10 : I dreamed of this moment so much...

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The world had finally returned to its normal state. Of course there was still a lot of damage to repair, but the humans were no longer under the destructive influence of Dolos.

I wanted us to get back to Themiscyra as quickly as possible, but Diana insisted that we fly by plane to Crete so that we take advantage of this trip to spend quality time between sisters. I understood her, because since our reunion in Egypt; we were literally in a race against time to avoid the destruction of the world. But now, we could at least breathe and take the time to truly reconnect.

Artemis' Arrow had made headlines. It had triggered a blaze which took several days to extinguish in the Temple of the Amazons  in Crete.

 I was explaining to Diana how, for years, I had spent days and nights in the library trying to figure out a way to get her to come home and the clue given to me in my dream.

Then, she took my hand but turned her head to look out the window as if she was ashamed:

 "I haven't be able to be as persistent as you. When Steve died, I just closed in on myself. I didn't know how to get over his death and the death of the mutual friends we had. I simply decided to close my heart because it was much too hard to bond with people and see them leave one after the other ."

I squeezed her hand and started playing absentmindedly with her fingers as I spoke.

" It's not your fault. After the death of Antiope; Philae started talking to me about these things: about death; of the brevity of life for mortals. Neither you nor me had never faced death before this battle on the beach. And you ; you left right away without having been prepared to see at work this law which governs the life of mortals.

 Unlike us, they are born,  they grow old and they die. Some faster, others slower, but the outcome is inevitable. And yet Diana, they manage to deal with it; to continue despite this curse. Losing someone dear does not prevent them from loving again because they have understood that it is the only remedy to heal their broken heart. That does not erase the absence of those who are no longer there ; but it allows them to find comfort and feel less alone.

 And you for all these years; you have refused this remedy by doing exactly the opposite: by isolating yourself. And that's why it was so hard for you to let Steve Trevor go."

She looked at me for a long time. "You have become a true well of wisdom. You're right ; even though I left for war; I was not ready to face death; especially at the death of the people I loved. And when it happened, I believed that cutting myself off from others was the best way to stop suffering !"

She smiled bitterly "It was quite the opposite, I suffered even more by clinging to my past !"

I didn't want her to dwell on her dark thoughts; fortunately a message announced that we would soon arrive at our destination.

I checked Diana's watch and pretended to be displeased " You do realize that we could have gotten here much faster! »

- I think I told you that I didn't want to rush because I wanted us to spend time together; so that we have time to talk. So stop checking my watch; you're not supposed to worry so much about the passing time : you are an immortal !

Diana had booked a hotel room where we spent the night. I was in a hurry to go and find that arrow; but she forced me to slow down so to appreciate what was around me. I must admit that she was navigating this world with an ease that filled me with wonder.


Later, we were sitting on the terrace of a restaurant,  when a young man with dark hair and tanned skin, approached us. Immediately I was on the defensive but Diana gave me a look telling me to relax.

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