One: Demons

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Song of the Chapter
Song Title: Demons
Song By: J6
Features: Mikey Manfs

My alarm awake me at 2:15 in the morning. I cuddle up to my pillow and pull my blankets above my chin. The alarm continues every second that I don't touch it. Sighing, I turn off my alarm clock that sits on my bedside table. The light taps of rain outside make me cuddle up into my blankets even more with a smile on my face. I could stay in my warm bed all day with the thoughts of...wait no. I can't like him. I can never ever like him. Or can I?

His name is Pierre Gasly. Somehow like the flick of a switch on the track he can be ruthless and then off the track he's completely different. Obviously he's a big celebrity and there's always gotta be a masked version of oneself. But when he's on the track. Damn he's hot. Off the track, same way.

We've always had this feud with each other where we naturally get on each other's nerves and wanted to strangle each other from time to time. We just hate each other. At least, that's how we act towards each other. I mean, we are nice to each other but we do bicker a lot as well. Everyone likes to call us an old married couple and says that we really are in love each other. Can't tell if they are being sarcastic or not. But whatever.

I snap myself back to reality and force myself out of bed and towards the bathroom to have a quick shower before leaving for the airport. This weekend is the Belgium Grand Prix. Otherwise known as the Spa Grand Prix for some. I turn on the shower before looking in the mirror. I ruffle my short hair around.

(Reference Photo For How Madison's Hair looks)

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(Reference Photo For How Madison's Hair looks)

I undress and hop into the shower. After having a quick but relaxing shower I get out and dry myself off. My phone dings indicating that I got a text message most likely from either one of my co-workers, Pierre himself, or one of the other racers from the grid. I'm pretty close to most of them but not all. Some I am close friends with and others I am just acquaintances with.

I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I pick up my phone to read a text from my boss saying that I am ironically sitting beside Pierre the entire flight to Belgium. Why didn't he fly in his private plane? Beats me. It only makes my blood boil thinking about how much he is going to annoy me on this four hour flight. I get dressed into a pair of black leggings, and an AC/DC shirt that I've had for the last three or so years. I open Pierre's contact and send him a message as I walk towards the front door with my single luggage back and my backpack purse.

Me: Picking you up in 10 minutes to head to the airport. Be ready!!

I walk towards my car which is a Ford Fiesta Hatchback. Although, not the fanciest car, it does the job to get me from point A to B. I quickly put my bag into the back before getting into the drivers seat with my purse in hand. I check to see if I have all my things with me before putting my purse on the passenger seat. I start the car and hook my phone up to its charger since I forgot to charge it during the night. I see Pierre text me back.

Gasly: kk.

I roll my eyes. I don't understand people and writing kk in their texts. How am I suppose to respond to that? Pushing that annoying feeling aside I put in his address on my phone before driving off. I keep my eyes on the road as I say, "Hey Siri, play Vibing While Driving playlist on Spotify." Music starts playing a few seconds later. As I pass by cars I can tell that they are either heading somewhere or heading home. I turn down Pierre's street and park in front of his house. I look at my phone and see that we have about three in a half hours until they call everyone to board the flight. I hear the back door open and a thump sound. No doubt his luggage. I move my purse to the back seat as the passenger door opens to reveal Pierre who was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Took you long enough," I comment as he gets into the passenger seat. He looks at me as he shuts the door. "You said ten minutes," He says as he puts on his seatbelt. "Yea whatever. You have everything?" I ask. "Yes, do you?" He asks. I nod as I put in the address of the airport. "Yes I have everything," I tell him as I press the 'GO' button on one of the four options. I put the car into drive and start towards the airport.

"Were you streaming last night?" I ask trying to make small talk. "Some of the boys and I ended up playing some F1 2021. Have you ended up getting your stuff to start twitch streaming?" He asks. I've been wanting to stream for a while now, even before talking about it with some of the other racers who stream as well. "Not yet, I don't know the right things to get. I know I have the budget for it. I just don't know the right products to get," I explain.

"Why don't some of us go out after day 1 of practice and we can look at stuff," He said. My heart kinda drops for some strange reason. Why am I feeling kinda sad that he said "some of us" instead of "we." "You know I've always wanted to learn the controls for this car. I mean, I'm fine with understanding what makes the race car, a race car obviously, but never really understood all the buttons," I said trying to get that feeling out of my body.

"Well, this will be a good way to learn. Plus, I'll totally help teach you. But I'll do it for $40 a session," He teases. "40? Jesus Murphy. No you aren't getting $40," I said. "I'm joking...$5 a session," He teases more. "You really want me to smack you up the head today don't you?" I ask chuckling annoyed. He laughs softly as we talk and laugh the rest of the car ride to the airport. I park and turn off the car as Pierre gets out of the car and starts unloading the baggage.

"You going airport dad mode?" I ask jokingly as he hands me my purse after looking to see if I had everything. "Shut up and get moving," he said getting annoyed. I smile proudly as I walking with my bag in hand. I always love getting on his nerves. He gets this cute little annoyed face...why am I thinking about how cute he gets when I get on his nerves? Nevermind that, the bigger thing is that he is in a relationship. I can't think such thoughts while he's committed to someone else. I push the thoughts out of my head and we get through airport security with ease.

Let's hope the race weekend doesn't get complicated.

Words: 1,227

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