Eight: Burn It Too The Ground

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Song of the Chapter
Song Title: Burn It To The Ground
Song By: Def Leppard
Features: N/A----------------

I woke up to someone's phone alarm going off. It turns off a few seconds later but I just kept my eyes closed cause I was not ready to face the world yet. I felt someone's arm wrap around me which only makes me cuddle up to the person. I remember who it was and sat up. I watch as Pierre looks at me and sat up shocked. "Did we?" He asks. "No we didn't," I said as I got up. He sighs softly in relief which made my heart sink a bit. Why did his mind immediately go to that? Did he forget about last night? Or was it all a dream?

"I should get ready for my flight," I said and got up clearly a bit upset. I don't know why I was upset about such a stupid little thing. "Flight?" He asks getting up. "Sorry I didn't tell you, I'm heading to the Netherlands for the week before the Prix. I got a ticket last night for you. You don't have to come. I just know you said that you wanted to tag along," I ramble. "Hey I'll go with you. I need to get away from all this madness. You are one of the only ones that make me feel sane," He said with a smile. My heart flutters at the comment.

"Thanks. I should pack up my stuff and get dressed," I said with a soft smile. "I should too," he said and grabs some clothes. He walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower start. I sit down on the bed and run my hands through my hair. "Jesus, why can't I keep it in my pants?" I whisper to myself. I sigh and quickly change. I hear my phone ding and I glance at it.

My mom had sent me a little video of my great grandpa reacting to my tire changes during the race. I smile as I watch it. My great grandpa on my mom's side is almost 95 years old(my mom's dad). He has always wanted to see me succeed with doing something I love. He loved cars and races. He actually was a F1 racer when he was in his twenties. He was there for a year or two but he is a legend. When he found out I was going to be travelling the world with famous F1 racers and be on tv he vowed to watch every race to see when I would come on tv.

Me: Is he still talking about coming to one of the races?

Mom: he's very persistent. We talked to his doctor and he's in excellent condition to fly.

Me: you aren't flying out to this weekend race to visit?

Mom: me and Great Grandpa Kirby are coming down to your next Grand Prix to watch.

Me: you're joking right?

Mom: no I am not. We are heading down Wednesday and should be there Thursday afternoon.

Me: Kay, I'll get you guys passes and stuff. Omg I'm so excited now. I miss you guys so much.

Mom: us too sweetheart. How are you doing? I seen articles. Is it true?

Me: yea I'm fine. It was my fault.

Mom: it wasn't your fault. If he consented to whatever happened it's not your fault. Yes it's wrong honey but he consented to it as well.

Me: thanks mom. That's what my friends are saying as well. I gotta go. I'm heading down to the Netherlands in a bit to hang out and relax for a few days.

Mom: okay, text me when you get there. Be safe!!

Me: kk. Talk to you later.

I was smiling like an idiot. I set my phone on the table and did a little happy dance. I was so excited and happy I just wanted to hug someone. I heard the door open and I turn around to see Pierre walk out in only jeans. I look him up and down and smirked. He looks at me and smiles.

"Why aren't you dressed yet?" He asks. "I was talking with my mom and my Grandpa Kirby is coming down for this weekends race," I said excitedly. "Oh my god, I've always wanted to meet Kirby," He said smiling. "Yea, you talked about him all the time when we were younger," He said while putting on deodorant.

"Right!" I said blushing. He smiles at my reaction which makes me nervous. "Get ready. I'm hungry and craving some Starbucks," He said. I waved him off as I grab a random outfit. I walk towards the bathroom and look back at him gaining one last look him shirtless before I closed the door. I change quickly and come out with my stuff. I pack everything up before turning to the monitor set up.

"You need help?" He asks as he walks up behind me. He crosses his arms. "Umm..yea, yea I do," I said nervously. He smiles and helps me get all the gear into a bag. Soon we were off to the airport. "Why don't you use your plane?" I ask as we board the flight. "I do use it. Just not when I'm with you," He tells me. "Why?" I ask. "Because with you, I can actually feel normal and not have to worry about being some big celebrity," He said truthfully.

I glance at him. "Really? You think so?" I ask. "Yea, we've known each other since we were kids. You know me better than anyone else I know. I trust you," He said with a comforting smile. I smile and tried to put my bag into the compartment but couldn't reach. Pierre puts his in and then helps me with mine. "Thank you," I said. "Welcome," He said with a smile.

We sit down in our seat which thankfully were beside one another. Nobody sat on the other seat. I knew Pierre always liked the middle seat and I like the window seat. I grab my headphone out from my pocket and hook it up to my phone. I was still super tired after last night because I felt like I got no sleep. Once the plane gets into the air I put in my headphones. Pierre does the same thing. I turn on some random song on repeat and closed my eyes. As I doze off my head starts drooping down to the side that opposite of Pierre. I open my eyes and sit up. I close my eyes again and feel myself start to doze off again. As my head goes to the side I felt someone catch my head and move it. I feel my head get gently placed on a comfy surface. Right away I knew it was Pierre's shoulder.

I smile softly half asleep at this point and cuddled up to him. I start dreaming about childhood memories and memories with my friends from the grid. Most of all, the fun memories of Pierre and I had and all the things we learnt about each other. How he didn't like when I call him certain names or how he didn't like when I flirted with other guys. God, he was really was hot when he got all..jealous? Did he really get jealous when I flirted with other guys? I smile more as I dream about all the times he ended up getting protective and jealous over guys when myself and them flirted.

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