I don't bite~

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Y/N is a human in this one!
I'll say when Y/N is a GlamRock and when he/you are a worker! :D
Probably be more then one part for this story:)
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*
"Ughhhh..." Y/N groaned from under the covers not wanting to wake up. 
He let the alarm go off a few more times, hearing beep after beep then it soon getting annoying so he reached out from under the covers tapping the clock. The beeping stopped and he sat up, stretching his arms letting out a long yawn. He felt tired, grabbing the blanket that was covering him and throwing it to the side jumping out of bed. Y/N took a minute to get his mind straight "...first day" Y/N said to himself stretching again then itching his neck.
"I better not get trampled." He was more awake now, walking twords his closet and grabbing his working clothes then heard shuffling behind him, he turned around facing the other bed in the room.
"Hey, idiot, get up.'' Y/N called out to his roommate, they groaned.
"Don't feel like it.." they said back with a drowsy voice. Y/N sighed and went over to the bed and grabbed the blanket hiding his roommate throwing it to the side.
"Y/N, what the hell? It's cold!"
They said, opening there eyes wrapping their arms around themselves exaggeration seen. "Lucy, we're gonna be late. Get up."
Lucy was Y/Ns roommate, they both applied to the same job to work so they could work together and surprisingly it worked, sord of. The schedule they got were almost the same but Y/N worked a few more nights/days.
"Too bad." Lucy replied
Y/N scoffed then walked off, going into the bathroom than closing the door, he smirked. "I guess you won't be able to see Freddy-" He called out from the bathroom hearing her instantly get up and quickly getting out of bed hearing a thud, she fell.
Idiot Y/N thought to himself then got dressed, getting out of his sleeping clothes changing into his employee clothes that he was given from his boss. He opened the door and seen Lucy was already up and ready waiting at the door. "Come on, you're taking so long." Lucy teased and Y/N scoffed, following after Lucy as she walked out the door ready to go to their new job.
Freddy Fazbear pizza plex.
They arrived, seeing all the cars parked as the parking lot was packed. Y/N was in that passenger seat watching Lucy be so focused to see a parking space. "So, you ready to see the one and onlys? The GlamRocks?"
Lucy asked looking at Y/N.
"Uhm, yeah, getting to personally check up on each on of them sounds pretty cool, Kinda.." Y/N said his voice fading off a bit in the end. "What do you mean kinda? Don't you love the GlamRocks?" Lucy asked curious. Y/N looked at the pizza plex looking at the sign above seeing the characters Freddy, Chica, Roxy and Monty.
"I do, but, Monty is kinda.. intimidating."
Y/N said looking twords Lucy who finnaly found a parking spot quickly taking it before someone else got to it.
"Oh, well I'm sure you'll be just fine! I bet he's not that bad!" Lucy said, parking the car completely then putting the car keys in her pocket. "If you say so." Y/N said then opened the door feeling the fresh air go against his face feeling nice.
"Now common, I need to go and see Freddy!" Lucy said excited already walking away, Y/N chuckled and followed behind catching up with her.
They walked inside, seeing the place as it was lit up with bright colorful lights, the main colors being pink and blue. The floor was clean hearing peoples shoes squeak as they walked in and walked out. Kids yelling , adults talking and teens messing around. Music played, hearing different instruments being played but going together just well, it looks like this place was based off the 80's. Lucy grabbed Y/Ns hand starting to drag him around so they could get to work hearing their feet squeak along the white and black checker floor.
Y/N looked at the statues that where shined seeing the star of the show, the main leader, Freddy. Then seeing his what the company calls his friends! Monty, chica, and Roxy. They all made a different poses, it was cool. Lucy spoke happily "So, are boss said we had to meet him somewhere around here."
She looked, spying among the people trying to see if their boss was here.
"I don't see him-"
Y/N replied getting cut off by surprise.
"Y/N! Lucy! Glad to see you here, welcome!"
A man appeared out of nowhere.
He had a black and white suit, sun glasses, and messed up fluffy hair. He had a bright smile on his face welcoming the two.
"Oh, Mr. Lucas! We were just looking for you!" Lucy said with her cheery voice, going up to Lucas and shaking his hand.
"Oh, please, dear, you can just call me Lucas." He said, he didn't really care if he was called just "Lucas" he was a pretty chill guy to what it seems. Y/N went up to the man and spoke up.
"Hello, Lucas. Nice to see you again." Y/N smiled nervously and shook his hand, Lucas shook it back.
"It's nice to see you too as well, Y/N! Now, how about I tell you both whatcha need to do? Hm?" He tilted his head to side slightly, putting his arms behind his back giving a warm smile. The two nodded and Lucas began to walk telling them all the stuff they needed to know, Y/N and Lucy followed behind, listening.
"And I'm sure you both know now what you really need to do, right?"
He looked over to Y/N and Lucy, They both nodded. "Good! Now you two get to work! Money can't make it's self!" Lucas said shooing them off to do what they need to do then waved them a goodbye and walked off. "Well, he's nice." Y/N spoke twords Lucy.
"Yeah, Anyway! Let's get to work, N/N! See ya!" Lucy waved and went in a different direction then Y/N.
Lucy had to go do checkups on the other side of the pizza plex while Y/N takes the other side to do checkups. They also, if they where asked questions, had to give a complete answer. Mr.Lucas said they couldn't give a 'i don't know' because it was considered rude, I guess. Y/N sighed, taking a breath in then out, walking off and going to do his job.
Y/N was doing checkups, checking the place making sure nothing was wrong and that all was going well. He was pretty much done and decided he wanted to go and see the show. They were almost done preforming but better late then never!
He went through a different route then everyone else, having special access to the other rooms behind the stage getting to see a great angel of the GlamRocks. When he arrived he seen Lucy already there watching the show. "You just finish?" Y/N went up to her asking. "Sord of, my job was pretty easy to do. I got here way earlier than you, haha!" Lucy kept her eye on the show. Y/N watched as well seeing them preform. It was just so interesting, he laid his eyes on each one seeing how they played and reacted to the crowd. Soon the show was over and everyone had to go, the GlamRocks went behind stage too retuning back to their rooms.
The lights went dim, the music was gone, hearing just voices as everyone left grabbing their things making sure they had everyone with them. Y/N looked at his watch seeing he was back on the clock.
"Well, see ya Lucy. I have to go do the check ups on the gang." He called out and walked off hearing Lucy shout out to him.
"Mkay! Byeeee!" She waved and Y/N waved back.
He continued walking, trying not to get trampled by the crowd of people. Getting twords the green rooms waiting for everyone to leave so it was clear. Soon it was and he started to do his job, he walked up to Monty's room hearing him making a ruckus and growling. Y/N tried to build up the courage to knock but then turned around and walked to Roxy's instead.

SB Monty x Male reader (Stories) CURRENTLY NOT BEING CONTINUED!!!Where stories live. Discover now