5: Tests & Powers (2)

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Before the last event, the sword fight ; we were leading 2 sets to 1. Inga would do everything possible to come back on equal points.

The fight against the muscular blonde and her partner was going to be complicated. Both women were massive and much taller than me.

Of course Diana could fight them alone but the rules of the games required that both partners fight side by side against their opponents. I knew I was a liability to Diana; moreover I had no shield covering my left flank, which made me even more vulnerable.

Diana compensated for this by putting us back to back, at first I did not understand her tactic and she just winked at me.

In our training sessions with Antiope, she made us fight regularly with one arm tied behind our back. I complained about it every time: "If my arm is cut off, I would be very surprised if I was able to stand up and continue the fight with the other arm...might as well finish me off! »

She never let my insolent remarks pass and often struck me with the flat of her blade : "You will understand the usefulness of it the day you find yourself in a situation where you cannot cover your left flank".

The situation lent itself perfectly. Nevertheless my fears remained; and I couldn't help but think of the disappointment I was going to cause Diana by making her lose this fight: sword fighting was really not my forte.

I heard Diana's voice clearly in my head "you will never disappoint me little sister". I was taken aback, I did not know that she and I shared this kind of bond. I glanced at her briefly and she gave me a small smile and I heard her thoughts again "apparently we share our thoughts too". I answered her : "Then we might as well use it".

The fight began, Inga and her partner surrounded us like two predators. I didn't need to see Diana's face behind me to know that she was frowning and focused on our opponents' every move.

Inga's comrade made a first attack with her sword on my right and unleashed a blow on my left that Diana easily stopped with her shield. Inga took advantage to attack Diana at the same time and raised her sword above her head to land a blow that would knock any opponent down. But Diana was not just anyone, she parried the blow with the blade of her sword and kicked Inga which made her step back several meters.

The blonde came back to the charge like a bull and delivered several violent and rapid blows forcing Diana to use her shield.

At the same time I managed to keep her teammate at a good distance parrying each assault; I had the advantage of speed, so far she hadn't been able to catch me off guard.

Inga spat her venom, while looking at me with contempt: "This bastard you consider your sister is not even worthy of being an Amazon! But you value her more than any of your Amazon sisters who were there before her; she hardly knows how to fight ! If you weren't there Princess; I would have already crushed her to the ground like a vulgar earthworm ".

The warrior was definitely trying to piss Diana off in order to make her act without thinking. I turned my head slightly towards my sister, mentally reminding her not to fall into Inga's trap, unfortunately the trap was elsewhere. Focused on Diana, I react a fraction of a second too late to repel an attack from her companion; my sword slipped from me and fell to the ground. As I stooped to retrieve it; she took the opportunity to kick me violently in the knee, I felt my bone crack under the violence of the shock.

I fell heavily to the ground, tears welling up in my eyes as the pain was unbearable. Diana rushed to my side, her eyes filled with concern: "You need to be treated". I shook my head "I can wait, if we leave the fight now, we will have done all this for nothing".

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