Chapter 31

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Rafael felt his blood boiling as he listened to Katelyn confess to setting Olivia up to be raped. Katelyn had no clue that before he greeted her, and invited her into his office, he pressed the record button on an app located on his cell phone which was on his desk at the time. That was over a week ago today. He didn't tell Olivia about his unexpected meeting with Katelyn until later that night. After their lunch with Vicki and Andrew that afternoon, Oliivia was upset, and she insisted on going back to work at the 1-6. He honestly didn't want her to, he wanted to get her home. Hours later when she finally did arrive home, he didn't want to tell her about Katelyn. She. had so much on her plate, but he couldn't keep it from her. The relationship they built was one of honesty and trust. Rafael played the scene back in his head."I'm pressing charges against Katelyn." He said, after they had a light snack that night."What are you talking about, Rafa?" She's a victim.""No, not this time. She came to my office, and admitted she set you up. She thought there was no harm done, because you weren't raped.""No, I helped her." Olivia had whispered more to herself than to him
"I know you did, mi vida. I hate telling you this, but it's the truth, so I have to." He had answered, "Katelyn told me she was sorry. At some point when you were helping her unpack, she went into the kitchen, and there, she called Craig.""He knew I was there, he came there to attack me." Olivia had stated.
"Yes, mi vida. You will get through this. We will, and I will make her pay, legally.""Te amo,Rafa. Don't charge her, she's a victim.""Te amo ,Siempre,Olivia." I know you don't agree with me. I'm charging her."The phone ringing on his desk called Rafael back to the here, and now. He shut off the recording of Katelyn, and answered the phone. "Sex crimes, ADA Barba, speaking."Rafi! Olivia is missing!" Rafael's blood now ran cold."Mami, What do you mean? Where's Olivia? Where are you?""I'm at SVU. Olivia and I were going to have lunch. We wanted to talk about the dating presentation she is giving at my school. Amanda Rollins says she got a phone call, and ran out. I didn't call her Rafi. Amanda called Noah's school, he's fine, and nobody from the school called Olivia!""Mami, stay right there. I gotta go!" Rafael told his mother.

"Please, wait here." Rafael instructed the cabbie, handing the man a hundred dollar bill."No problem, sir." The cabbie said. Rafael quickly got out of the car, closed the car door, and ran to his destination, Within seconds he was pounding on the door in front of him.
"Who is it?""It's ADA Rafael Barba, open the door, please."The door swung open. "Mr. Barba? What are you doing here?" Katelyn asked."Where is she?""Who?" Katelyn asked."Don't play stupid. Where is Olivia? Tell me now.""I don't know.""What have you and your monster of a husband done with her? Are you getting back at me for telling you I was pressing charges against you?""No I don't know where she is, and my husband is in jail!" I promise I know nothing.""You hurt her before, you set her up.""She wouldn't move in with me, I felt she had to pay for not doing what I wanted! I needed her! I regret it, Mr, Barba!""I don't have time for this. Let me in. I want to search your place." Rafael said. Katelyn stepped aside, and Rafael entered her apartment. "Liv, Liv!" He yelled, as he searched every room. Olivia wasn't there. Rafael exited Katelyn's apartment."I swear I don't know where Olivia is! Let me know when you find her! Let me know she's OK!" Katelyn yelled, as he ran back to his cab.
Rafael gave the cabbie another address and soon the cab pulled up in front of the new destination. Rafael handed the man another hundred dollars, and exited the car, slamming the door behind him.
He strode quickly to the front door of Larry's new apartment, nobody was there. He ran back to the cab, and gave the driver another address. minutes later, the cab was in front of Radiante, Rafael again, handed the cabbie a hundred. and left the car. "Hugo, Hugo Torres." Rafael called, as the man was about to enter the Salsa club. Hugo turned to face Rafael."You're Olivia's boyfriend." Hugo stated. "You're a lucky man, I always had a thing for her. I let her down in the end. She saved my life, and I always thought once I got clean I could make it up to her. Don't let her down like I did.""Never." Rafael said. "Do you know where she is?""Why would I? Before she stepped into my club, I hadn't seen her in years, and she wouldn't even dance with me.""You don't know where she is?""No. Is she OK?""Hugo, do you know where Larry used to live?""Larry Holland, that prick." Did he hurt Olivia?""I can't find his old address. Do you know how I can find it?""Look up Serena, that drunk. I remember the house Larry lived in was in Serena's name." Hugo informed Rafael. Without a word, Rafael walked away from Hugo, and the club. If Hugo had anything to do with Olivia's disappearance, Rafael would be back. Rafael got back into the cab, and pulled out his phone. He searched for the past addresses of Serena Benson, and told the cabbie to drive.

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