Four: Only Girl

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Song of the Chapter
Song Title: Only Girl (In The World)
Song By: Rihanna
Features: N/A

(Note: I am not fluent in any of the languages listed in this chapter. Everything that is written was translated from English to the desired language via Google Translate)

I shook Pierre awake panicking. He hums as he slowly wakes up. He looks at me and instantly woke up. We get out of bed quickly and grab our clothes. I get dressed before rubbing my face trying to understand what happened last night.

"You're girlfriend is gonna kill me," I said trying to stay calm. "She's gonna kill me not you," He sighs as he rubs his head stressfully. He grabs his phone that was on the floor and looks at his screen. I lean against the door and rub my head trying to get my headache to subside.

"You got to be shitting me," he said before looking at me. "What?" I ask getting worried. "Someone got damn pictures," He said while coming over to me. I cross my arms in a self soothing gesture as he shows me multiple photos of us at different stages. I start rubbing my chest because it felt like it was tightening up as I start recalling last nights events.

"I'm sorry. I-" I got cut off by Daniel bursting through the door. He looks between us. "Come on, let's get you back to the hotel so you can clean up before you have to go," Daniel said obviously disappointed in both of us. I turn to Pierre. "I'll see you at the race..again I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen," I said softly before going over to Daniel who places his hand on my back and leads me off the boat.

Multiple paparazzi outlets were outside. I covered my face as we walked past but obviously it wasn't enough. They started coming around us asking question after question but I didn't answer. "Madison, is it true you and Pierre Gasly are in a relationship?" "Are those photos real?" "What does your family think of you now that there's speculation of you cheating with someone's boyfriend?"

"I have no comments to any of your questions," I said in a monotone voice as I got into the passenger seat of Daniel's car. Daniel gets into the drivers seat and hands me a water and bottle of Tylenol. They kept trying to pry questions as he driving off. "Thank you for the water," I said softly while taking two tablets and swallowing them down with water.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. I could tell he wasn't pleased with the situation. "Just a headache," I say glancing a look in his direction. "Good! I want you to be able to work today," He tells me. Silence follows and I stare out the window. "Are you mad at me?" I ask him. "Mad? No. A little disappointed but that's it. You know he's in a relationship. I know you guys have had some feelings for one another since we were kids but c'mon sis. You can do better," He says.

"Feelings?" I ask with a soft scoff. I didn't want to believe it myself but he was right. I did have feelings and have had them for a few years now. But Pierre was in a relationship and I could've ruined that last night. "I fucked up big time didn't I?" I ask. "I think a little bit. But everything will be okay. Just give it time," he said as he pulls up to the hotel.

"Thank you for the ride," I said with a smile. "Anything for my little sis," he said and ruffles my hair. I swat his hand away and look at him. He looks at me and we start laughing. "Shit man, I'm a mess," I said as I got out of the vehicle. "Here's your phone," he said and handed me my phone. "Thanks. See you at the track," I said and closed the door. I waved as he drives away.

I go to my room and unlock it using the hotel app on my phone. I open the door and screamed. "OH MY DAYS! What are you doing here Charlie?" I ask angrily as I close the door.

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