Chapter 23

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Olivia's sobs subsided, and her body finally stopped trembling, and still Rafael held her like his life depended on it. He chanted comforting words, and sounds for at least an hour, and he would do it forever. Suddenly she lifted her head from his chest, and looked up. "I'm sorry, Rafa. Your shirt is soaked." She almost whispered,embarrassed that she had cried enough to drench his expensive garment. "How's your tie?""I don't care about the damn clothes." Rafael replied. Olivia sighed, softly, and turned her head away from him. "Hey, look at me, look at me,please." Slowly, she turned her head back to him, Her eyes connected with his, "Listen to me", he said staring into her eyes. "I love you. Do you hear me? I love you. Te amo!" He said, honestly Te amo, Olivia. I love you!" You and Noah are my life, my priority!""I'm sorry, Rafa." She said in a small voice."No, don't be sorry. Olivia, I'm not angry. I just... I have to make myself clear to you.""I know you love me, Rafael.""Good", he replied, giving her a smile." You need some sleep. Do you want some tea?""No. I'm sorry. I don't think I ever cried for that long in my life.""Hey, don't ever feel like you have to apologize for crying in front of me.""I cried for such a long time.""I wasn't watching the clock. I never do with you. You needed to cry.""It's not fair to you,""Like hell it's not." He answered in a courtroom voice. "Olivia, I want you to be open with me.""I am open with you, Rafa.""I know. I want you to be comfortable doing it..""Rafa, I am! If I didn't feel comfortable with you... safe with you. I never would have let myself break down. I hope you feel as comfortable with me.""Olivia, I have never in my life had the level of comfort I have with you. When I first met you it scared the hell out of me.""You were comfortable right away?""Yes. Let's go to bed." He said.
Olivia didn't move. "Make love to me, Rafael." He cupped her face in his hands. "Olivia, I can't tonight. It's not what you need right now. I'm not taking advantage of you."I was never with Hugo.""I don't care about Hugo.""He just taught me how to Salsa, We were never a couple. You don't like him, I saw it in your eyes.""I don't know Hugo. I know you were never together, because you told me, but if you were with him at some point, it wouldn't matter." Olivia felt her eyes beginning to close. She moved out of his tight comforting embrace. They both had to get to bed. A split second later, Rafael was holding her hand, and leading her to bed. It took her less than 5 minutes to fall asleep in his arms.


It was Sunday afternoon. "Thanks for coming, Munch", Olivia said as she opened the door of her apartment for her friend"No problem, Liv." He replied, stepping inside. Olivia closed and locked the door."I'm sorry I upset you the other day." He said. when she turned to face him."What?""I upset you when I came here to tell you and Barba about Larry Holland." Olivia waved her hand quickly, dismissing his apology. "That wasn't your fault, John.""Where's Barba?""He went to the grocery store with Noah."
"Oh, we can wait until he comes back. He's buying your groceries huh? This is serious.""It is." Olivia said with a smile.
"I didn't mean to get here early. Munch said, walking over to Olivia's couch, slowly, and sitting down,
Olivia quickly sat down beside him. "I can start a conversation without him. Are you afraid I'll run off crying again?""No." Munch said. "Larry Holland is a bad guy.""I know." Olivia replied, hearing a soft knock at the door. She got up, and walked to it, seeing through the peephole that it was Rafael and Noah, she quickly opened the door. Rafael stepped in, holding a bag of food in one hand, and Noah;s hand in the other. Olivia smiled at them.. "Noah, sweet boy Uncle Munch is here to talk to uncle Rafa and I. Go in your room, and play. When we're done talking we'll have dinner with you."OK mommy. I'm playing blocks!" The little boy answered, running off to his room.Still holding the bag of food, Rafael leaned in, and pecked Olivia on the lips. She was thrilled. When their lips parted, Rafael gave her a half smile. "I can leave, kids.."Munch said. Rafael fought the urge to be a smart ass. in that moment, Munch was dating his mother! Rafael walked to the kitchen. "What do you have for us, Munch?" He asked, as he placed some food in the pantry. He closed the pantry door, and looked at Munch. He wanted any information Munch had on Larry, now more than ever. He had to find a charge that would stick to the old pervert."I was just telling Liv, Larry is a bad guy." Munch said, as Rafael walked out of the kitchen, and joined Olivia and him in the living room.
Rafael stood next to the couch where Olivia was. "Did you find that he had any other charges against him?""No." Munch answered.Munch, you said that he lived in Boston for years, but he must have been somewhere else in between.""He was born in New York, and he did go to Boston. I found out yesterday that before Boston, he went to Rhode Island He raped Lisa Carbone when she was 16, She refused to press charges.""Her parents couldn't convince her?" Rafael asked."Her mother didn't care enough to," Lisa claimed she was in love with Larry. Her father wasn't in the picture.Larry is a real bottom feeder. He uses AA, and Al-Anon meetings to find his victims.""Who told you this?" Olivia whispered."Lisa. She hates him now. "
"When?" Olivia whispered, quickly finding her boyfriend's hand, and squeezing. Rafael squeezed back, he didn't care if Munch saw."1990." Munch replied, softly. It's not your fault, Liv. ""Of course it's not," Olivia said, knowing in her gut that Munch figured out she had history with Larry. "He's going to keep victimizing young women until someone stops him. I need to find out where and when his meetings are.""Liv, no." Rafael said, firmly, knowing that she was hatching a plan, and that he wanted her nowhere near Larry Holland.
4 hours later, Munch was sitting with Rafael and Olivia at the dining table.Noah had been tucked in by Olivia 2 hours ago. Munch couldn't remember the last time he had such a delicious dinner. "That was great, Barba." Munch said, placing his fork down on his plate. "Thank-you.""How do you know I didn't cook it?" Olivia asked."Olivia." Munch said, her name in a sing-song way. "You don't cook." Olivia chuckled."That's why she keeps me around, Munch." Rafael joked with a smile."That's not the only reason." Olivia said. "We have cake.""I baked it this morning while Liv and Noah were sleeping. Rafael added. "My mother taught me how to bake.""Good to know. I'll have a piece.""Uncle Rafa!" Noah exclaimed, running into the room, and to Rafael's side.
"Hey Noah!" Rafael greeted, ruffling the boy's hair."Sweet boy, what are you doing up?""I want uncle Rafa! I want a story."OK. One chapter, and then it's really bedtime for you, Noah." Rafael looked at Olivia. She was smiling. He got up from his chair, and took Noah by the hand. "I'll be back soon",he said, a minute later the boys Olivia loved most disappeared into Noah's room.Olivia rose from her seat, and quickly began to clear the table. "I'll help you." Munch said, picking up his plate, and following her toward the kitchen. Olivia was silent as she walked into the kitchen, and carefully placed the dishes into the sink."Liv?""You don't have to help, Munch. It's fine," Olivia said, walking out of the kitchen, and back to the table. She picked up a blue and white corningware. Suddenly Munch was standing alongside her, reaching for a pot of leftover rice."You're still dating Lucia?""Yes." He said. "You already knew that."
"Do you think that's a good idea?""What's going on,Olivia?""Lucia's a great person. I don't want to see her hurt.""I know. I won't hurt her, Liv?" Munch replied, seriously."How do you know?" Olivia asked, softly."You mean because I've been married 4 times?""I thought you gave up on love.""I did, but I was wrong." He answered, lifting up the pot of rice, and walking into the kitchen. Olivia was behind him, as she walked into the kitchen, Munch was placing the rice in the fridge. "You and Lucia have become close. She's the mother you never had, but wanted. I understand."Olivia placed the corningware on a counter, and moved to the sink. She turned on the faucet, and began to rinse dishes. "We've seen a lot. I just don't want her exposed to that. We're cops, we signed up for it, they didn't.""They?" You're not just talking about Lucia. You're talking about Rafael." Olivia shut off the faucet, opened the dishwasher, and started loading it. "Olivia, I left SVU,""You mean to tell me that the things we saw aren't still with you? What about what you saw in homicide?""You're right, it's still with me, but there's more to life. And people like us made the world a safer place, I'm proud of that.""You don't have nightmares, Munch?""I do, and other issues.""If you stay with Lucia, your issues are not just yours, they're hers,""I know, we've talked about that, and we'll continue to talk about it," He sighed, and continued. "As for Rafael Barba, he's seen things, he understands you. He's a Sex crimes ADA, He can handle whatever you throw at him. What you have with him is beautiful. Don't push him away. You make him so happy, you're his world, and I know that because I've been speaking to his mother. I've never seen you healthier or happier. People like us who see so much evil, deserve love."
"Noah is out like a light, Rafael said, stepping into the tiny kitchen. "We only made it through half the chapter. Are you finished with the dishes? What can I do?" Rafael asked, suddenly concerned."I'm going to take a rain check on that cake. I'm heading over to your mother's." Munch answered. "Tell your girlfriend she deserves you." He continued, as he stepped out of the kitchen.

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