Five: Shivers

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Song of the Chapter
Song Title: Shivers
Song By: Ed Sheeran
Features: N/A----------------

I look behind me to see Daniel and Max. Daniel glares at him coldly while Max had his arms crossed. "Boys, this is just a misunderstanding," The producer said not letting go of my arm but instead grips it a bit tighter. "Let her get to work. I won't ask again," Max said. "Boys, I can handle this. Just go back to your garages," I said to them. "You heard the little lady," He said with a smirk.

"I think you misunderstood Sir," George said coming up behind them with two cameras pointing right at myself and the producer. I sigh internally. 'Why do we always gotta cause a scene?' I question in my head. "I don't think you'd want hundreds of thousands of people to see what's about to happen if you try to make another excuse," Daniel said.

At this point, I yank my arm from his grasp. I turn to him. "I suggest you get out of my sight before I do something I'll regret," I said. He smiles kindly. "We'll see you once the race commences," He said and leaves without another word. I rub my face as my headache starts to come back.

"Thank you but I had it handled," I said to the four people standing in front of me. "Yea well that's what best friends are for," George said. "C'mon, let's get to our cars. We don't wanna waste anymore time. See you after the race," Max said before walking away. "See yea," I said to them as they waved goodbye and walked away. I couldn't tell if they were disappointed about what happened last weekend or if they don't care that it happened.

I turn around and see Pierre standing a few feet away from me. "Was he bothering you?" He asks worriedly. "No he wasn't. It was just a misunderstanding like the guy said...You don't have a Tylenol on you?" I ask. "Yea, uh, should be in my jacket. Want me to grab some?" He asks. "It's okay, I'll quickly grab it after you get out racing," I said. He nods and walks away. I bit back my tongue to ask what has happened between him and his girlfriend. I walk back out moments later after regaining composure after what just happened.

We get everyone out onto the track and go to the side once they were in position. I cover my ears as the cars take off once the safety car drives off. I've always been sensitive to loud noises which makes no sense given my profession with loud vehicles. I lead the team back to the pits and we get things organized before sitting down and watching the tv. I walk to wear Pierre's jacket was and take another Tylenol.

I take it with some water. I hear something buzz and his phone falls onto the floor. I knelt down and picked it up. I glance at what the notification was and seen it was a text message.

BB😍: I can't believe you. How could you cheat on me with that whore? You said yourself that you've never even liked her but everyone can tell you are lying. You are a selfish man and I wish you burn in hell cause we are through.

I reread it multiple times before look around seeing if anyone is watching me read it. I don't know how long I was kneeling down and looking at his phone. I quickly place it back into his jacket and stand up. I felt bad reading it and I knew I am now going pay for it at some point in the future. "Fuck, I need to get a tattoo after this is all done," I mumble to myself as I walk back to where everyone was.

I sit down and watch the tv. I bounce my left leg nervously as I watch. I noticed the team used soft tyres when it should've been hard tyres. "They should've told us to use hard tires not soft," I said to myself. I try to figure out why they'd use soft but I couldn't find any logical reason to why they'd use them. They talk about the different drivers and the positions they are in. I yawn softly as my stomach rumbles. I rub my stomach realizing I haven't had anything to eat yet. It only on lap 10 of 53. 'This is going to be a long race,' I think to myself.

"Just got word a severe thunderstorm might possibly be rolling in within the next 5 minutes and looks to stay well into tomorrow night. The question is, will they continue the race till the rain starts or are they going to call it?" The commentator says as they put on screen the forecast of a giant storm coming towards us. It was all yellow and red. People start asking if we should start closing up before it gets bad but we decided to wait for the FIA to tell us what to do.

I try to keep myself calm. I have always been afraid of storms. It's mostly the thunder, lightning and loud taps of rain. I'm fine if it's just raining softly but I hate when it pours. All my close friends knew about this and how much I get scared of storms.

Finally, the FIA calls everyone back into their garages as the rain starts to come down. I watch the tv with a heavy weight in my chest. 'Please get in safely guys,' I think to myself as I start helping my coworkers get stuff put away safely.

I hear the cars come closer to the pit entry. I look in the direction of Pierre's coat where his phone sat. I start getting worried to what his reaction would be. Once he makes it to the garage, we help him into the garage. I met eye contact with him and he could tell something was wrong. I look away and get back to work.

What felt like a few minutes, I felt a hand on my bicep. I look to see George and turn to him. "Shouldn't you be with your team?" I ask while I wipe my hands off with a rag. "Everyone already left," George says with a soft smile. The sky lights up as a lightning bolt shoots through the sky. Moments later loud thunder roars. I flinch and my hands start to tremble nervously.

"We should get out of here," He tells me. I look over and seen Gasly's coat gone. I frown and run a hand through my hair. "Yea, let me just get my purse," I said softly. I try to mask that I was worried but obviously George knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" He asks as he follows me through the garage. "I was looking through Pierre's coat for some Tylenol and before you say anything he allowed me to grab some. Anyways, his phone buzzes and dropped. When I picked it up, his girlfriend broke up with him. This is all my fault," I said as I grab my coat.

"Things will get okay. Why don't we go back to your hotel and we can set up a twitch account. How does that sound? Daniel, Lando, and Max will meet us there." He asks. I smile softly and nod. I grab two sweaters that was on the cubby and pasted one to George. We put them on and pulled the hoods over our heads.

"Ready?" He asks as we held hands. "Ready as I'll ever be," I said. George takes off running dragging me behind him. "Why do you take such long strides?" I said. "Because I'm tall. Why do you take such little strides?" He teases. "Cause I'm a small little bean Russell," I said keeping up with him. "A small bean? Okay that's your new nickname. Small bean," He laughs which makes me laugh since his laughs are so contagious.

We end up getting to my car and we hop inside. Both of us were soaking wet at this point since we were running in the pouring rain. "Okay, let's get to the hotel so we can change Little Bean!" He said as I turn on the car. "You really aren't gonna let that down," I laugh. "No I won't. I'll never let it down," He said before I drove us back to the hotel.

Words: 1,420

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