You're mine, darling.

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(Pt.3)Pew pew (you're a human in this one by the way)
It was another day at the pizza complex, the children yelled and shouted while teens
messed around with the security bots and mess with their young siblings because siblings do that. Parents laughing some shouting for the others to knock it off and some just being quiet as there kids lead them around like a dog on a leash.
Hearing squeak after squeak on the black and white checker floor. Y/N walking around checking some stuff out in the store as he was on break. Working there was easy for him, he just had to do little checkups around the place making sure the robots are functional, statues are still in tact, doors still work, ECT. Then at the end he got to go see the GlamRocks! It was nice!
Mostly enjoying Monty's company as they get along just swell, very nicely. (Last chapter 👀💪🏽)
Y/N was back to work, going over to the stage area to make sure there wasn't food all over the place since food wasn't really aloud in this area but of course there was.
Y/N sighed then whistled for the janitor bot it zooming right where the mess was, the mess was a squashed pizza on the ground
And the bot just picked up the mop then just started to smug the pizza more hearing the mop squeak against the floor as the bot continued to smudge the pizza in to the ground. The bot seen it wasn't working so it started moving the mop side to side slowly dragging the pizza now hearing it squish. the bot tilted it's head then jabbed at the pizza a few times, pecking at it for said.
"Jab, jab, jab" it repeated making more of a mess now. Y/N just stood there disappointed, crossing his arms and just sighing. "I'm starting to think they didn't put that much money on you.." Y/N said his voice fading off at the end, the bot looked at Y/N and slowly lifted up the mop and said
"Jab."  Quickly poking at Y/N with it making Y/N jump back. "Aye! Watch it!" Y/N
Shouted hearing a laugh behind him. Y/N turned around seeing a women in the Freddy Fazbear employee clothes, Y/N awkwardly chuckled as the women walked up to him. "Ah, robots, they just don't have the mind of a brilliant human!" She said laughing more. Y/N laughed a bit too but not sure what to do since he never met this woman before. She was shorter then Y/N, wearing black shoes and make up, her skin looked covered in make up as well, earrings dangled from her ear making clicking sounds every time she moved, her hair being short but wavy the color being a light tone.  "Haha..uhm, I don't think I ever seen you around here before? You new here..?" Y/N asked the woman, the woman nodded. "Yes, not that long ago I was hired! My name's Becca, dear." She hold out her hand, Y/N giving a welcoming smile.
"The names Y/N, hope you like it here." He said with a soft tone the woman grinning.
"Oh yes, I do already, with handsome man like you here!" She said gripping his cheek and moving her hand back and forth.
Her grip was kinda hard that it hurt so when she let go Y/N rubbed the side of his face a bit not knowing what that was for.
"Uhm, thank you..I guess?" He said not knowing how to take that compliment.
Not knowing a gator was not so far behind hanging around watching the women's every move.
Monty was near the stage leaning onto a wall staring at the two watching them laugh and smile. The women continuously kept putting her hand onto his face or shoulder getting to close, saying things flirty to Y/N that Monty of course didn't like. He growled baring his teeth.
"You know I never seen some handsome guys around here like you before, honey."
Becca said leaning close to Y/N, Y/N leaning back a bit not wanting her so close.
All of sudden Y/N felt a big warm hand on his shoulder, a shadow toward over both of the people. The woman stopped, leaning back looking up raising a eyebrow.
Y/N looked behind him and seen Monty glaring down to the women letting out a slight growl. "Monty! Hi, buddy!" Y/N said happily giving a smile glad to see him.
"Oh..the green one. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your green room?" The woman tone sounded annoyed for Monty interrupting her in the middle of something. "And shouldn't you be working, doll?" Monty replied his tone low and raspy leaning slightly over Y/Ns shoulder eyeing Becca. "What's wrong..?'' Y/N spoke noticing Monty was off, it was him but he seemed annoyed. Monty looked down at Y/N and gave a smile, speaking with a happy tone suddenly switching his mood. "Oh! Darling, I need you to check something out for me back stage!~" Y/N nodded, knowing that is basically his job, checking in/up on things.
"Alright, let's go!" He started to walk away, going twords the back stage, Monty staying behind with the woman, Y/N didn't notice.
Monty leaned down, getting to the woman's height giving a glare. "Watch it, doll."
And then got back up catching up with
Y/N wagging his tail. The woman, becca stood there unsettled and offended giving a scoff then walking off.
Y/N continued to walk with Monty beside him, Monty rubbing his tail against Y/Ns back, keeping Y/N close. Y/N got to the door  opened it going inside, Monty followed behind closing the door behind him. They where now behind the stage, the lights were off, no one was there, it was quiet. "Heh, what you do Monty break this light too?~" Y/N teasingly said as he tried to make out things in the dark not hearing Monty respond. He couldn't feel him by his side ether. "Monty?" Y/N said with a off tone, turning around trying to see where Monty went, then, he felt a warm touch wrap around him, it was Monty's arms. He was kneeling down to Y/Ns height
to grip around him, wagging his tail slowly side to side. He laid his head onto Y/Ns shoulder giving a low purr. "Monty, what are you doing..?" Y/N confusingly said, turning his head to look at him. Monty spoke "I just needed to remind you about something I said not that long ago, darling~" Monty let go of Y/N, Y/N turned around seeing Monty tower over him.
"What is that?" Y/N looking up to keep eye contact with him. Monty then picked him up and put him against the wall, Y/N getting caught by surprise letting out a yelp.
He wrapped his legs around Monty, hugging into him so he didn't fall but Monty had a grip on his so he didn't.
"That you're mine, dear~" Monty let out a bellow it was deep, loud, sounding hallow to Y/Ns ears. Monty started to nibble on his neck, leaving love bites all of over him again. "Monty~" Y/N moans out making Monty chuckle darkly then kissing Y/Ns lips
purring. Y/N gripped Monty's soft messy hair, letting out muffled moans as Monty slid his tounge into Y/Ns mouth feeling each inch of him, calming. Monty grasped Y/Ns chin making straight eye contact with him "Do I have permission, dear?" Monty asked for consent Y/N nodded, and Monty smirked. He started to remove Y/Ns pants taking them off then leaving him in his boxers he then hold up Y/Ns arms above his head with one hand and the other he started to rub his hand around Y/Ns thigh. Y/N grunted, leaning his head up a bit
feeling Monty get closer to his area.
His hand smoothly ridding along Y/Ns leg, moving it twords his area and palming him.
Y/N arched his back, bitting his lip keeping back moans. Monty chuckled "you're cute when you do that, darling~" then he started to pull off Y/Ns boxers letting Y/Ns extraction out the air going against his dick
making him feel relief "Agh~ fuck~".
Monty then gripped onto Y/Ns dick, thumping his hand slowly up and down
"Now..who's mine, darling?~" Monty asked.
Y/N let out heated breaths feeling Monty painfully, slowly, jack him off. He knew this was all for a tease but he hated it. "Stop.. teasing~" Monty tilted his head to the side with a evil smirk. "Then answer me..who do you belong to?~" his tone was low and husky wanting to hear the answer from
Y/N. "Y-you.." Y/N choked out, Monty chuckling picking up his paste Y/N moans in pleasure feeling Monty hand go up and down rubbing his dick feeling warmth around it. "Good boy~" Monty praised letting go of Y/Ns arms, Y/N wrapping his arms around his neck and leaning close putting his head ontop of Monty's shoulder.
Monty started to kiss his neck, nibbling, bitting, and sucking in areas it would be visible. He wanted it to be, he wanted everyone to know he was already taken before someone would try to take Y/N away from him again. He growled in Y/N ear, pumping his hand up and down feeling
Y/Ns dick twitch in his hand. "I'm close~ keep going, please~" Y/N begged and Monty did as he said, moving his hand faster, rubbing his dick moving his hand up and down then hearing Y/N muffle his moan, bitting into Monty's shoulder as he cummed in Monty's hand. Monty let out a small moan, liking the bite Y/N did. Y/N noticed, but not saying anything to use it against him later. Monty then put Y/N down to sit on the ground as he got his clothes from the ground and gave them to Y/N. Y/N was now fully dressed again, his breathing still kinda heavy. "I hope you enjoyed that, My dear." Monty leaned in and kissed the top of his forehead. "You know, I'll get you back for teasing me like that.." Y/N said with a chuckle after. Monty laughed "I like to see you try" he then hugged Y/N close, cuddling him and nuzzling his face into Y/Ns neck
Y/N giggled cuddling Monty back, getting comfy in his grasp.
1805 words

Hope you liked!
Next chapter soon:D

Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!

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