Chapter 25

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Rafael awoke the instant he felt Olivia leave the bed. He practically jumped out of bed, and rushed to get dressed. When he was done, he went in search of the love of his life. He found her in the living area. She was sitting on the couch with her knees pulled up almost to her chest, her eyes were downcast. "Liv, what's wrong?" He asked, trying to keep the panic he was feeling out of his voice.

"Nothing." She answered, her voice soft.

"Don't give me that." Tell me." He tried to see her face. "Nothing's wrong. I'm happy, I really am." She said, her voice cracking.

"Look at me." He demanded, using a voice that was a blend of gentleness, and courtroom. It worked, Olivia released the knees she had been hugging, her legs touched the ground, and she turned to look at him, just as a tear escaped her eye. "Olivia." He said, whispering her name like a sacred prayer. He sat down beside her.

"You can't say anything." She whispered.

"What you say is between us."

"Amanda and Sonny have been dating, last night Amanda came here. She didn't want to be alone while she took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I'm so happy for them. I just... wish. I love Noah... I just wish... I never wanted to have anyone's child as much as I want to have yours."

"We have Noah, I'd like to think he sees me as his father."

"He does. Rafa."

"For years I didn't want to have children, but I would love to have a biological child with you." He said, both quietly, and honestly.

"It's too late. We met too late for that. I wasted too much time. I'm not even sure if I was ever able to get pregnant. If you have decided, you want a biological child, you deserve to be with someone who can give you that."

Rafael reached for her hand, and put it securely in his. "You didn't hear what I said. I want to be the biological father of your child, no one else's. If that can't happen, that's more than OK. I'm happy, I have you, and Noah. I don;t want any child, I want your child, Olivia. Te amo."

"Te amo." She answered. "I have to start getting Noah ready for school. " Olivia had to leave the couch, but she didn't want to let go of him.

With hands still linked, Rafael, and Olivia stood. "I'll make Noah breakfast." Rafael said.


It was 4PM when Rafael walked into his office, he spent most of the workday in court. "Hi Carmen. How are you feeling?"

"Sick, I have to go home. My husband is coming to get me in 10 minutes."

"OK, anything I can do?"

"Thank your girl for me. Yesterday morning when you were in court she came by. She brought me 3 tea baskets. I took one of them home, and left 2 of them here, so I could work. I wouldn't have made it through the morning without that tea. She came to visit, because she missed you, there were no files in her hand, she didn't say she had to talk to you about a case, she had no excuses. I'm so happy for the 2 of you."

"Thank-you, Carmen."

Carmen smiled. "I know it was a weekday, and you spend most of your personal time together on weekends, but I hope you showed up at her place yesterday, and made hot, passionate. love her."


"What?" Women need a little stress relief. The only time I see her relaxed is after she comes out of your office after a few minutes or when she is on the dance floor with you."

"Carmen! You're worse than my mother."

"I'm a hormonal pregnant woman, I know, but I also know when I see real love, Olivia's never had the kind of love that she has with you, don't worry about her past love interests, they didn't work, they would never work."

"I'm not concerned about her past love interests. Have you been talking to her about this?"

"No, I just see what I see, and you're meant to be together."

"I know. Do I have any messages?"

Oh, I've been so sick, and distracted that I almost forgot to tell you. An old man came by to see you. He left about 30 minutes ago."

"What did he look like?" Rafael asked, trying to hide the fear that had instantly invaded his body. He couldn't have an anxiety attack now, he needed to be able to think.

"Old, gray hair, blue eyes." Carmen answered.

"What's his name?"

"When I asked he said he had to run."

"What did he want?"

"He said he needed to speak with you, he refused to tell me why."

Rafael took his phone out of his pocket, and dialed Olivia's office number, it went to voicemail. He quickly called her cell phone, it rang, and rang. He hung up, and placed his phone back in his pocket. "I'm leaving, Carmen." Before Carmen could ask where, Rafael was out the door. He rushed to the squad room, Fin told him that Olivia stepped out, Sonny and Amanda said the same. Finally Fin drove a panicked Rafael to Olivia's apartment. Both men searched the apartment, Olivia was nowhere to be found. Before leaving Fin told Rafael to stay where he was. When Lucy came in with Noah, Rafael asked if she had heard from Olivia. Olivia called Lucy to check on Noah at 12:30PM. Lucy said that Olivia sounded like her normal self.

Rafael said goodbye to Lucy. After the young woman left. Rafael managed to talk to Noah, feed him dinner, read him a bedtime story, and tuck him into bed. The Cuban-American was sitting on the couch going out of his mind when he heard a key in the door, he watched the door open, and then he saw her. He rushed off the couch, and ran toward her

"Rafa. What's wrong?" She said, concerned. He ran to her. "Dios mio." He said, cupping her face in his hands. His lips found hers, Olivia knew that he was passionate, but in this moment his passion managed to shock her. She kissed him back with equal enthusiasm. When they both needed air, they broke the kiss. He was still cupping her face. "Where were you?"

"I left you a message with Carmen." Olivia said, honestly. "I went to an Al-Anon meeting. I should have gone years ago when my mother was alive. It was work related. I found Larry's latest victim. Her name is Erica Roe, it took me a while to talk to her, I had to wait until the meeting was over."

"Larry came to see me, I was in court, Carmen told me."

"I'm sorry, Rafa. I'm sorry about Larry, I'm sorry that you were so worried about me."

"It's going to be OK." He said. finding her lips again, and clinging to her.

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