12- Elevator incident

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I get a call from Alyssa, "Hey booo" she says.

"Hey Al, what's up?"

"Wanna go out for a movie? I know it's late, but I'm really bored right now, Em's already asleep so I have no one to hang out with"

"What about your roommate?"

"Sleeping aswell"

"Oh okay, well I'm kinda tired too, so I'm not sure if I have enough energy to, sorry love, and I was already planning to just watch a movie here in my bed incase I fall asleep."

"Aww okay, maybe when we're all settled in? I'm almost done moving in and stuff and so is Em, what about you?"

"Yea sure, and Im already done moving in"

"Cool! So I guess we can hang out maybe tomorrow?"


"Okay bye Mads!"

"Bye Al!"

I decided to get some snacks, since I wanted to watch some movies in my room. It was already a bit dark, but I didn't mind.

When I got out of my room, I noticed that River was in the couch, searching through some movies. He noticed me too.

"Hey Mads" he said.

"Don't call me that, jerk"

"I can call you whatever I want"


"Anyways, do you wanna watch a movie with me or something?" he said

"What?..." I drew out

"I mean not like that!" He said defensively. "I meant like watch a movie together, you were already gonna watch one anyway"

"How'd you know I was gonna watch a movie?"

"Cause of your loud and annoying voice when you were in a call with Alyssa. OH EM GEE HI AL!! OH EM GEE YEAAA OKAYYYY BYEEEEE!!!" he said in the most girly and unrealistic voice he could make

"First of all, I do not sound like that! Second of all, stop eavesdropping, it's none of your business."

"Whatever, anyways, the offer still stands"

"Fine okay, just let me get some snacks"

I got some chips, soda for him and some juice for me, I hate soda for some reason. I hate the fiz and taste of it and some of them make my stomach hurt, so I only drink iced tea or juice or water.

"So what are we watching?" I said as I plopped on the couch far away from his side. What? I don't wanna stay near that.

"The impossible" he said as he clicked play.

In the middle of the movie I started getting tired. I didn't bother telling River so I just laid my head on a pillow, it didn't feel usual, but I assumed it was just because it wasn't a pillow from my room. After that, I dozed off.


When I woke up, I was surprised that my back wasn't hurting since I slept on the couch. What surprised me even more was that I was on my bed. That dream was strangely vivid, but oh well.

I went to check my phone to see my notifications, and I saw that Alyssa and Emily were having a conversation in our group chat, so I decided to hop in.


A: There she's online

A: hey Mads!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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