Chapter 33

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October 24

It had been months since Rafael, and Olivia had to endure seeing The Good Night Rapist, aka, Craig Flint, his wife Katelyn, or Larry Holland. They were all in jail where they belonged. Rafael prayed that Craig, and Larry, never got out to see the light of day. Craig was a serial rapist, and when Larry's house was searched, old photos of Olivia, sleeping were found. Larry took them without Olivia's knowledge when she was 16, and in some of them she was nude. Women everywhere were safer with these 2 predators locked up. Olivia and Rafael were strong, and everything was now peaceful. It was Rafael's birthday. The couple was standing near Lucia's apartment door. Olivia was about to knock when she was interrupted by Rafael's words. "Why do we have to see my mother now?""Because it's your birthday, and she's your mother." Olivia answered with a laugh. Olivia then continued. "Your wonderful mother picked our son. Noah up from school. and brought him here, so if you want to see him, you have to see her.""I'm so happy that I'm adopting him in a few days. ""Me too, Rafa." Olivia said with a bright smile.
She was about to knock on Lucia's door again, when Rafael spoke again. "Noah loves my mom, let's leave him here for the night. I want to make you scream in pleasure". Olivia coughed. "We can extend my birthday, and see my mother, and Noah, tomorrow."Olivia blushed. "We have to see your mother tonight, Rafa. Feel free to do that any other time. You want to make love to me?" I'm ready."
"I always have, and I will soon. Why can't we leave Noah here for the night, Liv?""You don't want to see your son on your birthday?""Of course I do, that's why I suggested extending my birthday. Besides, I saw Noah this morning when I took him to school.""Your birthday is extended, OK? We still have to see your mother today.""Wait, Liv. Did my mother plan a party?""I plead the fifth", Olivia replied, finally knocking on the door."Come on in, kids!" Munch said, seconds later when the door opened. "Lucia is with Noah. Great to see you, happy, Liv. Happy Birthday, Rafael.""Hi Munch." The couple said, in unison, as they stepped inside. Munch, closed, and locked the door. Rafael's mother walked to him. "Mi hijo. Feliz Cumpleanos. This party was Olivia's idea. She did most of the work." Lucia said, wrapping her son in a hug."Gracias, mami", Rafael said, hugging his mother for a long moment. Lucia released him. "No words can fully express how happy I am for you, Rafi." Lucia said, teary eyed. "You have a wonderful woman "Te amo. Mi hijo." Lucia looked at the women beside her son. "I love you, Olivia.""I love you too, Lucia.""I hear Rafi is going to adopt Noah. You're making me an official grandmother, thank-you." Olivia smiled, both women stepped forward a little, and hugged. When Lucia released Olivia from the hug, Rafael reached for Olivia's hand. which she happily gave to him. He looked around the room. Manuel stood with his arms wrapped around Carmen's very pregnant stomach as she ate chips from a plate next to a snack table. Rollins and Carisi stood nearby holding hands. Fin stood next to them drinking something out of a red cup, his girlfriend Rita Callhoun was standing in front of him, laughing. He saw Munch move to the front door, and open it. Captain Cragen, Eileen, Nick, and Maria walked in. Munch closed and locked the door."I didn't know Maria, and Nick were coming.." Olivia said,. Lucia moved away from Olivia and Rafael. She walked across the room, and turned on music."Hi dad!" Noah said, running up to Rafael. Can you teach me to speak Spanish?""Yes, Noah, I can, so can your mami, she speaks it well.""You don't mind if I call you dad?" Noah asked. softly.
"No, Noah, we talked about this, I am your dad."
"May I call you Papi?""Yes, Noah, you may. Where were you when your mami, and I walked in?""In the kitchen eating cookies.""You have to eat some real food." Olivia said, with a smile."Mom, cookies are real food.""Noah!" Lucia said, loudly. "I'm making you a plate""OK!" Noah yelled back to her. "Bye dad, bye mom", Noah said quickly, running to Lucia. Soon, he sat down with a plate next to Munch.Suddenly, the room was filled with the sounds of classic Salsa. "Dance with me, Liv."Rafael said, leading her into the center of the room."I'd love to." Olivia answered, in almost a whisper, as she placed her hands in the right position. They owned the floor, dancing together, perfectly.
"Thank-you for the party, Liv." Rafael said Olivia just smiled at him, and continued to dance with him. She felt like a queen, only Rafael Barba could make her feel this way. Maria and Nick were suddenly dancing next to them. Lucia soon decided to teach Munch some moves. Olivia, and Rafael laughed at the sight. Rita and Fin were next. to join in the fun. Rollins, who was showing now, decided to tap her foot with Carisi who refused to dance without her. Manuel and Carmen sang over the music. When Noah was done eating he began making up his own dance moves. Dancing was going on close to an hour when Lucia stopped the music, and Rafael moved out of the dancing position. Everybody except for Rafael and Olivia sat down.
Rafael now stood feet away from Olivia. He projected his voice. "Thank-you, everyone for coming to this wonderful birthday party, mostly arranged by the woman of my wildest dreams, Olivia Benson. I never thought that tonight on my birthday, I would have everyone I love in one room. Birthdays are usually very hard for me, in the past they represented every pain I had in my life, not this year. This year my birthday represents my every joy." Olivia moved to stand beside him, hoping she could get through this thank-you speech without shedding a tear. "Mami.", "Rafael continued after a very short pause. "Thank-you for giving me life, without it, I could never have met the extraordinary woman standing beside me, and I never would have met Noah, our son. He turned to Olivia. "Olivia Benson, when I first met you, I was terrified. I have never been a man who likes change, and I knew when I set eyes on you, and you opened your beautiful mouth, that my life was changing, forever. I traded in my tiny, colorless world for yours, a world of magnificently bright colors. You quickly became my best friend. I never knew I could have a friendship like the one we built. I knew then that I was, and would always be in love with you, You are the most breathtaking, and compassionate woman in any universe. You are a badass, you are fearless, you are my confidant. You drive me absolutely crazy.""What are you doing?" Olivia whispered, her voice cracking. Rafael Barba was now kneeling in front of her with a ring in his hand."The greatest honor in life is to be your husband and Noah's father. Would you give me that honor? Would you let me be your husband, Olivia? I know I'm not perfect but I will work everyday to make you and Noah happy, I promise to cheer you on, and share your sadness." I promise to lift you up, and walk with you, always. You, and our son, Noah, are my first priority, always.""Rafael Barba, you amaze me. I thought I understood what a best friend was, until you walked into my life, and taught me what a best friendship really is, You are my best friend, you opened me up, and taught me not only what love is, but how to let love in. I love you, I adore you with all my heart, and my entire soul, I always will. Months ago, you walked into my apartment, and announced to me that you were going to marry me. I learned that night that we could talk about anything without judgment. Since then I learned that together, we can get through anything. Thank-you, for being the first to see it when I was too afraid to see it. You are an extraordinary person, you are the greatest father to our son. You and he are my first priority, and it is with overwhelming love, and humility that I say, Rafael Barba, I will work to make you happy, and share your sadness. I will always lift you up. You are perfect for me. "Get up." Rafael did as he was told, when Olivia saw that he was standing straight up, she continued. "We are equals." Rafael saw a tear slid out of her eye, he reached out, and gently wiped it away. It pained him to remove his hand from her face. He held his breath. "Rafael, Barba, I will always walk with you as your wife. Being a mother to Noah, our son, and being your wife is the greatest honor. I will be your wife." Everyone in the room cheered as Rafael placed the engagement ring onto Olivia's finger."I want cake!" Noah shouted before his parents could kiss. The room erupted in laughter.

Author's Note:The next story in this series will be called Priority.

Thank-you to Mariska Hargitay, The Joyful Heart Foundation, and Raúl Esparza for helping me find my way out of a bad situation, helping me see that there could be, and would be happiness after the situation, and for inspiring me to work on my craft again,

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