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Y/N is human in this one! Also, all these stories are random unless it says pt.2 or sum! Just to be clear<3
Y/N felt his feet stumble, running through the building trying not to run into anything.
Hearing Monty count down, his voice low but loud. Loud enough for Y/N to hear, making him run faster the closer Monty got to 1. He heard Monty say five, knowing he needed a hiding spot quick and fast. Looking for one hearing his own heart thumping fastly. "4..." Monty said making shivers go down Y/Ns spine. "3..." Y/N eyes looked quickly around the colorful room. He was near where the stage was looking at all the places he could hide, some good ones and bad ones but choosing the closest one he could see. "2.." He ran twords it, jumping inside hearing his loud breathing fill the air. His feet tingling, his heart thumping, and his head feeling hazy. "1.." Monty then went completely quiet, Y/N couldn't hear him. Y/N was in a photo booth knowing he could've done better but was in a panic feeling he just needed to hide. Trying to listen for Monty's footsteps he covered his  mouth, not because he needed to hear for Monty but so Monty doesn't hear him.
He closed his eyes, feeling himself shiver hoping Monty doesn't find him. It was quiet then hearing something crash making Y/N jump."Where are you, Darling?~"  Monty voice was near by, Y/N assuming he dropped something or threw something to the ground trying to find him. Y/N kept his mouth covered with his hands, shifting around a bit trying not to make any noise. Shit, shit, shit. Y/N thought to himself knowing Monty could get him or hear him by any moment, by any slip up Y/N could make.*Sniff sniff* Monty sniffed the air, getting closer to the booth. Y/N then hold his breath right away, shutting his eyes, pushing his back against the wall of the booth trying to seem invisible. Monty put his claws onto the booth, clawing down making a loud screech for Y/N to hear. Y/N hating the sound peaking his eyes open and looking down seeing his shadow blocking the light. He knows, he knows, he knows Y/N repeated to himself in his mind, knowing Monty is going to open the curtain any moment. Y/N knew what he had to do, waiting for Monty to make the first move
Y/N getting himself ready.
"GOTCHA!" Monty yelled opening the curtain seeing Y/N jump out the other way.
Monty reached out so close to grabbing the neck of his shirt missing it by an inch.
Y/N felt himself hit the ground quickly turning around looking for where Monty is. It was quiet, Y/N quickly jumping up taking a few steps back keeping his eye on the booth. Nothing happened, he gave a confused look letting him self calm down a bit then seeing Monty launch right through the booth the curtain breaking off. Y/N leaped right out of the way Monty landing onto the ground looking up with a furious look. Y/N then started to run not wasting any time hearing Monty chase right after him his footsteps getting louder and louder his growling making Y/N shiver. Trying to lose Monty wasn't so easy, Y/N had to make shifts and turns taking risks knowing he could trip and it'd all be over. His feet were numb and the adrenaline ran through his body not able to feel the bottom of his legs hearing his rough breathing. He seen a corner knowing this was his chance picking up his pace more pushing himself through and making a quick turn hearing Monty stumble. Y/N looked back and seen Monty shaking his head knowing he tripped.
Y/N snickered looking forward again and looking around for a place to hide, he looked at Monty golf nodding to himself and running inside hearing the soft music playing. No one was there and everything was crowded with props, he looked at the cardboard cut outs and the fake grass. Everything was just green, well different shades of green.
He stopped catching his breath and feeling his legs so tired and soar his throat starting to hurt his heart burning. He sighed and looked up to the cat walk seeing it was good place to hide for a while and started to make his way up the cat walk. "Y/N, where are you." Monty called out his voice echoing. Y/N looked around for him trying to see where he was but hard to see him anywhere since he can blend in with the color green. Y/N muttered to himself realizing how it was bad idea to come in here, out of all the places he could go he came in here. "I really didn't think this through.." Y/N whispered, tighting his grip onto the bar. "I guess you really didn't, darling." A voice behind him called out making him freeze. He slowly looked behind him seeing Monty walking slowly twords him having a smirk on his face.
"SHIT!" Y/N yelled booking it hearing Monty go right after him. He felt the bars rattle under his feet loud, clanging metal echoing from the footsteps. Making left and rights
Y/Ns feet felt soar but knowing Monty couldn't catch him, he couldn't give up. Monty roared jumping forward and landing, purposely making the cat walk rattle harshly, making Y/N stumble tripping over his own feet landing onto the ground catching himself landing onto his knees.
Y/N looked back seeing Monty chuckle darkly and getting back into a leap position. Y/N felt his body tense up turning around staying on his knees, his arms holding him up as support. "Come and get me, gummy.." Y/N said to himself keeping his eye on Monty knowing he was about to leap, Monty crouched down tensing his shoulders his sunglasses tilting down and his tail wagging slowly side to side. Monty growled his arms going out and his legs pushing him forward right twords Y/N. Y/N ducked sliding himself under Monty holding his breath, rolling then catching himself his breath hitching. Monty looked back seeing he missed Y/N and muttered to himself letting out a low growl, glaring twords Y/N.
Y/N grinned glad his little plan worked and was on his way again letting out a laugh.
Monty huffed getting up looking around for a short cut something catching his eye, he smirked going a different way then Y/N.
Y/N kept running, feeling like he could do this forever then realizing he only heard his own footsteps. He stopped himself looking around "Monty...?" He called out in confusion turning around in circles not able to see him anywhere.  He tried listening for him but still nothing, no sign of him. Y/N felt an off feeling, he felt unsettled taking steps backwards not sure what Monty was planning. "Where are you.." Y/N muttered under his breath then hearing something behind him making him freeze.
Y/N felt eyes stare into his back, and hearing a laugh arms gripping around him pulling him close. Y/N yelled out looking back seeing Monty holding him close
"Hello there, firefly!" His voice was raspy and loud, echoing tighting his grip onto Y/N. Y/N tried getting out of his grip, but was weak compared to months strength. Feeling himself struggling and grunting, knowing this was the end. He looked up twords Monty with a hopeless look.
"You know what that means.." Monty growled in Y/Ns ear, Y/N shutting his eyes, feeling himself shiver, his heart skipping beats. Monty then attacked making Y/N yelp feeling Monty leave kisses all over him, on his cheek and neck giving nibbles and nuzzles onto his neck. Y/N giggled feeling a smile form into his face, Monty chuckling and cuddling Y/N close loosing his grip onto him his tail wagging fast. "Monty, stop that- that tickles!" Y/N continued laughing the funny tingling feeling running down his neck feeling  Monty's warm touch comforting. Monty sighed "That's was fun, wasn't it?" He tilted his head into Y/Ns giving a grin. Y/N nodded slowly his laughing fading away trying to catch his breath. "Yes..yes it was, Monty."
He responded cuddling into Monty feeling himself get picked up Monty carrying him effortlessly. "Good!" He said happily leaning forward and giving Y/N a small kiss.
Both tired after a small game of tag.
1462 words

Hope you liked! I had fun making this:)

Sorry for any spelling mistakes!

SB Monty x Male reader (Stories) CURRENTLY NOT BEING CONTINUED!!!Where stories live. Discover now