Ch 37-The Tensions Are Slowly Disappearing

Start from the beginning

Gil: *smile warmly* hello horsemen, I am happy to see that you didn't leave Polífos

Y/n: you are welcome beside you wanted to talk to us

Gil: yes we did, go ahead, take a seat

Y/n and the horsemen sat next to each other and relaxed in their chairs.

Y/n: so what is it that you wanted to talk about?

Gil: well we want to offer you a proposition

Liliana: what kind of proposition?

Gil: *look at Liliana* an alliance, we want to propose an alliance between Polífos and your camp

Ana: *raise an eyebrow* you want to ally with murderers? I'm sure your people won't take this alliance as a good thing

Dalia: ahahah I agree with the flying pigeon over there, when they will know about the alliance they will probably try to kill us

Gil: no they won't, do not worry I will make sure that it doesn't happen

Y/n: alright, I'm not against an alliance with Polífos but why should we accept it? We have no common enemies, we don't have any problems with our food or our army so what's the point of this alliance

Asha: for now yes you have no problem with food, army and we do not have a common enemy...but it will soon change

Scarlett: *glare at Asha* what do you mean by that, are you threatening us

M/n: *try to defuse the situation* no no no she is not threatening any of you know the "Church of Purity"?

When M/n said that, every horseman glared at the table and tried their best to stay calm which wasn't very effective. The princesses and the others saw it and thought they did something wrong.

Reiner: we shouldn't have said that?

Katakuri: judging from their reaction, I think it is safe to say they know them

Y/n: *clench her fists* how do you know those fucking bastards

Asha: we monitor them, they first appeared in Greece where they murdered an entire camp of phenomena so we kept our eyes on them. But a few weeks ago we received various reports of the "Church of Purity" being here and since they are not big fans of phenomena...

Scarlett: *sigh angrily* yes we know them and if you have any information on their whereabouts, we want them

Y/n: the "Church of Purity" left a bomb in our kitchen and the children, my mates except for Annie and Hector we're still in the house

Linnae: oh my god...the children were they okay?! Nothing happened to them, right?

Y/n: no they were saved by Scarlett and Hector

Linnae: *breath a sigh of relief* that's good to know, thank you, Scarlett

Scarlett: *smile* you're welcome, as I said multiple times they are my children too so I will always protect them

Ahri: *eyes widen* (so it was you! The bitch who stole our daughter's children!)

Gil: I see then you should know this, the leader of the "Church of Purity" is meeting frequently with a woman who has her camp of phenomena and wants to get rid of Polífos and the horsemen's camp.

Liliana: what!?

Dalia:you serious?

Ana: *rub her chin* that is...interesting

Scarlett: hmm

Y/n: are you sure?

Gil: one hundred percent, Dave is the one who gave us this information

Wanda: *holding Myu's hand* by the way, where is he?

Asha: I think he said that he wanted to eat some pastries.

At this moment Dave opened the doors and entered the room with two other people, all there of them had big boxes in their hands. They put the boxes on the table and Dave thanked the two people who were with him before he sat down and dismissed them.

Dave: *huge smile* those boxes have pastries in them, dig in everyone

Asha: you took a lot of pastries

Dave: yeah but it's not every day that we have the horsemen with us and besides they are delicious

Y/n opened one box and took a lemon meringue pie and tasted it.

Y/n: holy shit that's so good! That's the best lemon meringue pie I ever tasted in my life!

Everyone took different pastries but their reaction was the same, it was delicious.

Asha: Dave where did you buy them?

Dave: you remember the woman that came here almost two months ago I think, the one who had two children with her

Asha: uhhhh yeah, is she the one who made this heavenly pastry?

Dave: yeah she opened a bakery last month and she makes incredible pastries, I always go there now

Reiner: that's so good, I will need to buy pastries from there too

Gil: well everyone why don't we have a conversation on some lighter subject and relax before the horsemen go back to their camp

Y/n: *smile* sure oh and by the way Gil, we accept the alliance and I will talk about it with our leader but I'm sure he won't refuse it

Gil: *smile* alright thank you

Y/n: *smile* you're welcome

Everyone then spent the next two hours talking to each other on various subjects, Asha told Y/n that she was sorry about what she said, that she shouldn't have said that when she didn't know their stories and Y/n accepted her excuses. Everyone bonded and got closer which was a nice thing to see.

Y/n: (I hope it will stay like this, but something tells me...troubles are coming for us... I can feel it)
And done

I hope you like this chapter too

It was _Shironeki_ peace everyone! ✌️ 🔥✌️

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