Not A Chapter But Important

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Hey guys!  I know its been a while, and I am terribly sorry for making you guys wait.  Anyways, this isn't a chapter because I have thought about am idea; that I think you guys would like to see.

The First idea I thought of was, an Encanto book

Title:  Understanding Her Traits

- This story takes place a few months after the movie

- When the family realizes that the magic comes back after Mirabel puts the doorknob on, they start to notice a few different things about Mirabel as time goes on.

- They notice that she has gotten a little bit taller and a little more buff (she is a few inches taller than Augustin and noticeably buff like Luisa).  When they ask her about it she simply says "Its just a growth spurt and I lift weights a few times a day."   

- Sometimes when one or few of the family members are outside and in the village, they see Mirabel sitting in the garden, (made by Isabela) and talking to the animals.  Those who ask her normally get a response of "I'm able to understand what the animals say because of how they act." 

- Whenever the family would eat they noticed that the effect on them, was stronger than it was just Julieta cooking before.  "Well I mean, love is a lot more effective when more people support each other."  Was all she would say to them most of the time.

- When it came to plants, Mirabel was always the one to try to make it perfect.  Isabela was the first to notice this because of how Mirabel would tell Isabela to put the more rare plants lined up.  She would pick which would go best depending on the occasion and say, "this will go perfect for the party."

- When it comes to emotions, she tends to have mood swings.  Whenever she's mad they notice faint little cloud above her head.  Pepa would ask her if she would feel any type of drizzle or something along those lines.  "Its just a mood swing tia." 

- Psychic's are able to see a few seconds into the future (ok that might be a lie but stick with me here)  That's why people tend to notice Mirabel zoning out for a seconds.  Though when she zones back, in she starts to hyperventilate.  "I was just saw something, don't worry you guys."

- When she would go entertain the kids Camilo would walk around and notice her shift into person and then the next.  He never thought anything of it at first since he thought maybe it was the magic that allowed her to do that "One minute I'm one person and the next I'm another person."

- When it came to big and loud noises Mirabel would cover her ears.  Though not everyone is as blind to notice it.... If your Dolores Madrigal that is.  Since you'd be the first to notice.   With Dolores's gift of hearing, she tends to catch on a little more quickly.  Ever since Mirabel's sudden change in behavior and appearance, she has been keeping an eye.. or more like an ear on for her.  The first time Dolores noticed was when they were exploring the new rebuilt casita, she noticed that Mirabel had a glowing door just like everyone else.

-Once Everyone starts to talk about this they come to the conclusion that Mirabel somehow got everyone's gift's but they still have theirs.

- Abuela has been having a health problem in her head, so most of the time she is just in her room and the family visits her to keep her company.

- The last thing is that their will be a second part to it if you guys would want to read the first one.

The other idea I had was Mirabel one-shots

- Though that is pretty much self explanatory

The third idea I had was this MLB x Aphmau book

- The thing is that I'm still trying to get this book to be good and entertaining so that you guys can read it.  The problem is that I'm a little lost on putting chapters together in a way.

Now that I told you guys this I thought it would be nice if I let you guys join in on the ideas as well.

I will also let you guys request as well, understand that if I don't get your request done in a quick time, is because I am doing my own things.

However I will try to work on the next chapter and get it up on the weekend or sometime during next week.  Thank you for reading this and understanding.

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