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Jimin was sleeping like a baby. Not a single sound would have disturbed her. But Minjeong on the other hand, she was awake, simply staring at the ceiling. She could not rest even a single bit, so she decided to take her diary out of her bag and write in it. Thankfully, she brought it with her. Not sure why, but she couldn't leave the house without it.

She turned her phone on, in order to be able to see properly. Jimin moved to the other side once the light hit her eyelids. Fortunately, she didn't wake up. Minjeong sighed in relief. She took a pink pen, since that's all she had, and started writing about how she felt on the remaining few blank pages.

Once she was done, she realized that she filled two pages and a half. And what's even more concerning to her is that everything was about Jimin. She didn't understand why or how she fell so hard for that girl. I mean, yes she is the definition of amazing, but Minjeong has never fallen in love. Ever. Well, until now.

The short girl was very tired. It was around 3 am, so no wonder. She put her diary on the coffee table and pulled the blanket over herself. She planned to take just a short, simple, 15 minutes nap. She had to at least rest her head. It hurt a lot because of the bad position she had when she wrote in her diary. And so, the short haired girl closed her eyes, letting her tiredness get the best of her.

The sun hit her face, making the girl wake up. It was past 7 am and Jimin was stretching her arms. She sat on the couch as she stretched a little more. She looked at Minjeong, who was sleeping peacefully. Jimin let out a small smile and looked on the coffee table for her phone. She spotted the gadget underneath a dark green notebook.

I've never seen this before. Jimin thought as she picked up the book. She flipped the notebook, looking at the cover carefully.

Oh, it might be Minjeong's notebook from the psychology class. I've seen her write in it some time ago.

Jimin opened the notebook on the last pages and was quite surprised by the amount of pink writing on the papers. She started reading the first sentences.

'I am absolutely losing my mind. How can Jimin be so pretty? But the most important question would be: how did I fall in love with her?' Jimin was shocked, surprised and everything in between. She knew she should stop reading, but she wanted to know more.

'Well, my feelings are useless anyway. I could never make her love me back. Ever. I'm ugly, stupid, foolish, overweight. Basically, I'm not worthy of her. But I can't take her off my mind. Oh, what can I do?' Once Jimin read the last sentence, she closed the book. She felt sad and guilty. She shouldn't have read her friend's personal diary.

She put the notebook back onto the table and rubbed her eyes with her palms. She sighed as she looked at her friend, who was still sleeping. She moved closer to her. She brushed the younger's hair with her hand and whispered:

"Oh, why would you say such things about yourself... Min-Min, you're the nicest, sweetest, coolest and prettiest person I've ever met. I know you like me, but you should love yourself, then me. Once you have learned how to accept and love yourself, I'll make sure to fulfill you heart with my love. I promise."

Love yourself, then me ~» WinrinaWhere stories live. Discover now