7 : Artemis' arrow

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The death of Antiope, the departure of Diana had turned our lives upside down. Several decades passed without the pain really fading away. Each time we found ourselves at the table for dinner, the empty chairs once occupied by Diana and Antiope cruelly reminded us of their absences.

I now looked like a young woman in her twenties; I could easily be mistaken for Diana, but I was a little shorter and less imposing in stature. I had come a long way on the battlefield because I had sworn to myself that never again would a member of my family be taken from me. I was tortured by the idea that I had failed in the mission entrusted to me to protect the princess by refusing to accompany Diana into the world of men.

But what tormented me even more; it was to see Hyppolita spending hours on her balcony looking at the skyline longing for her daughter. I couldn't stand it, I couldn't bear it anymore.

From that day on, I made the decision to look for a way to bring Diana home. Although the Queen told me that it was impossible for humans to find the island because Zeus had hidden it; I replied with determination "Well it's a good thing that neither me nor Diana are human. I'll find that way and I'll bring Diana back to you. »

I spent all my time rummaging through the old ancient Greek scrolls that were locked away in the library archives. The task was immense; for several weeks I spent whole days and even nights without finding the slightest clue.

Then, one evening while I had fallen asleep in my research, I had a strange dream. Artemis appeared to me for the first time since my arrival on the island.

She handed me a metal arrow "Katailyda, you are finally ready for your mission. Take this !". I looked at the arrow she held out to me. I was angry with this goddess who had done nothing to help me in the mission she had entrusted to me : "Do you think I'll succeed with just one arrow ? The last time I saw you, you threw me out of the sky telling me to protect the Princess and not part with my bracelets. Well you know what! I kept the bracelets but I lost the Princess. So you're going to have to be a little bit more specific about  this mission ! "

The goddess shook her head smiling at my boldness : "Do you really think that your power is limited to making draughts and puddles ? You have much more than that in you Kataïlyda. You can heal the hearts of beings, bring them back to light. And if you need weapons for your battle, in addition to the elements you control, you can materialize them with your bracelets ».

She touched my bracelets with the tip of her bow and armor, similar to the one Diana had taken from the temple treasury, covered my body. The entire top part was made of silver metal while the skirt was the same blue as Diana's armor. I had no boots but winged sandals made of the same metal as the armor.

I looked at her dumbfounded "These are Hermes sandals..."

"He doesn't need them anymore. Now go!"

" Wait ! One last thing: Why did you create me? I spent a hundred years here and couldn't even help Diana when she needed me the most."

"Diana was created by my father to defend life it was here mission; I created you and sent you to live on earth to heal the deepest ills: those of the soul. Diana didn't need you then; but you have been a medecine for Hyppolyta all these years. It took time to complete your training. Now you are finally ready in your body and in your mind. Now hurry. Diana needs you because she is losing herself. And don't forget my arrow! »

I woke up suddenly; looking around me. The library was plunged into darkness, the glow of the candle in front of me dancing on the walls. My gaze fell on the open page of the codex I had fallen asleep on. An arrow drawing illustrated the page. I read the text in Koiné accompanying the illustration.

Artemis Arrow

Pulled by an amazon towards the Goddess Sanctuary,

The arrow will indicate the way.

Now I was sure that the arrow was the key to finding the way back to Themiscira, but I didn't have time to dwell too much on the details. I had to warn the Queen and prepare for my departure.

Despite the late hour, I ran back into the palace and made my way to the Queen's apartments without worrying too much about the noise I might make.

Of course the guards posted at her door stopped me. There had to be a compelling reason to disturb the Queen in the middle of the night. But I had no time to waste on explanations or negotiations. I waved my hand and they found themselves pinned against the wall several meters from the door. All this commotion awoke the Queen who threw open the door, her sword in hand.

She looked at me bewildered, then turned her head in the direction of her guards against the wall: "Katailyda? What's going on ? »

I waved and the guards were released. They rushed to me but Hyppolita raised her hand indicating that she was handling the situation.

I took her hand "Artemis spoke to me. I have to go and help Diana". She took me inside her room and I told her everything the Goddess had told me in my dream.

After listening to me attentively, Hyppolita stood up and sighed : "It comforts my motherly heart to know that you will go there to help Diana. But it tears me apart because I will lose my second daughter to the world of men; I'm not sure I'm going to get over it !"

Her tears streamed down her face as she spoke to me. I took her hand to share my hope with her: "There is a way to get back to Themiscira; with the arrow of Artemis ! ».

I showed her the codex I had in my hand. She read the text and remained thoughtful for a moment; there were not many details or explanations.

I looked at her smiling; "Mother have faith in me; shoot the arrow after I leave and I'll bring Diana back to you. I can do it ! "

I had considered Hyppolyta as a mother for years; especially since the death of Antiope and the departure of Diana; these events had brought us much closer. But, even though my tongue had slipped at times, I had always refrained from calling her that so she wouldn't think I wanted to take Diana's place in her heart.

- I am going to ask that they prepare a boat and food for you; but it will take you days of navigation to reach the nearest lands

-I don't need it Mother, the Goddess gave me a new gift...

I focused on my bracelets and immediately my warrior outfit covered my body.

For the first time in years, I felt her soul fill with hope and although it saddened her to see me go, she had hope to see her greatest love return: her daughter Diana.

She hugged me one last time "Go and be careful my daughter!"

"I will be Mother" I rose into the air and disappeared in a flash.

That same night the Queen entered the Themiscyra temple and shot towards the sky beyond the magic barrier one of the arrows of Artemis, accompanied by a prayer :

 "Come back to me my daughters".

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