Eleven: Bleed On Me

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Song of the Chapter
Song Title: Bleed On Me
Song By: Daniel Seavey
Features: N/A----------------

I stare at him in disbelief. He can't be dead. I just seen him. "You're playing a prank on me right?" I ask. He looks at me with nothing but seriousness and sadness. "I wish I was but I'm not joking Mads..." He says. Reality starts to settle in as my brain starts to register that I won't be able to see my Grandpa, the one who was my rock, who was always there when I needed to get away from everything, is now gone. I seen him more than any of my family combined. I would almost go everyday for lunch or supper and we would make supper together and talk. He would always blast Bob Seger or Beyoncè.

I try to fight back tears as they stream down my face. Daniel hugs me and that's when I break down. I cry into my brothers shoulder. I couldn't muster any words. Daniel tries his best to comfort me cause he knew that I was extremely close to Grandpa Kirby. I started to feel like I couldn't breath. I pull myself away from Daniel and start rubbing my chest in hops to help me but it doesn't help.

"Madison breath," He said as he guides me through some of the things he taught himself if he felt like he couldn't breath. "He was one of the few that kept me sane besides you, George, Lando, Max, and Pierre," I say as my breathing slightly calms down. "Let's take a seat and get you some water all right," He suggests. "Where's mom?" I ask realizing that she's not here. "She's fine. She had to go do some stuff," He said as he leads me to a sitting area within the McLaren pit.

I sit down on one of the chairs and Daniel quickly leaves. He comes back a few moments later with a cold water bottle. He hands it to me after opening it and I take tiny sips out of it. My breathing slowly goes back to normal. I set the water bottle down and put my head in my hands as I start crying desperate for one more moment with Kirby but I knew I'd never get it.

Daniel kneels down in front of me and wraps his arms around me. I set my head on his shoulder again and sob into his shoulder. I could tell Daniel didn't care how wet his clothes get and all he cared about is making me feel better. I hear clicking of cameras and someone coming towards us. I didn't look cause I was too upset about what happened Kirby. "Get out of here. This is private," Daniel voice said with a stern tone. "Can you tell us what happened?" It was that same guy as before who was trying to get me to go for an interview when I didn't want to do it.

I just knew he had cameras with him video taping and was waiting for me to lose it on him. But I wasn't going to do that. I knew that my Grandpa wouldn't want me sitting and crying over him passing. But I also knew that he'd want me to grieve. Daniel gets up and I look away wiping my tears away and try to compose myself.

"I suggest you let us have our privacy or else I'll not think twice about calling security," Daniel said angrily. "The people need to know," He said innocently but masked underneath was straight manipulation. Daniel calls for security and they safely remove the guy and his team. I stand up and run my hands through my hair. I hear footsteps run down the strip. Daniel looks confused as our friend group went sprinting by.

"Shouldn't there still be 20 laps left?" Daniel asks as we walk out of the room and down the steps. "Madison?" George calls. "Daniel?" Max calls out. "Aren't you guys suppose to be racing?" Daniel asks which leads them to turn around and look at us. Lando looks at me and jogs up to me. As soon as he hugged me I hug him back. I needed to hug my friends because subconsciously it will make me feel better that they are all still here with me.

Everyone comes and joins gaining a group hug. I smile as I realize that I have all the support I need right in this moment. We pull away and I smile at them. "I love you guys," I said. "You guys are my true family." They smile back and a course of agreements follow one by one. I met eye contact with Pierre and he smiles assuringly. In this moment, I knew that I could get through anything with my friends and my brother. No matter how much we might fight and argue.

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