Monty calm down

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Monty being Monty (human in this one!)
Y/N was on his way to work getting drove there by Lucy who was ranting about how the robots never listen to her or do their job right. Y/N sighed looking over to Lucy
"don't you think maybe because well.. they're robots?"  He suggested but in response Lucy scoffed, tightening her grip on the steering wheel "If they're so called robots they should know how to do their job!" Y/N rolled his eyes giving a small laugh, looking out side the window seeing they pulled up to the mega pizza complex
Freddy Fazbears pizza place
Lucy parked, hearing the tires screech
"Well, we're here so let's get going." Y/N opened the door getting out feeling the fresh air. He slammed the door and stretched seeing Lucy staring at him from the other side of the car. "Are you gonna get wrecked up again?" Lucy teased making
Y/N face blush walking pass her.
"Very funny, Lucy." He kept walking, Lucy following behind. "Just saying, don't think people would like to hear-" Lucy felt a smack against her head, she ducked down
covering her head "Ow!" She yelped out.
"Shush.'" Y/N smirked smuggly.
Hearing the kids and family's voices echo through the building was already giving
Y/N headache knowing he was going to have to deal with kids crying to him later on in the day. Most of the time when Y/N was doing his job a lost child would come up to him crying because they lost their parents and Y/N would have to deal with it, walking around the pizza complex asking everyone he seen 'is this your kid?'
Sure he knew it would be rude to ignore the kid but sometimes he wish he could just give the kid to another worker to make it their problem. Y/N walked along the black and white shiny checker floor that covered the whole place leading to rooms and rooms of places. The music played hearing different things put into one, the robots zooming around. "K, Lucy, I'm gotta go now, bye" he said with a soft voice waving goodbye and walking off. "Byee!" Lucy smiled waving back then walking in a different direction.
Y/N was looking around near the green rooms, he seen no one was in in their rooms knowing it was the middle of day so it makes perfectly sense why, but when he went next to Monty's room he heard him still in there. He looked side to side confused why Monty was in his room at this time of day? Y/N listen hearing growls and crashes come from the room.
"God fucking damnit!" Y/N heard Monty roar from his room, Y/N walked up to his door knowing Monty could get in trouble if he was heard swearing when kids are around. Y/N took a breath in then out knocking on the door. No one answered, just a continue of the growls and roars, his angry footsteps clashing to the ground. Y/N knocked again a bit louder "Monty, hey it's me, Y/N!" He spoke trying to get his attention. He heard Monty huff, his voice spoke from the other side "What do you want?" He sounded angry, his tone low and raspy. He was upset about something that made him have to cool down in his room.
"Just checking up on you, Gummy. What's wrong?'' Y/N said with a soft tone, putting his hand onto the door feeling the cold touch of the medal go against his skin.
Monty sighed, hearing him kick something with his foot that hit against the wall making a loud clang. "I broke a guitar string while preforming today.'' he answered making Y/N shake his head slowly, chuckling a bit. "Is that all?" Y/N asked seeing if there was anything else he was all grumpy about. Monty let out a growl "I also..kinda scared a kid today.'' His voice faded off at the end, sounding more sad then upset. "How did that happen?" Y/N asked, his voice sord of going quite.
"I got carried away a bit playing golf,  accidentally frightened the damn kid."
Y/N didn't respond, trying to think of way to make him feel better or calm down but his thoughts were interrupted when heard Monty speak again his voice rised in anger.
"So fucking stupid! Always have to mess things up! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He broke, threw things around, things breaking and crashing against the ground. Y/N tried calming him down from the other side of the door. "Hey! Hey! Monty! Calm down, okay?" Y/N did get Montys attention, he heard Monty responded with a grumpy
"How?" Then heard him punch the wall.
Y/N sighed "just let me in, I'll help you calm down." It went quiet, Monty thought to himself then speaking up "What happens if I accidentally get angry when you're in here?" Monty didn't want Y/N to get hurt from his break outs.
"It'll be fine, just open the door, please?''
The door slid open, Y/N looked up and seen Monty on the couch sitting down looking upset. Y/N walked in and the door closed behind him, he looked at the mess walking around it getting to Monty.
He sat down tapping his lap, Monty laid himself down onto him getting comfortable. Y/N ran his fingers through Monty's soft hair feeling it run through his fingers. He heard Monty huff, his breathing slowing down. Y/N hummed a little song helping Monty cool down more hearing
Y/Ns soft voice making him forget everything else around him. Y/N used his other hand to rub Monty's cheek softly feeling his bumpy skin go against his smooth skin, a warmth feeling on his hand counting his soft humming, sounding like a lullaby looking Monty softly into his ruby eyes that glowed greatly. Monty started into Y/Ns pretty E/C eyes that gave him comfort, making him feel better as they shine down on to him, from what it felt like. He wagged his tail slowly side to side hearing Y/N speak. "Feeling better?" His voice was soft, gentle making Monty have a small smile appear on his face "Mhmm" he hummed in response putting his hand onto Y/Ns face rubbing his cheek "Thank you, darling.''
He let out a small purr closing his eyes and relaxing. "You're welcome, gummy." Y/N said leaning down giving him a soft kiss on his snout.
1100 words

Hope you liked! See ya soon!

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!

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