your lover

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(fucking time skip cuz i lazy af *INHALES*

You start to wake up and try to stretch but find yourself tied to a wooden pole, "well damn" you say as you struggle to free yourself.  And you hear a growl and look up.

You freeze and see your darling lover looming over you growling and tail lashing fiercely back and fourth, "d-darling can you please untie me?" You say cautiously. He just stares at you and after a couple seconds he slashes your face with his sharp claws.

You freeze out of shock and disbelief, did he really just hurt you? You feel liquid seeping out of your wound and you tear up trying to hold tears back. You couldn't and you burst out crying and sobbing, from both fear of him hurting you more and the pain of him betraying you as well as the pain of the wound.

:Bendy's pov: (ik finally lol)

He could believe what he just did, he hurt his lover! But he couldn't control himself it was Alice who did this to him. Inside he was screaming and cursing at himself for hurting his darling, but he knew that it wouldn't make a difference, then he heard it. The crying and sobbing of Y/N he felt heartbroken.

His Inner self was ready to take control over the Alice controlled one but chains shot up out of the ground and clamped down on his mouth as well as his hands and legs, he couldn't move as well as not able to talk.

On the outside however he was torturing Y/N with his claws digging into them or slashing at them. Inner bendy (the real one not the Alice one) was watching in terror and fear. Was he going to kill them? Would they not trust him after this was all over?

:Your pov: (as well as a smol time skip)

You slowly start to lose hope and the life started to fade after months of Alice sending your love to torture you, you don't even remember how long it has even been. You haven't seen any light or other being for so long, you don't even remember your own name, what was it? Rosy Kingston? You don't even have the strength to even think.

Alice has been making bendy force you to eat and keep you alive as long as possible. It really was torturing to keep doing this, your wounds inflicted upon you were painful and infected.

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