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A/N: sup (Y/N is a glamrock)
The Glamrocks just got done with a performance, hearing the crowd cheer loudly for them. Children jumping up and down, adults nether tired or excited, and teens recording or goofing around with their friends. As usual the gang waved to the crowd then got off stage, off visual from everyone. Having a small break before they get back on again to preform.

Behind the stage Freddy was talking to everyone saying how great they did
while they said their thank yous.
"Everyone did great! As usual of course." Freddy smiled happily his ears fluttered.
"I know I did great, Freddy." Roxy smirked looking at her nails, Chica giggling to her response.
Monty rolled his eyes then looked to Y/N, seeing him collecting papers off the ground.
"Hey Y/N, darling" Monty said with a calm voice as Y/N got up turning twords him.
"Yeah?" Y/N asked tilting his head slightly to the side. "When you're done here, visit me in the back room, luv." He whispered into
Y/Ns ear, a shiver going down his spine..
Y/N felt himself squeeze the papers in his hands, nodding slowly. "Okay, I will.."
He responded with a soft tone then walked off to go put the papers away.
Monty smirked then walked off to go wait for Y/N in the back.

Y/N finished his job and was walking back to everyone else, going to go see Monty but, got stopped when he was walking past Freddy, Chica, and Roxy. "Where you going, dear?" Chica asked curiously, putting her hand on her hip. "Oh..going to go see Monty will quick."
Y/N answered politely, giving a small smile back to her. "Okay, cupcake. You two don't take too long." Chica replied and Y/N nodded giving a thumbs up
"Okay, we won't." He sighed walking off to go see Monty in the back.

Y/N got to the back room, it was dark and hard to see, his eyes glowing in the dark room brightly. "Close the door behind ya, 'Cher" Monty softly said catching Y/N by surprise letting out a small yelp.
"God damnit, Monty-! You scared me."
Y/N growled as he closed the door behind him then seeing Monty's eyes glow, seeing his figure and some of his face.
"Why do you wanna see me?"
Y/N asked curious crossing his arms, Monty walking closer to him and grabbing Y/Ns chin. "You've been so busy lately I thought we could use some time alone together, deary.." Monty soothingly answered back, looking down to Y/N. "I guess I could use the attention from you." Y/N teased, wrapping his arms around Monty and kissing him gently. Monty and Y/N closed their eyes, enjoying the nice kiss, feeling Monty's cold lips on Y/Ns. Monty's tail slowly started to wag. "I love you.." Monty softly said, picking Y/N up to pin him to the wall, Y/N wrapping his legs around Monty's waist to support himself easier. "I love you too, gummy.." Y/N smiled, the two going back to the kiss, more passionate then before.
Y/N running his fingers through Monty's fluffy red hair from the back of his head.
Monty rubbing Y/Ns thigh, gripping onto him a few times. Monty's tail wagging happily back and fourth.
"I could do this all day, baby.." Monty mumbled, looking at Y/N with a smirk.
"I bet you could~" Y/N cooed, Monty then starting to kiss Y/Ns neck all over, Y/N bitting his lip. "I wanna leave marks all over you.." Monty said as he bit into Y/Ns shoulder, Y/N letting out a small whimper.
"We have a show in a few minutes you can wait.." Y/N mumbled, nuzzling into Monty a bit. "Mmmm, that's sounds like a hard challenge." Monty joked, kissing Y/Ns neck over and over again, grinding against him a bit. The situation getting heated, Y/N gripping onto Monty's shoulders letting out a small moan trying to be quiet.
"You make me feel so needy..." Monty said as he grunted, grinding against Y/N a few more times, rubbing Y/Ns thigh up and down while his other hand was rubbing
Y/Ns side.  "And I love that, Monty.." Y/N whispered to him, starting to kiss him on his cheek, Monty nudging into Y/N, liking the feeling. Y/N grabbing Monty's chin to make Monty look at him face to face, giving Monty nice short kisses repeatedly. Monty smiling, kissing him back each time.
Y/N rubbing the side of Monty's face, both of the males eyes closed. Y/Ns head slightly tilted for a better kiss. They then sperated, looking each other in the eyes, adoring each others face. "You look so handsome, you know that?" Monty said to Y/N with a soft tone making Y/N chuckle. "Yes, because you almost tell me everyday, luv." Y/N answered happily "Good, because you're the best"
Monty kissed him then spoke again
"and you deserve all the love you get."
Monty kissed him again, flooding Y/N with compliments. "And I'm glad you're mine."
He said quietly, Y/N replying back to him.
"Me too, gummy." Y/N kissed him, Monty kissing back gladly, his tail wagging excitingly back and fourth.
They then heard the speakers going off with the familiar voice they hear nearly everyday.
"It time for our stars to return back to the stage for another show in a few seconds here! The Glamrocks will see you soon!" The man said over the speakers then hearing a click after he was done. "already?" Monty grunted, putting Y/N down. "Looks like our break is over." Y/N said looking up to Monty. "I wish it didn't have to end." Monty grumbled to Y/N, Y/N letting out a small giggle. "There's always tonight, Monty." Y/N gave him a short kiss on the cheek then opened the door, light shining in the dark room as both of them walked out to go and preform.

1030 words

A/N: sord of short but hey, it's something!
It's been awhile hasn't it?

Sorry for any spelling mistakes!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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