Chapter 1 Walking

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 "I can't believe it's already been 13 years already." Daniel said to himself. Being a teenager for the first time in his life gave him the feeling of maturity. 

That afternoon he decided to go for a walk into the neighbourhood and the town. it's became a hobby of himself taking walks like this for awhile to help his mental health.

As he walked, he remarks on the memories he had since his childhood. He'd remember the shops he went to when he was a kid, the park where he played in, and of course his dad clock factory where his clock would chime at every hour which was called 'chime time'.

Then he remembers his friends. Even though he met them when he was around 4 or younger they were able to stay friends for such a long time.

He remembers Prince Wednesday. They've been best friends since they were very young and his family is basically a monarch even though it's works a lot differently than regular monarchies.

Miss Elaina who was the energetic person and funnest person he ever met. Jodi the platypus was his next door neighbour when she first came and her mother is a dentist.

O The Owl was a smart friend that he could count on. And Katerina Kittycat. She is a really kind, and protective person he'd ever met. She's just like his other friends but for some reason Daniel felt something different when he's around her. He doesn't know why, and it sometimes makes him to do stuff to impress her or just to spend time with her more.

As he was walking thinking about Katerina, She'd came out of nowhere which startled him. "Hey Daniel." Katerina said. 

"Ahh" Daniel said. 

"Sorry did I scare you?" Katerina asked. 

"Umm no, I wasn't scared. I just got surprised" Daniel replied. 

"Okay, how are you doing?" Katerina asked. 

"I'm doing fine I guess, just taking a walk." Daniel said.

"Yeah. Could we walk together? I got nothing else to do today." Katerina asked. "S..sure." Daniel and Katerina are walking together.

"So how are you doing this summer?" Katerina asked. 

"Oh I'm getting better." Daniel said. 

"Do you think you're ready for 7th grade?" Katerina asked. 

"Well if I survived last year, then I will this year, how about you?" Daniel asked.

"Same, but I can't believe that we're like around 2 years away till highschool." Katerina stated.

"Yeah, I imagine that." Daniel said.

The two walked and talked to each other for awhile.

Meanwhile a few hours later at Daniel's home

"Hey is it's ready?" Daniel tiger Dad asks 

"Yes it's is all we need now is Daniel" said his mother. 

"Ok I'll contact Katerina and bring him here." Miss Elaina replied. She then calls Katerina on her phone. 

Meanwhile back with Daniel and Katerina.

Daniel and Katerina decided to sit next to the sea where they could watch the surroundings.

"Wow this scenery is beautiful." Katerina said. 

"Yeah. I usually stop here to see the boats go by." Daniel explains. 

"Oh that's nice." Just then Katerina got a call on her phone. "Hang on, give a sec." Katerina then answered her call.

While she was doing this. Daniel was looking at a boat. This one had an old man and a kid. As Daniel watched he felt saddened when they enjoyed their company. The kid has a grandpa and from the looks of things the grandfather is teaching his grandson to fish. This reminded him of Grandpere.

"Hey Daniel?" Daniel looked to Katerina. "Are you okay." She asked. 

"Yeah I'm fine." Katerina wasn't fully convinced that he was telling the truth. 

"Do you want to head back home? I could come with you." Katerina asked.

"Sure." So both Daniel and Katerina both headed home. She wanted to stick by him since he wasn't feeling like himself. And when she saw the grandfather and his grandson she had a feeling that she knew what was in Daniel's mind.


When they reached to Daniels home and he walks inside. "Mom, Dad, I'm home." Daniel said. But there was no response, and the house looked dark and a bit out of place.

"Anything wrong?" Katerina asked. 

"Well it's kinda dark and spooky." Daniel and Katerina took a couple of steps when they saw all of there friends and some of  there neighbours pop out of no where 


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