do, I just wanted to feel better after everything and I thought it was but Idk, that isn't me. Just hooking up with people to feel validation or to move on that fast, it's just complicated, and I'm sorry but you probably won't understand validation, You're the literal definition of validation."

"Ok, so why then. If you knew you weren't going to move on or just wanted to hookup to make someone else feel good, then why me of all the people you could have gone for, you picked me? Seems a bit sus don't you think."

"Ok! Please I probably would have gone for any other girl, trust me you're not that special."

"But that's the problem, I'm not a girl RIcky, I'm an 18 year old man. .."

I sigh in frustration as this is pissing me off talking to him.

"Ohh, I get it. I'm your first guy you have feelings for hu," I raise my eyebrow hearing him speak in shock "That's why you left me because you're not ready to admit you actually like boys. It's ok Bowen, Getting with me is a legendary experience."

"Please. You think that's why, You're nothing about it to me. I just don't want NIni to think i'm some person to move on-

"NINI this NINI THAT! For some reason, you let her control your life yet you both barely speak."

"What?! That is not true, I only think for myself and not anyone else."

"Really? Cause since everything is about nini to you. You won't move on cause what Nini will think about you, You won't talk to me because you don't want nina to know you like boys, and you won't Say you want a love life because you're afraid that Nini will think differently of you." I turned as he spilled nothing back. "Face it bowen, you're letting her control her and honestly pretty sad if you ask me."

I realized how right he was, but I couldn't let him know that. I grab my drink and I move pushing EJ off to the Side moving viciously. Fuck me and My pathetic broken heart. I wish He would mend my heart.

We fly together • Rj/Caswen Oneshots •Where stories live. Discover now