I pulled on my pants and the button up, making sure the collar was folded neatly before grabbing the grayish- black crew neck from the closet. I slipped in on and pulled the collar of the button up out and folded it over the crew neck collar. I began making my way over to my window. I opened the curtains and lifted the window open. The breeze was cold on my face but my upper body remained warm.

I slipped on my old pair of converse since honestly matched the vibe and walked out of my bedroom. Chan was coming down the stairs as I left the hall.

"Oh. Morning Hyunjin, you're up early." He said yawning into the palm of his hand and followed me into the kitchen. He opened up the dryer and pulled a pile of clothes into a basket. "Seungmin folded your clothes for you last night. The basket in in the living room."

"Oh. I'll have to thank him then." I said as I opened the fridge.

"Hey. Were you okay last night? You voluntarily hung out with Felix.. I just wanted to-"

"Yea I was fine. Just tired of the constant banter between me and him I guess, wanted to get back on the right foot." I said without looking away, I was in search for food.

"Yea. He told me that. Just wanted to make sure you weren't a hostage." He chuckled. I pulled out a thing of coconut yogurt, maybe we had granola or something to mix in with it. I turned to Chan to ask.

He bent down and lifted the heavy basket, his biceps flexing as he did. Okay, yea. He was definitely attractive but since the whole "I called dibs" incident, I haven't much cared for him.

"Do we have granola or anything I could put in this?" I asked him and he had a thinking look on his face.

"We should. Jisung and Seungmin do that too." He set down the basket and began searching the cabinets for me. "You look cute, by the way. With the crew neck I mean." He gave me a side glance before continuing his shirt.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile and looked down at the cup of yogurt in my hands. "If you can't find anything, I can eat it plain. I'll just deal with the texture."

"Oh. It's a texture thing?" He asked, turning to me. "Okay, let me check our backup pantry real quick." He rushed over to the corner and pulled the door open and disappeared into the dark of it. The light clicked on, leaving a small glowing trail of little in the slightly dark kitchen.

He came out with a small bag. "Jackpot. There's almonds in this too. Here you go." Chan said as he tossed it to me. I reached out and caught it.

I turned to pull a bowl from the dishwasher, knowing they were clean. Minho always starts it before he goes to bed. I prepared my breakfast and sat down at the table only to realize Chan wasn't in here anymore.

As I ate, the sky outside got a little lighter but not light enough as the sky was still covered with dark storm clouds.

Jeongin walked into the kitchen and flicked on the light, I squinted my eyes for a second before they adjusted.

He jumped a little when he saw me at the table. "Jesus what we're you doing in the fucking dark?" He asked and I just shrugged.

"Okay, you weirdo." He laughed a little and began preparing himself a bowl of cereal. He was dress in the regular blazer uniform.

He looked at me as he sat down beside me. This is the one time I noticed that he didn't have his headphones on him at all.

"No headphones today?" I asked and he smiled.

"Not right now, no."

"Why do you always have them on? What do you listen to?" I asked him and leaned over my bowl of yogurt.

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